Hyo-Sung Ahn, Professor (Fellow, ICROS; Senior Member, IEEE)

Distributed Control and Autonomous Systems Lab (DCASL)  (Visit https://dcas.gist.ac.kr/)

School of Mechanical Eng.       

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

123 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Korea

Contact: ahnhyosung@gmail.com, hyosung@gist.ac.kr 


Ph.D.   Electrical & Computer Engineering        Utah State University                         UT, USA                                                       2006

M.S.     Electrical Engineering                                     Uni. of North Dakota                          ND, USA                                                       2003

M.S.     Astronomy                                                             Yonsei University                         Seoul, Korea                                                       2000

B.S.      Astronomy & Atmospheric Science         Yonsei University                        Seoul, Korea                                                       1998


Dean                                               School of Mechanical Eng., GIST,  Korea                                                                       02/2020 –08/2023

Professor                                     School of Mechanical Eng., GIST,  Korea                                                                       03/2016 –

Visiting Scholar                        Colorado School of Mines, CO, USA                                                                               02/2019 -01/2020

Director                                        Division of Library and Information Resources, GIST, Korea                           01/2017 –01/2019

Associate Professor              School of Mechatronics, GIST, Korea,                                                                             10/2012 –02/2016

Visiting Scholar                        Korean Astronomy and Space Institute, Korea                                                         09/2012 - 08/2013 

Assistant Professor               Dept. of Mechatronics, GIST, Korea                                                                                 07/2007 –09/2012

Senior Researcher                 ETRI, Intelligent Robot Research  Division, Korea                                                  06/2006 – 07/2007

Research Engineer                Space Development and Research Center,  Korea Aerospace Ind. LTD      09/2000 –12/2001

Research Interests

Honor and Awards

Professional Experience and Professional Memberships

2015.5-2017.04  Chair, Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), ICROS

2005-                        Senior Member (2016.12-), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) CSS and IES

2007-                        Senior Member (2015-2022), Fellow (2022-), ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems)

2007-2013            Symposium Chair, Autonomous Systems and Ambient Intelligence, IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA)

2008, 2010            Associate Editor, IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control

08, 10, 12, 14, 16  Associate Editor, IEEE Int. Conf. Control Automation, Robotics, and Vision (ICARCV)

2016                          Award Committee, 2016 ICARCV

2008, 2017           Associate Editor, IEEE/ASME Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)

2009-2018            Associate Editor, Chinese Conf. Decision and Control (CCDC)

2009-10                  Guest Editor, European Journal of Control

2009-10                  Guest Editor, Asian Journal of Control

2010                          Associate Editor, IEEE ISSCAA

2016                          Associate Editor, Seventh Int. Conf. on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP)

2010-2013           Editor, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sci

2013-2015            Associate Editor, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

2014-2017.06     Associate Editor, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems

2014-2019.05     Associate Editor, Int. Journal of Control, Automation & Systems

2014.12-  2016.12   Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics

2015.04-  2017.04   Associate Editor, Journal of the Franklin Institute

2017                          Workshop/Tutorials Chair/Associate Editor, The 2017 Asian Control Conference

2017                          Guest Editor, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics (Vol. 64, No. 6, June 2017)

2017                          Associate Editor, IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

2017                          Associate Editor, IFAC World Congress

2017                          Program Chair, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems 2017

2018                          Associate Editor, IFAC Workshop on Distributed Est. and Cont. in Network Systems (NecSys)

2019.05-                 Editor, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (JCMSI)

2020.02 -2022    Editor, Int. Journal of Control, Automation & Systems 

2023.01 -                Editor-in-Chief, Int. Journal of Control, Automation & Systems 

2020                          Program Co-Chair, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems 2020

2020.12                   Finance Chair, IEEE Int. Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2020

2023.12                   Finance Co-Chair, IEEE Int. Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023

2023~2026     IPC Chair for IFAC World Congress 2026

2024.01-                 Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. Control of Network System

2024.01-                 Associate Editor, Unmanned Systems

Selected Invited Talks (since March 2015)

Download of Presentations 

Presentation slides (Download): Distributed formation control: From rigidity theory to implementations

Distributed formation control - from rigidity theory to implementations-2024-Aug 21- 2 hours version.pdf
SWARM-2024-1 hour version.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): Distributed coordination for optimal energy generation and distribution

Distributed coordination for optimal energy distribution.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): Distributed coordination for urban traffic networks

Distributed traffic control_short version.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): Opinion dynamics with cross-coupling topics: Modeling and Analysis

Opinion Dynamics with Cross-Coupling Topics- Modeling and Analysis.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): Topological controllability of diffusive coupled network agents

Topological controllability.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): CSS & UWB-based Localization for Applications in UAVs

Localization_Presentation_HUST_2022_11_part 1_2 Together.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): Distributed Formation Control - A generalized framework

Distributed Formation Control - A generalized framework.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): A physical interpretation of the rigidity matrix

A physical interpretation of the rigidity matrix.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): Distributed coordination and control in interconnected networks: Basic theory and applications

Energy distribution DCASL-snu-talk.pdf

Presentation slides (Download): K3 and K4 formation in 2-dimensional space


Presentation slides (Download): Iterative learning control (ILC): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4


Book Publications (3 books)

Journal Publications (The asterisk * indicates my (ex-) students) 

Preprint Publications, etc.

Conference Papers (Since 2012)

Resume with all publication list

Hyo-Sung Ahn CV-2024-03.pdf