Powered aircraft operations at Husbands Bosworth

You must be fully aware of operational procedures at Husbands Bosworth. If there is any doubt, consult the Duty Instructor at the launch point. In any case, you are encouraged to visit the launch point prior to flight to advise of your intentions and obtain any updates on the day’s operations.

All flights are to be booked in and out in the aircraft movement log in the clubhouse.

The airfield is primarily a gliding site where glider and tug operations take priority. There are several hazards connected with gliding operations including winch operations and associated cables.

Although gliding operations are set up to use runway 27 or 09, it should be borne in mind that gliders can land anywhere on the field, from any direction, especially in the event of launch failures which are practiced regularly.

All take offs commence from abeam the launch point so that everybody is aware that a take off is in progress.

Radio broadcasts should be made to ‘Hus Bos Traffic’ on 127.580 or if it is necessary to communicate with the launch point controller use the callsign ‘Launch point’ – you may or may not get a response.

Aerotow operations use signalling by radio on 127.580

Winch launch operations are conducted using light signals and will not be announced on the radio.

Note that some gliders may not be fitted with radios.

Glider winch launching uses steel cables. The cables are almost invisible during the launch.

Any crossing of cables on the ground should be done at 90° to minimise the risk of a cable looping over an aircraft wheel. Also check the strobe light on the winch is not flashing which indicates the winch drive is connected to the cable.

After a glider has launched, do not commence a take off until the cable is on the ground and the winch strobe is extinguished.

Do not over-fly the airfield below 2,000’ because of the danger from rapidly ascending gliders being winch launched.

Gliders are often rigged near the run up area for runway 27 – beware of prop wash.

Gravel in front of the hangar and at the east end of the peri-track should not be taxiied over to avoid prop damage.

If the grass is not useable due to waterlogging, the peri-track may be in use. This will require co-ordination with the team at the launch point.


Glider circuits are normally north of the field, but may be south on occasions.

Note the slightly offset approach to 27 which avoids overflying the farm on short finals.

Tugs will prefix their callsign with ‘Tug’ to indicate they are utilising the tug circuit

e.g. ‘Tug NA downwind left hand 27’

Tugs will be trailing a 180’ rope which will also extend beneath the tug and is difficult to see.

Tugs make an ‘S’ turn onto finals for 09 to avoid trailing the rope over the public road.

Tug circuits are only to be used by tugs when towing.

Runway 27 departure

After checking no launching in progress, announce intentions to backtrack the peri-track.

On reaching the launch point announce ‘crossing cables’ and taxi across the winch cables in front of the launch point and any gliders waiting to launch and then position behind the launch point for checks. Give way to landing gliders.

When ready for departure, check no launching in progress and no aircraft on approach. Announce intention to depart and taxy to abeam the launch point. Depart, observing noise abatement.

Runway 09 departure

Taxi to a position behind the launch point and behind parked gliders for checks.

Beware – gliders may land on the grass either side of the launch point.

When ready for departure, check no launching in progress and no aircraft on approach. Announce intention to depart and taxy to abeam the launch point. Depart, observing noise abatement.


When inbound to Hus Bos make a radio call approximately 2 minutes out.

Join downwind 800ft agl.

After landing – it may be possible to proceed direct to the peri track after radio clearance from the launch point.

Runway 27 arrival

Land close to the boundary fence, parallel with road.

After landing turn left. If necessary, backtrack close to the southerly fence to abeam the launch point and hold. When the approach is clear and no launching taking place, announce ‘crossing the active’ and taxi via the peri-track to parking.

Runway 09 arrival

Land close to the boundary fence, parallel with road. Caution – trees on SW boundary.

After landing stop and make certain no aircraft are landing either side of you. Turn and taxi close to the southern fence to abeam the launch point.

When the approach is clear, taxi across the field behind the launch point and any gliders waiting to launch.

Caution – gliders may land on the grass either side of the launch point.


On westerly departures, maintain runway heading until crossing the A5199, then turn left 20° or turn right 90° (keeping the canal and marina on your left)

On easterly departures turn left or right to avoid overflying the farm at east end of the airfield.

The most noise sensitive areas are shown below.

Sulby strip

Sulby airstrip (runways 04/22) is situated inside the circuit pattern of Husbands Bosworth

Occasional movements of powered aircraft.

Police helicopter (callsign ‘Police 22’) operates from Sulby strip but will normally depart and arrive well below any fixed wing movements.

Ver 1.0 Feb 2022