
Hyoseok Hwang, Ph. D., Associate Professor

Department of Software Convergence, Kyung Hee University

Office: 318, College of Software Convergence

Tel: +82-31-201-3749

E-mail: hyoseok at khu.ac.kr

Lab homepage: http://airlab.khu.ac.kr


Hyoseok Hwang is currently an assistant professor of Department of Software Convergence at Kyung Hee University. He received his B.S. from Mechanical Engineering at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea in 2004. He receives his M.S from Robotics in 2009 and Ph.D. from Department of Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejon, Korea in 2017, advised by Prof. In So Kweon. From 2009 to 2018, he worked at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Samsung Electronics as a Senior Researcher. His research focused on Computer Vision, Machine Learning, which spans over calibration, object detection, 6D pose estimation and 3D reconstuction for intelligent robot, autonomous navigation, and augmented reality.


Working experiences



International Journals

International Conferences

U.S. Patents
