정책자문 및 정책연구

Policy Advising/Research

  1. 『부동산 안정화 정책 실효성 제고 이론 및 실증분석』, 대통령직속 정책기획위원회 연구보고서, PM, 2021.

Project Manager, Theory and Empirical Analysis for Promotion of Housing Market Stabilization of Korea, Presidential Council of Policy Planning of Blue House, 2021.

  1. Project Manager, Foreign Exchange Transaction Monitoring and Market Stabilization Measures, BOK-KPP Policy Consultation for Cambodia, 2021.

『외환거래 모니터링 및 시장불안시 대응방안』, 한국은행 지식교류프로그램 캄보디아 정책자문, PM, 2021.

  1. Project Manager, Monetary Operations and Foreign Exchange Rate Policy, BOK-KPP Policy Consultation for Cambodia, 2020.

『통화정책 및 외환정책 운영』, 한국은행 지식교류프로그램 캄보디아 정책자문, PM, 2021.

  1. 『코로나사태 이후 국제질서 변동과 한반도 평화프로세스- 신남·북방 정책을 중심으로』, 통일연구원, PM, 2020.

Project Manager, Post-Covid-19 Changes of Global Order and the Implications on Korean Peninsula Peace Process: Focusing on New South Policy and New North Policy, Korea Institute for National Unification, 2020.

  1. 『글로벌 가치사슬 관점 코로나19의 한국경제 임팩트 진단』, 시장과 정부 연구소, PM, 2020.

  1. 『분야별 지출구조조정 작업반 지출효율화 방안』, 외교∙통일분야, PM, 2020.

  1. 『동남아 개발협력 효과성 제고에 관한 소고: 개발효과성과 경제협력 유기적 연계를 통한 상생발전 관점』, PM, 한국수출입은행 EDCF, 2019.

Monograph on the Effectiveness of Development Cooperation in Southeast Asia: From the Mutual Prosperity Perspective, PM, Korea EXIM Bank EDCF, 2019.

  1. 『2019–2023 국가재정운용계획』 중기재정 작업반, 외교∙통일 분과, 분과위원장, 2019.

Medium Term Budget Planning Task Force of Korean Government 2019-2024, Division of Foreign Affairs and Unification, Project Manager, 2019.

  1. 「Perspectives and Key Issues of Interbank Market Development of Cambodia」, Chapter 1 in Interbank Market Development in Cambodia, BOK-KPP Policy Consultation, 2019.

『캄보디아 은행간 시장 발전방안』 제1장, 공동연구원, 한국은행 KPP 정책자문, 2019.

  1. Demographic Dividend with a Gender Dimension: The Case of the Republic of Korea, Consultant, UN ESCAP, 2019.

  1. 『다자협력 성과 제고 방안 연구』, PM, 국무조정실, 2019.

Studies on the Effectiveness of Multilateral Development Cooperation, Project Manager, Prime Minister’s Office of Korean Government, 2019.

  1. Advanced Sectoral Growth Tool and Extensions of the Long-Term Growth Model, Consultant, Global Facility on Growth for Development, World Bank, 2018.

  1. 『글로벌 개발협력 환경변화에 따른 유상원조 역할 재조명과 한국 ODA 추진체계 발전방향』, PM, 한국수출입은행 EDCF, 2017.

Re-examination of the Roles of ODA Loans and Korea’s ODA Implementation System with the Changes of Global Environment of Development Cooperation, Project Manager, Korea Exim Bank, 2017.

  1. Long-Term Growth in the Face of Macroeconomic Constraints, Consultant, Global Facility on Growth for Development, World Bank, 2016.

  1. 「유상원조의 수원국 개발효과성」, 『유상원조의 경제성 효과 분석』 4장, 한국수출입은행 EDCF, 2016.

Analysis of Development Effectiveness of ODA Loans, Chapter 4 of Analysis of Economic Impacts of ODA Loans, Researcher, Korea Exim Bank, 2016.

  1. 「북한이탈주민의 취업, 소득 및 인적자본 형성에 관한 이해와 정책함의」, KDI 연구보고서, 2016.

Understanding of the Employment, Income, and Human Capital Formation of North Korean Defectors, KDI Research Monograph, 2016.

