Diabetes Recovery | Recover From Diabetes | Diabetes Free Forever

15 easy ways of diabetes recovery naturally in 30 days without medication

diabetes is one of the fastest-growing diseases. If you too are struggling with it and want to treat it, then you are in the right place because here you are going to read how to treat diabetes naturally in 30 days without medication.

there are many ways of diabetes recovery naturally without medication and they will be beneficial for both types of diabetes. So, don't worry about it.

What is diabetes

A disease in which the body's ability to produce or react to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood called diabetes.

In our body, there is a hormone called insulin that regulates our blood sugar levels by converting excess sugars into glycogen, lipids, and proteins.

If insulin stops functioning for some reason, it causes diabetes because then the sugar is not consumed properly by the body.

Today, an estimated 30.3 million people in the world have diabetes.


If you notice the following symptoms, check your sugar level immediately to avoid any complications.


Increased thirst and urination

Blurred vision

Abnormal weight loss

Numbness in feet and hands

Increase in appetite

Types of diabetes

There are 2 common types of diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes

Diabetes type 2

Let us know a little more about them!

Type 1 diabetes

It develops in childhood, and sometimes patients require lifelong insulin injections to survive.


It occurs when the body's immune system destroys the insulin-producing beta cells (cells) of the pancreas.

According to medical experts, type 1 diabetes can be caused by genes and environmental factors such as viruses.

Diabetes type 2

It develops into adulthood. The main causes of this type of diabetes are lack of exercise and unhealthy food.


It is the most common form of diabetes present and is caused by many things, including genes and lifestyle changes.

How To Diabetes Free

Some common reasons include:

lack of exercise

Eating without checks and balances

Eating too much sugar


family history

Home remedies to treat diabetes naturally without medication

Now, if you have an overview of the condition, let's start with treatment options.

1. Garlic, Ginger, Mint

Here, I want to mention one of the most effective homes remedies for diabetes (100% safe to use for both types).

To prepare it, you will need:

100-gram garlic

100 grams of ginger

100-gram mint

100 gm pomegranate (dried pomegranate seeds)

All items are easily available at home or in stores, use them fresh.

How to prepare it?

Add anything else without the sauce.

Note: You can only store the sauce (mixture) for 1-2 weeks after this, you will have to prepare a new one.

How to use

Take about 200 to 250 grams of curd and mix one teaspoon of the mixture you prepared.

After adding the mixture to the curd, mix it well and then eat.

Each day you have to repeat this process and make sure that you eat it once a day.

You can consume it anytime, but it is highly recommended that you eat it early in the morning and without eating anything and I guarantee you that you will see improvement from day today.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has amazing properties of lowering blood sugar levels and increasing insulin activity. If you use it regularly then you will definitely get good results.

How to use

Take 1 cup of water and add 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder to it

Mix it well and boil for 3-5 minutes

Use this drink once a day for at least 2 weeks

With its regular use, you will see a big improvement in your sugar level day by day.

3. Green Onion

Green onion is a rich source of sulfur and it has been observed that sulfur is very good at increasing insulin production. Please keep in mind that you have to use it from the roots and it is beneficial in both types of diabetes.

How to use

Take the green onion and cut it in half

Now, pour the roots into a glass of water

Leave it overnight and drink water in the morning

This remedy is very effective and can work wonders in your life. It is also recommended that you include green onions in your daily diet.

Do not treat diabetes naturally in 30 days without donating


I am going to discuss some of the best work and neither will help you and it is very beneficial in maintaining the sugar level.

1. maintain your weight

If you are overweight, then you should focus on reducing your weight fast as it helps a lot in reducing your sugar level. You have less body fat, you have less sugar. Always keep this in mind.

Pay attention to your diet and exercise to maintain or lose weight.

There is a very close relationship between obesity and diabetes.

Diabetes Recovery | Recover From Diabetes | Diabetes Free Forever