
hyunsung.kim [at] fitogether.com

LinkedIn / Google Scholar / GitHub / CV

Hi, I am a Sports Data Scientist who loves both mathematics and soccer (football). I work as a Data Scientist at Fitogether, an IT startup that provides a data analysis solution to sports clubs. Before that, I received a B.S. in Mathematics at POSTECH and an M.S. in Industrial Engineering at Seoul National University.

Research Interests

I'm interested in applying AI algorithms to sports analytics, where my specialty and passion intersect. More specifically, my current research topics are:

The above topics can boil down to modeling multi-agent trajectories. Ideally, I aim to find a general model with a complete understanding of soccer that can solve the aforementioned problems through downstream tasks.

I expect that my current and future work may become a springboard for soccer to be "the sports of data science." (You can see the abstracts of my papers here.)
