Welcome to the 16th Conference of the Hellenic Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics HSCBB22

HSCBB22 will be held in Alexandroupolis and it will be onsite only!

contact: hscbb22conf@gmail.com

Final Program


Poster List

Posters to be presented at HSCBB22 conference.pdf

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Workshops (fully booked)

Two workshops will be offered during the first day (Friday) of the conference.

  1. Proteomics: From bench to bioinformatics

  2. Bioinformatics analysis of NGS data in Clinical Diagnostics

Workshops are free of charge (Registration to the conference is required). Seats are limited to 30 max.

Please fill out the form to reserve a seat.

HSCBB22 is an ISCB Affiliated Conference

The Conference is the major event of HSCBB. It is a forum to communicate state-of-the-art research, interact and establish scientific networks and collaborations.

City: Alexandroupolis

Place: Ramada Plaza Thraki

Event Date: 21-23 October, 2022

Languages: English

Abstract Submission Deadline: 7-October 12 October

Early-Online Registration: 14 - October

Notification of acceptance: 10 - October 14 October

Looking forward to seeing you in HSCBB22

The HSCBB22 Organizing Committee

Our kind sponsors