Hyesun Cho, Associate Professor
Dankook University, Graduate School of Education (English Language Education)
Ph.D. in Linguistics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, PhD in Linguistics (Specializing in phonology and phonetics)
PhD dissertation: A weighted-constraint model of F0 movements (Thesis supervisors: Edward Flemming and Michael Kenstowicz)
Seoul National University, English Language and Literature (MA)
Ewha Womans University, English Language and Literature (BA)
Big-Data Analysis Engineer (National Technical Qualification, 2022)
Google Certified Educator (Level 2, 2024)
Google Certified Educator (Level 1, 2018)
Landscape Architect (National Technical Qualification, 2000)
Dankook University
Email: hscho at dankook ac kr
Dankook University, Graduate School of Education152, Jukjeon-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 16890+82 31 8005 3968