Postdoctoral researcher (Visiting scholar), 2023.7~

    Postdoctoral researcher, 2022.9~2023.8

    Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 2019.9~2022.8

    M.S. in Electrical Engineering, 2017.9~2019.8

    B.S. in Electrical Engineering (with Honors),  2010.3~2017.8



Hwanjin Kim (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. (Hons.) and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from POSTECH in 2017 and 2019, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in the school of electrical engineering from KAIST in 2022. He is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Purdue University. His research interests are in the design and analysis of massive MIMO communication systems and machine learning for communications. Dr. Kim was a co-recipient of the 2018 JCCI Best Paper Award and the 2020 Electronic News ICT Paper Contest Best Paper Award. He was awarded the IDIS-Electronic News ICT Paper Contest Outstanding Paper Award in 2017, the KAIST EE Best Research Achievement Award (Kim Choong-Ki Award) in 2020, the IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest Silver Prize in 2021, and the KAIST EE Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award in 2022. He was a recipient of the NRF Korea Research Subsidies of Ph.D. Candidates (2021-2022), the 2021 KAIST Global Leader Fellowship (Kim Younghan Fellowship), and the 2022 KAIST Global Leadership Award (Creativity). He was recognized as an exemplary reviewer of the IEEE Communications Letters in 2018.