Hyunwoo Ryu

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Email: hwryu [at] mit [dot] edu

Curriculum Vitae: [link]

I am an incoming EECS Ph.D. student at MIT CSAIL advised by Prof. Vincent Sitzmann. Previously, I obtained my MS degree in Artificial Intelligence and BA degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yonsei University, advised by Prof. Jongeun Choi. My research interests lie in incorporating spatio-temporal understandings to robot learning methods. Especially, I explore the mathematical tools from theoretical physics and differential geometry to gain deeper insights in modeling the spatio-temporal structures of robotic tasks. For example, I use Lie group and representation theoretic approaches to exploit the spatial roto-translational symmetry, also known as the SE(3)-equivariance, in robotic manipulation learning. My overarching aim is to conceive mathematical models that can accurately represent and model the causal structure of robot learning problems that lies within the space-time. This exploration resonates with my conviction that the robot itself is an embodiment within this space-time.


Conference Papers

Hyunwoo Ryu, Jiwoo Kim, Hyunseok An,  Junwoo Chang, Joohwan Seo, Taehan Kim, Yubin Kim, Chaewon Hwang, Jongeun Choi, Roberto Horowitz

CVPR 2024
Highlight (11.9% of accepted papers)

Workshop Papers

(* indicates equal contribution)

Junwoo Chang*, Hyunwoo Ryu* (Equal Contribution), Jiwoo Kim, Soochul Yoo, Joohwan Seo, Nikhil Potu Surya Prakash, Jongeun Choi, Roberto Horowitz

NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Diffusion Models

Jiwoo Kim*, Hyunwoo Ryu* (Equal Contribution, Oral Speaker), Jongeun Choi, Joohwan Seo, Nikhil Potu Surya Prakash, Ruolin Li, Roberto Horowitz

RSS 2023 Workshop on Symmetries in Robot Learning
Oral / Best Paper Award


Team Leader

The 5th Yonsei University Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Academic Conference, 2023
Best Technical Demonstration Award

System Architect / ROS, SLAM, Navigation, Motion Planning, Sim2real Engineer

ICRA 2019 RoboMaster AI Challenge   @Montreal, Canada
3rd Prize, S+ rank in Technical Reports (top 4 out of 68 universities worldwide)
