The Houston Taiwanese School of Languages and Culture

2024-2025 Semester!

The 2024 Fall - 2025 Spring semester is scheduled to start on Saturday, August 10th 2024. 

休士頓台灣語文學校2024-2025年 秋季和春季班,將在8月10日正式開學上課。請各位學生及家長到我們網頁註冊



成立於一九八五年的休士頓台灣語文學校(位於台灣人活動中心,5885 Point West Dr., Houston),課程多元化,從幼幼中文唱遊班到成年中文丶英文會話班;由台語班丶中文班丶英文班丶成人英文寫作班,到西班牙語班;也有動腦的數學班丶邏輯訓練(Logic Games)丶動手的烹飪課,及手腳併用的空手道班。不同的課程,適合不同年齡的人,來一起學習與互動。



Established in 1985 by a group of enthusiastic Taiwanese Americans, HTSLC strives to preserve and promote Taiwanese languages, culture, and heritage and has served the Taiwanese Americans and the general public in the Greater Houston area for over twenty-five years. 

HTSLC offers Taiwanese, Chinese, and English language classes and other academic courses for students from kindergarten to high school on Saturdays during the school year. Additional classes for adults are offered as needed. Also, Taiwanese cultural events and other extracurricular activities are held throughout the year to further enrich youngsters’ mental and physical growth.

The Taiwanese Youth Society (TYS), the student organization of HTSLC, provides leadership training and instills the values of teamwork, commitment, and volunteerism through various practical services: planning student activities, volunteering for the charity causes, serving in the community events, and managing the Youth Page of the monthly Houston Taiwanese American Journal. 

HTSLC thrives on volunteerism. Its board members are dedicated volunteers who take pride in ensuring a smooth operation and a safe, enjoyable learning environment. The devoted and talented parent volunteers, HTSLC’s best partners, oversee school lunch program, organize various special activities, and help make HTSLC a warm and welcoming place for all.