Hsin-Yu Chen

Hi, I'm Hsin-Yu Chen (陳欣榆) [how to pronounce my first name]. I came from Taiwan, and spent the  first 22 years of my life in a beautiful area 木柵 , Taipei. I am an assistant professor at the Department of Physics at the UT Austin. 

I got my PhD from the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, and I was a NASA Einstein-MIT Kavli Institute Fellow and a Black Hole Initiative  Fellow at Harvard University.  

Although I love star gazing, I have been involved with an entirely different approach to observe the Universe--detecting the gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences. My thesis research focuses on Gravitational-Wave Multi-messenger Astronomy, and I'm a member of the LIGO scientific collaboration. I also joined the Dark Energy Survey-Gravitational Wave working group to haunt for the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave signals. To know more about what I have done in research, check out my CV on the sidebar!