Students examine human physiological systems from the molecular and cellular levels to the human body as a whole. This area of study uses basic science to measure human responses to internal and external stimuli (such as changes in activity levels, varying environmental conditions, and disease processes), and applies this knowledge to the promotion of human health.

Faculty members place a high priority on teaching and research. Their areas of expertise include sensorimotor mechanisms, environmental stresses, movement control, thermoregulation, mechanical factors that regulate blood flow, blood flow in cardiovascular disease, aging, stem cells, and monitoring and tracking physical activity across lifespans and in relation to health outcomes. Many faculty collaborate with faculty members in the university's Carver College of Medicine and College of Public Health.

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Human physiology majors often continue their studies in health professional programs to become physicians or surgeons, physical therapists, physician assistants, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists, or similar professionals. Others pursue graduate degrees (MS and/or PhD) in the biomedical or physiological sciences to prepare for careers in research and/or college teaching.

Our professors will teach you the science, medicine, and social awareness necessary for a successful career in the health professions. You'll have resources and opportunities that only a world-class research university with a comprehensive teaching and research hospital can offer.

You might be laser-focused on a specific career in the health and wellness sciences. Or maybe you want to see your options and uncover your professional path along the way. However it begins, you can write your own story at Iowa.

The curriculum includes courses in human anatomy, physiology, and physical activity along with foundational course work in the sciences: biology, mathematics, statistics, and chemistry. Elective courses provide in-depth study across a broad range of topics in human physiology, including those related to health and disease.

View Human Physiology in the General Catalog for details on required course work for the major or minor, graduating with honors, and for information about the minor in human physiology or physical activity and nutrition science.

Dr. Deborah Weatherspoon is a former university nursing educator and has authored multiple publications. She has also presented at national and international levels about medical and leadership issues.

Zawn is a writer who covers medical, legal, and social justice topics. Her work has been published in dozens of publications and websites. She lives with her husband, daughter, six tortoises, a dog, and 500 orchids. In her spare time, she runs a local maternal health nonprofit.

Adam Felman is an Editor for Medical News Today and Greatist. Outside of work, he is a hearing impaired musician, producer, and rapper who gigs globally. Adam also owns every Nic Cage movie and has a one-eyed hedgehog called Philip K. Prick.

Researchers in the field can focus on anything from microscopic organelles in cell physiology up to more wide-ranging topics, such as ecophysiology, which looks at whole organisms and how they adapt to environments.

The most relevant arm of physiological research to Medical News Today is applied human physiology; this field investigates biological systems at the level of the cell, organ, system, anatomy, organism, and everywhere in between.

Hippocrates coined the theory of the four humors, stating that the body contains four distinct bodily fluids: black bile, phlegm, blood, and yellow bile. Any disturbance in their ratios, as the theory goes, causes ill health.

Perhaps surprisingly, much medical practice was based on the four humors until well into the 1800s (bloodletting, for instance). In 1838, a shift in thought occurred when the cell theory of Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann arrived on the scene, theorizing that the body was made up of tiny individual cells.

Human physiology is the science of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical function of humans, and serves as the foundation of modern medicine. As a discipline, it connects science, medicine, performance, and health to create a framework for understanding how the human body adapts to stress, physical activity, and disease.

The mission of the Department of Human Physiology at Gonzaga is to foster undergraduate education, scientific research, and dissemination of information in the physiological and biomedical sciences. We value the aspirations, individuality, and success of our students, faculty, and staff who work and learn here. We value academic freedom, creative expression, the pursuit of excellence, and the discernment that stems from logic and reason. We value our shared responsibility to steward resources sustainably and responsibly. We aspire to be a preeminent and innovative undergraduate program in the physiological sciences. We seek to enrich the lives of others through teaching, mentoring, scholarship, experiential learning, creative inquiry, and scientific discovery.

A degree in Human Physiology opens many doors for students, providing them with the foundation for careers in health care, sports and fitness facilities, nursing and residential career outpatient clinics or private practice, federal and state government health, or hospice. Many human physiology graduates elect to earn advanced degrees in allied health professions, including medicine, and physical and occupational therapy.

Our undergraduate students complete preparatory science courses in chemistry, biology, mathematics and physics that prepare them for the upper-level coursework in human anatomy and physiology. Our graduate program is focused on training the next generation of critical thinking scientists who can benefit society by using careful reasoning and scientific principles to solve problems and innovate new areas of scientific application.

Our faculty are involved in cutting-edge biomedical research that covers the spectrum from bench-top basic science to bedside clinical research and application, to sport and human performance. Our areas of excellence include:

Experiential learning opportunities allow students to apply knowledge learned in human physiology courses and gain critical insights into various career options. All of our faculty work closely with undergraduate students, allowing for rich opportunities for hands-on research experience. We also offer practicum opportunities in healthcare settings. The Human Cadaver Dissection Lab offers the unparalleled opportunity for hands-on exploration of the human form. Advanced undergraduates may also earn the opportunity to participate in the annual dissection course, when donated bodies are prepared for instructional use.

The Human Physiology department gives out $18,000 annually in awards and scholarships to help fund student education. Explore our available scholarships and funding, including graduate teaching opportunities, below.

Our Peer Advisors are majors in Human Physiology who help you navigate course options and direction within the department. We also offer a drop-in study room. Our faculty work closely with the UO Teaching Engagement Program to make our classes engaging, inclusive, and effective.

The goal of the Human Physiology major is to help students understand the function of individual human organ systems, appreciate the interdependence of organ system function and relate homeostatic regulation to health and disease in the human body. This knowledge is gained by pursuing systematic studies of cells, tissues, organs and animals. The Human Physiology program places an emphasis on understanding the underlying mechanisms of these systems within mammalian organisms in terms of the biological, chemical and physical laws that govern them. This integrative approach, spanning the basic science spectrum, places the discipline of human physiology at the forefront of the education of future health science professionals.

Human Physiology Major Appointments. If you cannot find an advising appointment time slot that fits your schedule on our calendar, please contact one of the advisors to request a specific date and/or time. Requests for appointment times that are not on the calendar will be accommodated whenever possible.

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In addition, the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology would very much appreciate you filling out a short questionnaire rating your meeting(s) with our advisors. Thank you!


The Human Physiology degree is intended primarily as preparation for graduate or professional study. If supplemented with several laboratory courses as well as laboratory experience, the B.A. degree may be adequate for obtaining an entry-level position such as a laboratory technician or research assistant. When combined with a degree in fields such as chemistry, electrical engineering, or computer science, the B.A. in Human Physiology could be helpful in obtaining positions in the biomedical industry.

Graduate Study

The undergraduate major is flexible enough to allow the student to prepare for post-baccalaureate study in Physiology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Cell Biology, and other areas of biomedical science.

Professional School

The major is often chosen by students planning to continue their education in health fields including, but not limited to, medicine or dentistry. There is considerable overlap between the requirements for the physiology degree and the admission requirements of many professional schools.

At a minimum, you should enjoy biology and have a real desire to be involved in the treatment of human disease. Clinical medicine involves dealing with people, often in situations that require great discipline but may sometimes lack glamour or even intellectual challenge. Medical schools will look for evidence that helping people with health and other problems is a natural part of your life. This is important not only for the quality of the contribution that you can make to medicine, but also for your own satisfaction with the career. 152ee80cbc

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