HPRT 2024

Hokkaido-Pisa-Roma Tor Vergata-Torino 

Summer School

Hokkaido University, Japan

August 26 - September 6, 2024

The aim of the School is to provide intensive mini-courses in several areas of current mathematical interest, as well as to present methods for concretely applying the theoretical tools. 

It is intended mainly for master students (laurea magistrale) and Ph.D. students. 

The School will also organize an additional workshop, "The Mathematics of Shape", on August 30th-21st. More information can be found at the relative webpage. 

Lecturers and courses (see here for the abstracts of the courses):

Practical Approach to Algebraic Methods for Applications

Practical Approach to Analysis

Practical Approach to Differential Geometry and Topology

Practical Approach to Probability and its Application

In total, there will be 8 courses. Each course will consist of 4 lectures (2 hr.s each, 90 min. + 30 min. questions/discussion).

There will also be a poster session, with presentations given by the participants:

Previous editions:

This is the sixth event in a series of Schools and Workshops organized both in Japan (Hokkaido) and in Itay (Pisa, Torino), starting in 2015. 

Summer school organisers:

Goro Akagi (Tohoku University) 

Luigi Caputi (University of Bologna)

Lorenzo Cavallina (Tohoku University) 

Kazuya Hirose (Hokkaido university) 

Riccardo Molle (Tor Vergata University, Rome)

Tommaso Pacini            (University of Torino)

Travis Scrimshaw (Hokkaido university) 

Scientific committee:

Stefano Galatolo (University of Pisa)
Gerardo Morsella (Tor Vergata University, Rome)
Akira Sakai (Hokkaido University)
Simona Settepanella  (University of Torino)

For further information: 