  1. 『EU 지식공유사업 체계가 한국의 개발협력 전략수립에 주는 함의에 관한 연구』, PM, KDI CID, 2016.

Implications of EU’ Knowledge Sharing System on Korea’s Strategy for Development Cooperation, Project Manager, KDI CID, 2016.

  1. 『2016–2020 국가재정운용계획』 중기재정 작업반, 외교∙통일 분과, 분과위원장, 2016.

Medium Term Budget Planning Task Force of Korean Government 2016-2020, Division of Unification and Foreign Affairs, Project Manager, Promoting Development Cooperation and Private Sector Development Using Development Finance, 2016.

  1. 「중장기 경제어젠다 지수개발 방법론 연구」, 대한상공회의소, 2016.

Methods of Developing Milestone Indices of Long-term Growth Agenda for Korean Economy, Korean Chamber of Commerce, Project Manager, 2016.

  1. Nuts and Bolts of the Aid for Vocational Education: Insights from a Good Practice, Background Research Paper for Education Commission, International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity, 2016.

  1. 「중장기 양허성차관 선진화 방안: 한국 ODA의 금융협력 활성화」, PM, 한국수출입은행 EDCF, 2016.

Medium and Long Term Plans for Enhancing Financial Cooperation in Korea’s Development Cooperation System, Project Manager, Economic Development Cooperation Fund at Korea Eximbank, 2016.

  1. 「삼각협력을 활용한 우리나라 ODA 발전방안」, PM, 국무조정실, 2015.

Korea’s Development Cooperation Strategy via Triangular Cooperation, Project Manager, Prime Minister Office of Government of Korea, 2015.

  1. 「한국 ODA 민간협력 활성화 방안」, 2015–2019 국가재정운용계획 중기재정 작업반, 외교∙통일 분과, 2015.

Medium Term Budget Planning Task Force of Korean Government 2015-2019, Division of Unification and Foreign Affairs, Vitalization of Private Sector Cooperation in Korean ODA System, 2015.

  1. 「KSP 체계 개선방안」, PM, 기획재정부, 2014-2015.

Reform Plans for the System of Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP), Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Government of Korea, 2014-2015.

  1. Cambodia Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP), Education Reform for Sustainable Growth in Cambodia Focusing on Higher Education, 2014-2015.

「캄보디아의 지속가능한 성장을 위한 교육개혁: 고등교육을 중심으로」 Cambodia 지식공유사업 (KSP), 2014-2015.

  1. 「개발금융 도입을 통한 한국의 개발협력체제 발전 방향에 대한 고찰」, PM, 한국수출입은행 EDCF, 2013.

Exploration on Advancing the Korean Development Cooperation System by Introducing Development Finance, Project Manager, Economic Development Cooperation Fund at Korea Eximbank, 2013.

  1. Cambodia Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP), Cambodian Skill Shortage and Skill Mismatch Analysis with Policy Recommendation, 2013-2014.

「캄보디아의 기술인력 부족 및 수급불일치 문제 분석과 정책 제언」 Cambodia 지식공유사업 (KSP), 2013-2014.

  1. 「한국 ODA 현황과 중기재정계획을 위한 적정규모 전망」, 2013–2017 국가재정 운용계획 중기재정 작업반, 외교∙통일 분과, 2013.

Medium Term Budget Planning Task Force of Korean Government 2013-2017, Division of Unification and Foreign Affairs, Exploration of Current Status of Korean ODA and Forecasting of Appropriate Size of Korean ODA for National Budget Plan, 2013.

  1. Cambodia Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP), Skill Need Assessment and Forecast of Cambodian Labor Market, 2012-2013.

「캄보디아 노동시장 숙련기술 인력 수요 평가」Cambodia 지식공유사업 (KSP), 2012-2013.

  1. 「한국형 ODA를 위한 원조체제 강화 방안」, PM, 한국수출입은행 EDCF, 2012.

Studies on Designing Korean Approaches to Official Development Assistance, Project Manager, Korea Eximbank EDCF, 2012.

  1. Microeconomics of Income Distribution Dynamics in East Asia and Latin America, Joint IDB-World Bank Project, Consultant Economist, PI: Francois Bourguignon, World Bank, 1998-2000.