HTML code received from the htmlEditor component is loaded in the WebEngine object that specifies the content for the embedded browser. Each time a user clicks the Load Content in Browser button, the edited content is updated in the browser. Figure 21-6 demonstrates Example 21-5 in action.

I am creating a text editor in java that saves the text as html, but displays as plain text to the user. The user has the ability to change the color, alignment and style (bold and underline) of the text. The entire body of text is stored in the database as html in order to save the style adjustments. I am having an issue with newlines not being saved. So when the user is entering text, presses enter and puts text on a new line, it all gets put on one line after be saved and re-displayed. All the text is just being put inside on paragraph tag without any line breaks. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell the text editor to automatically insert line breaks for new lines?

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The way I have my editor set up is a JTextPane using a HTMLEditorKit with content type set to text/html. I am using StyledEditorKit actions for changing the color and style (bold, underline) of the text and StyleConstants.setAlignment for changing the text alignment (I had some issues with the StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction). Let me know if you need any specific source code.

Tip: VS Code tries to infer the best import style to use. You can explicitly configure the preferred quote style and path style for imports added to your code with the javascript.preferences.quoteStyle and javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier settings.

Some users want to use syntax constructs like the proposed pipeline (|>) operator. However, these are currently not supported by VS Code's JavaScript language service and are flagged as errors. For users who still want to use these future features, we provide the javascript.validate.enable setting.

Regarding TextMode, you'll notice that it's only being used once: oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode);. If your new language depends on the rules of another language, you can choose to inherit the same rules, while expanding on it with your language's own requirements. For example, PHP inherits from HTML, since it can be embedded directly inside .html pages. You can either inherit from TextMode, or any other existing mode, if it already relates to your language.

The best way to test your tokenizer is to see it live, right? To do that, you'll want to modify the live Ace demo to preview your changes. You can find this file in the root Ace directory with the name kitchen-sink.html.

In the options page, you can also modify the set of files that you want to lint. By default, all file extensions that can be linted (.js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx, .vue, .html) will be linted. The HTML LSP-based editor must be enabled for linting Vue and HTML files. The respective setting can be found in Tools > Options > Environment > Preview Features.

Bluefish 2.2.7 is mostly a bug fix release. It fixes rare crashes in theautocompletion, the filebrowser, the htmlbar plugin preferences, infile-load-cancel, and fixes a rare case of broken syntax highlighting after multiplesearch/replace actions. It furthermore displays better error/warning output whenparsing language files. It also finally fixes javascript regex syntaxhighlighting. The loading of files with corrupt encoding or non-printablecharacters (such as binary files) has been improved, and project loading oversftp has been improved. Various HTML5 tags have been added, and HTML5 is thedefault now for php, cfml and other languages that can include html syntax.Saving and loading of UTF-16 encoded files was broken and has been fixed.Various languages have better syntax support, such as javascript, css, html,pascal/deplhi, and html has improved autocompletion. On OSX the charmap pluginis finally included, the keys for tab switching no longer confict with somekeyboard layouts, and behavior at shutdown was improved. The upload/downloadfeature has a new option to ignore backup files. The home/end keys now workbetter on wrapped tekst. And finally the search and replace dialog correctlyshows the number of results when searching in files on disk.

Bluefish 2.2.5 is a minor bug fix release but has also quite some new features.The syntax scanning engine is faster after small changes to the text. Thefilebrowser is also much faster with less memory usage, with various fixes andnew features. Projects now store the active document and active line numbers.Indenting is improved in auto-completion and the smart indenting. Bookmarks andpaste special also have been improved. On OSX there are many improvements, suchas Mavericks support, Retina display support, working system hotkeys, nativeinput methods (Japanese, Chinese, etc.), opening files from the finder andWidget bindings on MacOSX are moved to Cmd+C|V|X|A and working. Furthermorealmost all syntax highlighting has been improved, most notable jquery injavascript, HTML5, and HTML5 in PHP files. There are also many bug fixes, suchas in wrap text on right margin, in the replace engine, the jsmin licence, thesplit lines feature, the auto-recovery and many obscure bugs. Last bluefish nowhas an appdata file.

So can anyone tell me how to call api with help of javascript code in bubble and write some code in it and return json response out of it. Like where in bubble can we write some function in javascript and how can we return json response out of it and then how to use this json in repeating group.

In addition to chatting with us on Gitter, for additional information such as using spies, mocking, and shared behaviours be sure to check out the Mocha Wiki on GitHub. For a running example of Mocha, view example/tests.html. For the JavaScript API, view the API documentation or the source. ff782bc1db

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