Hamilton City Pool

Hamilton City Pool

The Hamilton City Pool was constructed in the late 1930s as a WPA project. It is one of the oldest continuously operated public swimming pools in Texas.

Swimming Pool 1943. Photo courtesy, Bob Chelsey, Joseph Theodore "Ted" Chelsey's Hamilton County Album, People and Places: Gazetteer of Hamilton County, Texas


Eidson, Jim. “Hamilton County Historical Commission.” Facebook, 24 Apr. 2019, https://www.facebook.com/HamCoHistorical/posts/2326558214235670.

“Swimming Pool.” Swimming Pool | Hamilton, TX, https://hamiltontexas.com/171/Swimming-Pool.

Weathers, Elreeta Crain. Swimming Pool - 1943, 1998, https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~gazetteer2000/genealogy/ted_ches/tc_38.htm.