About Me

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at Sogang University under the guidance of Prof. Junsuk Choe. I hold a B.A. in Economics, having also completed a double major in Computer Science and Engineering at Sogang University. I am interested in reliable and scalable machine learning. I am particularly focused on machine unlearning, which involves intentionally making a model forget specific datasets while maintaining its performance on others. As concerns over data privacy increase, effective machine unlearning strategies becomes crucial for protecting personal information. With this in mind, I am aiming to become an expert in this field.

In addition, this is my cute dog named Star :)


7/2024: started my research internship at NAVER AI Lab.
4/2024: 1 paper accepted to Pattern Recognition Letters (IF: 5.1)
7/2023: served as visiting scholars at the Tübingen AI Center (Host: Dr. Seong Joon Oh)


Weakly-supervised Incremental learning for Semantic segmentation with Class Hierarchy

Hyoseo Kim, Junsuk Choe

Curriculum Learning with Class-label Composition for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Dongjun Hwang, Hyoseo Kim, Doyeol Baek, Hyunbin Kim, Inhye Kye, Junsuk Choe.



Sogang University, Seoul, Korea (Sep 2022 - now)

Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany (Mar 2021 - Aug 2021)

Sogang University, Seoul, Korea (Mar 2018 - Aug 2022)

Work Experience

Teaching Assistant

Sogang University of Computer Science and Engineering

Sogang Institute of whole person education



