HydroColor and Albedo Mobile Application Privacy Policy

March 5, 2023

Thomas Leeuw

HydroColor & Albedo Applications

Privacy Policy

This document contains information regarding the use of potentially sensitive information by the HydroColor or Albedo applications. The Privacy Policies for the two applications are presented in a single document, since the two applications are identical in the information they gather and the smartphone sensors they access.

This document will inform you about what is collected by the HydroColor and Albedo applications and how the collected information is utilized and stored by the applications.

Sensors accessed

The HydroColor and Albedo applications access several sensors in your smartphone. The sensors accessed by the applications are: the rear facing camera, accelerometer, GPS, and onboard file system. In order for the HydroColor and Albedo applications to make a measurement, the camera and accelerometer must be used. The GPS is used to save the users location when a measurement is taken. None of these sensors are ever used by the HydroColor or Albedo applications when the application is not active (i.e. in the background). The onboard filesystem is used to store and read measurement data. Saved measurement data contains thumbnail images that were collected during the measurement, as well as the GPS location. The applications never access any data on the filesystem that was not generated by the application itself.


Data collected using the HydroColor or Albedo applications is stored locally on the device. We do not request or receive this information. The data saved by the applications is freely accessible on the file system. The data stored onboard includes the thumbnail images that were captured during a measurement along with the GPS location. Should the applications be used for their intended purposes, the saved data will not contain any sensitive information. 


For additional information, send inquiries to tlscuba80(at)yahoo.com.