Noemie's Journey: Further Research

The Nazi Concentration camps

To find out more about Dachau, Buchenwald, Gross-Rosen, Sobibor and other Nazi concentration/extermination camps & investigate source material relating to them, click here

The Wiener Holocaust Library

To interact with one of the world’s leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust, the Nazi era and genocide, click here

online lesson: 6 things you should know about the holocaust

To develop your understanding of 6 key aspects of the Holocaust & explore misconceptions using historical evidence, click here

Arolsen Archives

To search for members of the family & to find & explore documents relating to their journeys, click here

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Encyclopedia

To search for and explore personal stories about the Holocaust, and to find photos. maps and articles,

click here

Yad Vashem

To explore the history of the Holocaust and to search the online digital resource collection, click here