One of the great things about Hydra is its flexibility; it supports a wide range of protocols and services, a list of which can be found in the manual page -- man hydra from the command line. Note, support for some protocols needs to be compiled in. To determine what protocols and services are supported by your installation, execute the command hydra -- without arguments -- to obtain a list. Figure 3 shows what appears when running the Hydra command without arguments on a vanilla Kali installation.

Hey guys, this isn't particularly a Linux question but I'll really appreciate a response, also I'm relatively new to pen testing so forgive my ignorance guys. So yesterday i use the hydra tool to brute for my windows XP password and it got me thinking, all i did was supply the I.P address and it guessed the password, is the tool only for guessing log in password for windows? If not how did it know to return just the login? What if they were other services running which i wanted the login credentials for, how do i go about that? I'm sorry if the questions is silly, thank you

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To crack passwords a great tool to brute force is a hydra. It is a parallelized login cracker or password cracker. It was faster and flexible where adding modules is easy. Hydra usually comes preinstalled in the Kali Linux system but if in any case it is not installed or you are using any other distribution you can follow the steps in this article.

This command will directly install hydra from repositories, this will install the command-line version of hydra with front end GUI on your Linux system. The major drawback of using this command is that you will not be able to get the latest version, so in case you used this command or hydra was preinstalled on your system you can remove it using:

I am not sure if it is a good idea post this problem in here or not. But I really need help as I failed to find any in the internet. I made a script to bruteforce using hydra that uses https-form-post method. Instead of passing a whole password list with parameter -P this script takes one password from the list and passes it to hydra with parameter -p and perform some actions in the intervals. When I run this script in my android phone with termux it takes only 3-4 seconds for each passord. But when I use the same script in laptop with kali linux it takes almost 20-30 seconds or even more for each password. Can anyone tell me why is this happening? My android phone is a very old one using android 4 and its ram is around 500mb. On the otherhand my laptop has a ram of 8gb. I tried http-form-post instead of https-form-post and it was quite fast but unfortunately it can not find the credential using http.

Hydra is a pre-installed tool in Kali Linux used to brute-force usernames and passwords to different services such as FTP, ssh, telnet, MS SQL, etc. Brute force can be used to try different usernames and passwords against a target to identify the correct credentials. Below is the list of all protocols supported by hydra.

Each Hydra command begins with the keyword hydra followed by a series of command-line options specifying how Hydra should conduct its password attacks. Some of these options have mandatory parameters.

Note: For brute forcing hydra needs a list of passwords. There are a lot of password available out there ( -password-list-rockyoutxt).In this example we are going to use the default password list provided with John the ripper. The password list is pre-installed in Kali Linux and the password list can be found at the following location cd /usr/share/john/password.lst .

so I used this hydra syntax hydra -l '' -P /root/Downloads/a http-post-form "/admin.php:pass=^PASS^:F=Invalid input!" -t16the problem is im getting too much green lines (false positives)so am i doing something wrong?

Hello! Pentesters, this article is about a brute-forcing tool Hydra. Hydra is one of the favourite tools of security researchers and consultants. Being an excellent tool to perform brute force attacks, it provides various other options which can make your attack more intense and easier to gain unauthorised access to the system remotely. In this article, I have discussed each option available in hydra to make brute force attacks in various scenarios.

It may happen sometimes, that attack gets halted/paused accidentally due to some unexpected behaviour by hydra. So, hydra has solved this problem by including the -R option so that you can resume the attack from that position rather than starting from the beginning.

Network admins sometimes change the default port number of some services for security reasons. In the previous commands hydra was making brute force attack on ftp service by just mentioning the service name rather than port, but as mentioned earlier default port gets changed at this time hydra will help you with the -s option. If the service is on a different default port, define it using the -s option.

So to perform, first I tried running a nmap scan at the host. And the screenshot shows all open ports where ssh is at the 2222 port. So post that I tried executing the hydra command with -s parameter and port number.

The hydra form can be used to carry out a brute force attack on simple web-based login forms that requires username and password variables either by GET or POST request. For testing I used dvwa (damn vulnerable web application) which has login page. This page uses POST method as I am sending some data.

As discussed earlier in the introduction all the supported services by hydra, if you want to check once just type hydra -h and you will get list of services supported by hydra. So, to get the detailed information about the usage hydra provides -U option.

