ForEach method was added before LINQ. If you add ForEach extension, it will never be called for List instances because of extension methods constraints. I think the reason it was not added is to not interference with existing one.

It won't actually do anything until you do something to force iteration. For that reason, it shouldn't be called .ForEach(). You could write .ToList() at the end, or you could write this extension method, too:

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Actually, the specific discussion I witnessed did in fact hinge over functional purity. In an expression, there are frequently assumptions made about not having side-effects. Having ForEach is specifically inviting side-effects rather than just putting up with them. -- Keith Farmer (Partner)

So there has been a lot of comments about the fact that a ForEach extension method isn't appropriate because it doesn't return a value like the LINQ extension methods. While this is a factual statement, it isn't entirely true.

However, just because LINQ is implemented using extension methods does not mean that extension methods must be used in the same way and return a value. Writing an extension method to expose common functionality that does not return a value is a perfectly valid use.

The specific arguement about ForEach is that, based on the constraints on extension methods (namely that an extension method will never override an inherited method with the same signature), there may be a situation where the custom extension method is available on all classes that impelement IEnumerable except List. This can cause confusion when the methods start to behave differently depending on whether or not the extension method or the inherit method is being called.

The real power of the foreach extension method involves reusability of the Action without adding unnecessary methods to your code. Say that you have 10 lists and you want to perform the same logic on them, and a corresponding function doesn't fit into your class and is not reused. Instead of having ten for loops, or a generic function that is obviously a helper that doesn't belong, you can keep all of your logic in one place (the Action. So, dozens of lines get replaced with

In 3.5, all the extension methods added to IEnumerable are there for LINQ support (notice that they are defined in the System.Linq.Enumerable class). In this post, I explain why foreach doesn't belong in LINQ: Existing LINQ extension method similar to Parallel.For?

I know that pulling back for some time after seeing success in this already long process can suck but for the process to truly be successful, you need to be patient. The being there method just adds length to the ex-recovery process but if you stick with it you will see good results.

I did the being there method with my ex bf through text message for 2 months. It was going fine until my ex texted me saying he was not doing well and that his gf was uncomfortable with him talking to me even though we are friends. Now he ignores my text messages and it sounds from the igniting like he was ordered to cut contact.

What do I do? I live 2 states away and this was my only connection to him.

Hey A, so it shows that the being there method is working and that you are a threat to the new girlfriend. I would pull back for 21 days and then reach out again with a text that would ask him for advice about something only HE would know about this would open conversation again and means that the new girlfriend would be less worried about things between you at that time.

Hey Laura, yes you need to NC you also need to assess the situation. If there was someone treating someone you loved and cared about as a second / back up option would you be telling them to wait for them? I understand that you have feelings for this person but the fact that they want to be with the other person because they want to explore their options and chances with someone else then they are directly telling you that you are a backup plan. Read about being the Ungettable girl and I HIGHLY recommend that you start dating other people.

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.QuestionautonugPosted June 23, 2020autonugResident  56Share Posted June 23, 2020 Hello everyone, Sorry if this is wrong place to post this I couldn't find where to put this. I want to open my store on MP and need payment info used for that. For some reason " There was a problem charging your payment method." is popping up. Any idea what I can do.

This is my second time hiring from Upwork. For the first time, I used Mastercard debitcard. There was no problem at all. But now I can't hire the freelancer and there is notification says 'There was a problem charging your billing method. Please enter a new billing method and try again'. I've tried to remove my billing method and re-add it many times but still didn't work. I also have contacted Upwork help team and the response was:

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

I've checked all the information, try and try....the problem still occurs. I also replied to the Upwork team's email since 4 hours ago and there is no further response. It really makes me stressed because I need the work done by tomorrow and I've found the right candidate for this job.

Alot of times, we see carriers with the same Name. Every carrier needs to have a unique name.

After that, check in Payment > Settings tab if all carriers are checked for the payment method you wish to display.

Background:  Cohesion is described as the force between particles of the same substance that acts to unite them. Contrary to rheology, there are currently no ready-made instruments designed to measure cohesion, or methods which could be easily adapted to gels. To study and compare the possible clinical effects from the cohesive properties of a gel, it is necessary to standardize the definition and measurement of cohesion.

Methods and materials:  Three different methods were evaluated and compared with measures of perceived cohesion; compression force, dispersion in water and drop weight. Two different families of fillers (Emervel and Restylane) were used for evaluating the different methods.

Results:  The compression force did not reflect the measures of perceived cohesion. The dispersion method showed variable results over time, had some practical issues, and is evaluated by subjective assessment. The best correlation to the perceived cohesion was found with the drop weight method.

Is there any sort of method or graph I can use to compare if one cube size is better/worse? Could I estimate it based on the number of objects I get after segmentation? I am quite inexperienced with quantitative image analysis and there is no one in my lab who can really help me so I apologize if this seems basic.

Thank you so much for the detailed answer! My main worry is I do not want to oversample my data because I cannot achieve single cell resolution for reasons already stated. Additionally, I do not really have a set structural size to resolve because there is very little structural biofilm information about S. aureus in the literature. Part of that is what makes my research novel but it also means I have to come up with my own methods to ensure consistency across my data and I tend to second-guess myself a lot. I have been primarily using either 10 or 12 voxels (8.79/12um) for my cube length. I plan on doing an additional quality control step by filtering objects with 95% volume_fraction to remove heavy outliers.

Now the problem is that if I have the currency restricted to euros for both plugins the payment methods only show up for the default country for the webshop, Finland in this case. For all other countries it says no payment methods on checkout. If I change the currency restriction to customer currency and use for example a german vpn and a german address I get the payment options. If I use a US address and a US vpn I get no payment method. No currency option will give me a payment method when trying to purchase from the US.

Ok, so I tested that if I set "Set default country from browser language" to NO and "Geolocation by IP address" to NO then I get the payment methods using a German address no matter how I restrict the currency, I also checked that Netherlands also works. However, if I for example use a Spanish address I get no payment method even though they use euros too, and Sweden doesn't work either(and probably all other countries that do not use euros).

So it definitely works in other countries too, and not just Finland, but it seems to be restricted to countries that use euros(but strangely not all euro countries work), even though under payment/preferences all countries are selected. I tried editing United States under countries and changing the currency to euros there but it did not help.

edit: I did some further testing, previously I only had one shipping method enabled, I added a simple fixed price shipping method for the US in addition to the DHL option. If I select the fixed shipping option it gives me a payment method, but if I select DHL it says no payment method again even though the dhl plugin correctly gives the shipping price. I get no payment method even if I make the DHL shipping free. So there appears to be some incompatibility with the official DHL plugin and prestashop. 0852c4b9a8

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