Hyesung Ahn

M.S. Student @ Vertically Integrated Architecture Research Group 

Graduate School of AI Semiconductor, KAIST

Email: hyesung.ahn@kaist.ac.kr

Office: N1 818 @ KAIST


September 2023 - Present

M.S. in Graduate School of AI Semiconductor, KAIST

Advisor: Prof. Minsoo Rhu & Prof. Hoijun Yoo

March 2017 - February 2023

B.S. in Department of Bio-mechatronic Engineering, SKKU

Double Majored in School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, SKKU


December 2022 - August 2023

Engineer at Business Solutions, LG Electronics

March 2022 - June 2022

Co-op Internship at Device Solutions, Samsung Electronics