Hydra GTK is a GUI front end for hydra, as this is a GUI for hydra you do have THC-hydra already installed. While you are running Kali Linux, hydra-gtk will already be pre-installed. It is easy to be installed by running the command below:

It reads passwords in and prints those which meets the requirements

pw-inspector help menu - click to expand root@kali:~# pw-inspectorPW-Inspector v0.2 (c) 2005 by van Hauser / THC [ ]Syntax: pw-inspector [-i FILE] [-o FILE] [-m MINLEN] [-M MAXLEN] [-c MINSETS] -l -u -n -p -sOptions: -i FILE file to read passwords from (default: stdin) -o FILE file to write valid passwords to (default: stdout) -m MINLEN minimum length of a valid password -M MAXLEN maximum length of a valid password -c MINSETS the minimum number of sets required (default: all given)Sets: -l lowcase characters (a,b,c,d, etc.) -u upcase characters (A,B,C,D, etc.) -n numbers (1,2,3,4, etc.) -p printable characters (which are not -l/-n/-p, e.g. $,!,/,(,*, etc.) -s special characters - all others not withint the sets abovePW-Inspector reads passwords in and prints those which meet the requirements.The return code is the number of valid passwords found, 0 if none was found.Use for security: check passwords, if 0 is returned, reject password choice.Use for hacking: trim your dictionary file to the pw requirements of the target.Usage only allowed for legal Usage ExampleRead in a list of passwords (-i /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst) and save to a file (-o /root/passes.txt), selecting passwords of a minimum length of 6 (-m 6) and a maximum length of 10 (-M 10):root@kali:~# pw-inspector -i /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst -o /root/passes.txt -m 6 -M 10root@kali:~# wc -l /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst5086 /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lstroot@kali:~# wc -l /root/passes.txt4490 /root/passes.txtResourcesSource: -hydra/

Good article, but wouldn't it be more practical to use Burp Intruder since we are already going to be using it to intercept requests and responses. Also I have encountered instances of hydra throwing false positives against POST forms as well as Telnet, any thoughts on this?

No i was asking about Hydra throwing false positives for web forms and telnet? Does it occur frequently because i have faced instances where where hydra throws like two or three valid user names and passwords for a web form or telnet and then when i put them in they are not valid.

hydra -l admin -P pass.txt http-post-form "/testsite/administrator/index.php:username=^USER^&passwd=^PASS^&lang=&option=com_login&task=login&return=aW5kZXgucGhw&9567f9b6921e51f0d45edb26177b2612:Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet." -W 10 -V

You can get it using tamper data. It's an addon. Go to addons and search for tamper data and install it. Then navigate to the login page and fill out the user name and password. Before clicking submit, open the tamper data tool and click 'start tamper'. Hit submit button on the website. A pop up will ask you whether you'd like to tamper, discard, or submit. Hit submit. Then look through the entries in tamper data and click on it. It will give you the request along with the post data. This works best if no other website is open; just the one you're trying to log into. Otherwise you're going to get a lot of pop ups asking you whether you'd like to tamper, in which case you could just discard, but it's harder to find request you're looking for. Hope this helps. I saw OTW did an article about how to crack passwords using tamper data and hydra. It's the same concept as when using burp essentially. I'm sure it provides a better instruction

Hello World! hehe, im so funny. Jokes aside, I do have a question. I have been following your tutorial and have installed DVWA locally on kali linux (Dual booted) and when I setup the proxy on Iceweasel, I cannot load any pages, not allowing Burp Suite to access any of the needed information. It loads for a bit, than quits. I took a picture of my proxy settings but it was to big so I put a link to it below. Also, sorry if this is the most obvious thing, im tired and have been at this for a while. Sorry for LQ, couldnt take a screenshot for a reason and used my phone.

Hey OTW, really well explained tutorial, I have a question though : should I use proxy with hydra if I want to crack password for ONE account let's say my friend's Facebook account? Will I get an ip ban or something like that ? And BTW , I really want to know if you could make a tutorial on how in Mr.robot episode 1, Elliot hacked his psy's password by simply adding custom word to a dictionary and instant cracking. I know you can do it with crunch but it is only creating wordlist. e24fc04721

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