Group Contract/Agreement

Community Servings Contract/Agreement

1. What is a good group/team experience you’ve had, and what were the characteristics that made it good?

We have had a very good experience working in several groups for the past two years. The most essential elements of a successful group are communication and collaboration. Good communication allows each team member to understand their position and that of the group. Good cooperation can enhance the whole team's efficiency and reduce surplus capacity.

2. What is a challenging group/team experience you’ve had, and what were the characteristics that made it challenging?

Our Communication Liaison, Sikai Bao, experienced a very challenging group last year. According to him, his group project was to complete a difficult game and then combine the data presented in the game to identify patterns in the production supply chain and how to improve the links. It was a unique experience.

3. What are you most looking forward to about the community-engaged learning in this class? Alternately, what are you most apprehensive about?

Our expectations are twofold. The first point is the volunteer activities. Most of us have not done volunteer activities before, so the Community Partnership activities have a certain novelty for us. The second point is about communication in the class. We all look forward to the in-class discussions because everyone is friendly and willing to show their point of view.

We believe that group members should comply with the following points.

-Respect for the differences of others

-Communicate in a friendly manner

-Do things in a timely and punctual manner

-Maintain communication

-Try to keep to agreed times

-Take responsibility for your own work (if there is a mistake in the person in charge, we will hold the person in charge to account afterward)

-If something goes wrong, the primary goal is to fix the wrong part before blaming others.