Hyeongseob Kim

Phone: +82 (0)10 3804 5740

Email: hseob.kim@samsung.com | hyeong0610@gmail.com


B.S., German Language and Literature, College of Liberal Arts, Korea University, South Korea (2018)

B.S., Computer Science and Engineering (Double Major), College of Informatics, Korea University, South Korea (2018)

M.S., Computer Science and Engineering, College of Informatics, Korea University, South Korea (2020)


Engineer, Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics Co.

Research Area



Cloud, Intel SGX, Cryptol, Blockchain, Functional Encryption, Searchable Encryption, Homomorphic Encryption, Authentication


국방암호기술 특화센터, 국방과학연구소 (2018-20)

개인정보를 안전하고 편리하게 빅데이터 처리할 수 있는 방법, 정보통신기획평가원 (2018-20)


Hyeongseob Kim, Changhee Hahn, and Junbeom Hur. "Forward Secure Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search for Cloud-assisted IoT", IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, July 7-11, 2020, Beijing, China.

Hyeongseob Kim, Changhee Hahn, and Junbeom Hur. "Analysis of Forward Private Searchable Encryption and Its Application to Multi-Client Settings", The 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, July 2-5, 2019, Zagreb, Croatia.

김형섭, 허준범. "포그 컴퓨팅 환경에서 안전한 서비스 탐색 기법", 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회, 2017. 6. 18-20, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 제주.
