HP Support Assistant Software Download or Install

Hp Support Assistant

Hp support assistant is the software which is made with the aim to help users and customers for installing and maintaining Hp products. It helps users to update their hp devices from time to time and assist users in fixing products related issues. Hp support assistant is a complete tool for analyzing and troubleshooting your hp products.

Steps for downloading Hp support assistant

You can easily download the Hp support assistant for fixing issues and resolving problems. Follow the steps given below for downloading hp support assistant.

  • Open the web browser on your device.

  • Now, enter www.hp.com/hpsupportassistant in the address bar of the web browser.

  • You will be redirected to the official website of Hp.

  • Now, you will find the “Hp support assistant download” option. Tap on it.

  • After that wait for some time until the download process gets finished.

  • You have successfully downloaded the hp support assistant.

Steps for installing Hp support assistant download on your device

You can install the hp support assistant download process gets completed by following the steps given below.

  • Open the web browser on your device.

  • Now, enter www.hp.com/hpsupportassistant in the address bar of the web browser.

  • You will be redirected to the official website of Hp.

  • Now, you will find the “Hp support assistant download” option. Tap on it.

  • After that wait for some time until the download process gets finished.

  • Once the downloading is completed. Go to the downloads and find the Hp support assistant.

  • Run the hp support assistant download and follow the instructions as prompted on your computer screen.

  • It might take a few minutes to complete the installation process.

  • Once the installation process gets finished. Tap on the finish option.

  • On clicking finish your system will restart.

  • After restarting your system, click on the hp support assistant download icon.

  • You have successfully installed the hp support assistant download app.

How can you access the Hp support assistant download?

You can access the hp support assistant by clicking on the hp support assistant application provided on the start menu. You can also find the hp support assistant by tapping on the start and entering the hp support assistant.

What is the procedure for uninstalling the hp support assistant download?

If you are facing some issues while using the hp support assistant then you can uninstall the application by following the instructions given below.

  • Go to the start menu and search for Uninstall a program option.

  • You can find the hp support assistant after tapping on the Programs and Features window.

  • Choose the hp support assistant and tap on the uninstall option for uninstalling the software.

  • Tap on the yes option to confirm that you want to uninstall the hp support assistant application.

  • Restart your system to complete the uninstallation process.

Steps for turning off Hp support assistant

In case, if you find some problems while using hp support assistant then you can turn it off by following the instructions given below.

  • Go to the hp support assistant application which is present on the desktop. Double click on it and then tap on the Settings option.

  • Now, you will find the Health Analysis option. Click on it.

  • After that, tap on the Frequency and then choose Never option from the drop-down menu.

  • Now, click on next for Never Check for updates.

  • After that for tunning up the schedule click on the Tune-up option and then choose the Never option.

What is the use of Hp support assistant battery check?

Hp support assistant battery check is helpful for checking the battery the status. To run the hp support assistant battery check make sure that your computer system is connected to the AC adapter properly. If your battery is less than 3% then the hp assistant will automatically report you about the battery status. Hp support assistant also assists you with the latest updates and help you to resolve the windows related issues.


Is it necessary to install Hp support assistant?

It is not necessary but it is beneficial to download and install the Hp support assistant as it will help you to resolve computer system issues and provides updates.

Is it require to install Hp support assistant on Windows 10?

No, you do not require to install Hp support assistant on Windows 10 as Windows 10 has pre-installed drivers which will help you with updates and helps to fix Windows problems.

Is it secure to install hp updates?

Yes, it is secure to download and install the updates and it will help to facilitate the user with the new features and better security.