Please note: the PD Provider Registry shows the topics for which providers are approved to provide PDPs; educators cannot receive PDPs from these providers for other topics. In addition, the PD must be part of an ongoing five-year cycle individual professional development plan (IPDP) consistent with the educational needs of the school and/or district.

Note: Some online PD providers will partner with institutions of higher education to give educators the option of earning graduate credits. In this case, the credits can be converted to PDPs, at the same rate as they would be for in-person courses.

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Yes, as long as the PD provider is a registered PD provider with DESE and is offering professional development that meets the minimum expectations (see question A2). It is also important that the PD is part of an ongoing individual professional development plan consistent with the educational needs of the school and/or district.

If educators earn credits from out-of-state, accredited colleges or universities, the educators can convert these credits to PDPs at the same rate as they would for in-state institutes of higher education.

Microsoft is a technology company whose mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. We strive to create local opportunity, growth, and impact in every country around the world. Our platforms and tools help drive small business productivity, large business competitiveness, and public-sector efficiency. We are creating the tools and platforms that deliver better, faster, and more effective solutions to support new startups, improve educational and health outcomes, and empower human ingenuity.

Over the last year, we collaborated with partners and worked within neighborhoods and communities to launch and scale a number of projects and programs, including: working with 70 organizations in 145 communities on the Justice Reform Initiative, expanding access to affordable broadband and devices for Black and African American communities and key institutions that support them in major urban centers, expanding access to skills and education to support Black and African American students and adults to succeed in the digital economy, and increasing technology support for nonprofits that provide critical services to Black and African American communities.

Microsoft is a technology company whose mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. We strive to create local opportunity, growth, and impact in every country around the world. Our platforms and tools help drive small business productivity, large business competitiveness, and public-sector efficiency. They also support new startups, improve educational and health outcomes, and empower human ingenuity.

Fortunately, a solution exists to minimize this leakage effect error and ensure accuracy in the frequency domain. Aside from the DFT (to be defined), the only solution is to multiply the time series by a window weighting function before the FFT is performed. Most window weighting functions (often referred to as just "windows") attenuate the discontinuity by tapering the signal to zero at both ends of the window, as shown in Figure 5d. However, if your waveform has important information appearing at the ends of the window, it will be destroyed by the tapering. In this case, a solution other than a window must be sought. With the window approach, the periodically incorrect signal as processed by the FFT will have a smooth transition at the end points which results in a more accurate power spectrum representation. A number of windows exist. Each has different characteristics that make one window better than the others at separating spectral components near each other in frequency, or at isolating one spectral component that is much smaller than another, or whatever the task. Some popular windows (named after their inventors) are Hamming, Bartlett, Hanning, and Blackman. The Hamming window offers the familiar bell-shaped weighting function but does not bring the signal to zero at the edges of the window. The Hamming window produces a very good spectral peak, but features only fair spectral leakage reduction. The Bartlett window offers a triangular shaped weighting function that brings the signal to zero at the edges of the window. This window produces a good, sharp spectral peak and is good at reducing spectral leakage as well. The Hanning window offers a similar bell-shaped window (a good approximation to the shape of the Hanning window can be seen inFigure 5d) that also brings the signal to zero at the edges of the window. The Hanning window produces good spectral peak sharpness (as good as the Bartlett window), but the Hanning offers very good spectral leakage reduction (better than the Bartlett). The Blackman window offers a weighting function similar to the Hanning but narrower in shape. Because of the narrow shape, the Blackman window is the best at reducing spectral leakage, but the trade-off is only fair spectral peak sharpness. As Figure 4 illustrates, the choice of window function is an art. It depends upon your skill at manipulating the trade-offs between the various window constraints and also on what you want to get out of the power spectrum or its inverse. Obviously, a Fourier analysis software package that offers a choice of several windows is desirable to eliminate spectral leakage distortion inherent with the FFT.

Does the software you are considering allow you to quickly see the results of each window on the same waveform? This can be a handy and time saving feature when experimenting with the different types of windows and the results each one delivers.

The default application association file is an XML file that associates a file type with an application. For example, if you associate .html or .htm files with the Chrome application, then by default Chrome is launched each time the user opens a html or htm file.

Note: If Chrome is not installed on the target computer, the file associations are not applied and users must choose an application when they open a link (http or https) or file (html or htm).

It is possible to have various Chrome channels installed side-by-side in Windows. Below are example xml files showing how to set a specific Chrome channel as the default browser to open html, htm, http and https files or links.

VMware Workstation Player is free for personal, non-commercial use (business and nonprofit use is considered commercial use). If you would like to learn about virtual machines or use them at home, you are welcome to use VMware Workstation Player for free. Students and faculty of accredited educational institutions can use VMware Workstation Player for free if they are members of the VMware Academic Program.

Our vision for student success in Tennessee is that all students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to successfully embark on their chosen path in life. Empowering our students to pursue the education and training that matches their chosen career pathway is essential to this vision. In order to prepare our students with the knowledge and skills valued by both employers and postsecondary educators, the department has set two major strategic goals:

The majority of tests are operational. This means that the test is officially scored, and results will be shared with districts, schools, teachers, and students. Some tests, however, are field tests. This means that the test isn't officially scored and reported; rather, it provides valuable information to the department of education in order to inform future test development.

Sometimes students take stand-alone field tests where the entire test would not be officially scored and reported but would instead be used to help the department design future tests. In most cases, field test questions are included within operational tests. In this scenario, a student would not know which question was a field test question and which questions was an operational test question. Student responses to the field test questions would not "count" toward a student's score on the test, but their responses would help the department of education design future test questions. Field tests strengthen future operational tests by ensuring each question measures what our students should know and can do.

The IPF must provide all necessary Medicare-covered services directly or under arrangement. The IPF PPS payment is payment in full (subject to applicable deductible and coinsurance) for Medicare-covered inpatient operating and capital-related costs associated with providing Medicare-covered services in an IPF, but not the costs of providing approved medical education program hospital services in an IPF.

The goal of Indian education from the 1880s through the 1920s was to assimilate Indian people into the melting pot of America by placing them in institutions where traditional ways could be replaced by those sanctioned by the government. Federal Indian policy called for the removal of children from their families and in many cases enrollment in a government run boarding school. In this way, the policy makers believed, young people would be immersed in the values and practical knowledge of the dominant American society while also being kept away from any influences imparted by their traditionally-minded relatives.

The Indian boarding school movement began in the post Civil War era when idealistic reformers turned their attention to the plight of Indian people. Whereas before many Americans regarded the native people with either fear or loathing, the reformers believed that with the proper education and treatment Indians could become just like other citizens. They convinced the leaders of Congress that education could change at least some of the Indian population into patriotic and productive members of society. One of the first efforts to accomplish this goal was the Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania, founded by Captain Richard Henry Pratt in 1879.Pratt was a leading proponent of the assimilation through education policy. Believing that Indian ways were inferior to those of whites, he subscribed to the principle, "kill the Indian and save the man." At Carlisle, young Indian boys and girls were subjected to a complete transformation. Photographs taken at the school illustrate how they looked "before" and "after". The dramatic contrast between traditional clothing and hairstyles and Victorian styles of dress helped convince the public that through boarding school education Indians could become completely "civilized".Following the model of Carlisle, additional off reservation boarding schools were established in other parts of the country, including Forest Grove, Oregon (later known as Chemawa). (1) be457b7860

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