Huachen Chen

Room 6522, South Hall, UCSB


About me

I am a visiting assistant professor at UC Santa Barbara. I received my PhD from university of Utah under the supervision of Aaron Bertram and my master's degree from Ohio State University under the supervision of Emanuele Macrì.

Here is my CV.


My research interest lies in algebraic geometry, with emphases on derived category of sheaves, moduli of sheaves and complexes, cubic fourfolds and noncommutative K3, Frobenius structures on spaces of Bridgeland stability conditions.


  1. O'Grady's birational maps and strange duality via wall-hitting . International Journal of MathematicsVol. 30, No. 09, 1950044 (2019), also available on arxiv.
  2. The Voisin map via families of extensions (arxiv).


O'Grady's birational maps via wall-crossing.

The Voisin map via families of extensions.

Toward a Frobenius structure on a stability manifold.


UC Santa Barbara

Fall 2019

Math 4B: Differential Equations.

Math 117: Methods of Analysis.

Students please see GauchoSpace for course information.

University of Utah

Fall 2018, Engineering Calculus II (Laboratory).Summer 2018, Business Calculus.Fall 2017, Engineering Calculus I (Laboratory).Fall 2016-Spring 2017-Summer 2017, Introduction to quantitative reasoning.Spring 2016, Honor Calculus I (Laboratory).Fall 2015, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (Laboratory).

Ohio State University

Spring 2015, Calculus II (Recitation).Fall 2014, Calculus II (Recitation).