第10回 高校生英語パーラメンタリーディベート連盟 新緑杯

HPDU Spring Greenery Competition 2021

Sunday 13 June - Online  6月13日(日) オンラインで実施予定



Round 1 Motion: This house would designate one city to permanently host the Olympics.

Round 1

GAME     GOV            OPP

1 22 Kansai Soka 12 Senzoku       

2 18 Shibumaku A 33 Gakugei B

3 6 Municipal Urawa B 7 Kawajo

4 9 Sagamihara B 28 Ryogoku

5 27 Waseda 37 Tsukukoma A

6 42 Toyama Kokusai A 36 Seikei

7 2 Midorioka 43 Toyama Kokusai B

8 11 Asano 17 Inage B

9 29 Kokusai A 25 Shibuya B

10 15 Matsukoku B 31 KUDAN

11 26 Shirayuri 46 KUSS

12 13 Zushi Kaisei 24 Shibuya A

13 40 Toshimagaoka B 23 UWC ISAK Japan

14 3 Mito First A 16 Inage A

15 10 SEIKO 1 Hitachi First

16 35 Hiroo Gakuen B 8 Sagamihara A

17 38 Tsukukoma B 34 Hiroo Gakuen A

18 21 Shorin B 4 Mito First B

19 30 Kokusai B 5 Municipal Urawa A

20 20 Shorin A 44 Fujishima A

21 39 Toshimagaoka A 45 Fujishima B

22 19 Shibumaku B 32 Gakugei A

23 41 Johnouchi 14 Matsukoku A

Round 2 Motion: This house would aggressively prioritize the posting of female diplomats to countries with poor women's rights records.

Round 2

   Gov OPP Judges

1 4 Mito First B 13 Zushi Kaisei Shinya Sanzen

2 7 Kawajo 33 Gakugei B Doris Weingaertner

3 27 Waseda 43 Toyama Kokusai B Simon Park

4 9 Sagamihara B 3 Mito First A Masataka Ashikawa

5 8 Sagamihara A 42 Toyama Kokusai A Seijun Stokes

6 26 Shirayuri 29 Kokusai A Iri Yuichi

7 23 UWC ISAK Japan 18 Shibumaku A Nyssa Giangregorio

8 24 Shibuya A 16 Inage A Nobuyuki Hashizume

9 35 Hiroo Gakuen B 41 Johnouchi Masato Imai

10 5 Municipal Urawa A 2 Midorioka Parker Temple

11 40 Toshimagaoka B 15 Matsukoku B Daisuke Izumi

12 21 Shorin B 44 Fujishima A Koichi Sudo

13 39 Toshimagaoka A 20 Shorin A Ishii Ozan

14 14 Matsukoku A 46 KUSS Stephanie H.Y. Ching

15 31 KUDAN 37 Tsukukoma A Yuko Shiratori

16 11 Asano 32 Gakugei A Alessandro Mitrotti

17 1 Hitachi First 22 Kansai Soka Michael Stewart

18 12 Senzoku 10 SEIKO Mitsushi Ono

19 19 Shibumaku B 45 Fujishima B Guballa Alfred

20 17 Inage B 6 Municipal Urawa B Lawrence Wan

21 36 Seikei 28 Ryogoku Joseph Mullan

22 34 Hiroo Gakuen A 25 Shibuya B Miyu Narita

23 30 Kokusai B 38 Tsukukoma B Yui Toshima

Round 3 Motion:

This house would ban the display of art created with the intended purpose or reasonably likely outcome of creating offence.

Round 3

1 43 Toyama Kokusai B 15 Matsukoku B Yuko Shiratori

2 27 Waseda 16 Inage A Stephanie H.Y. Ching

3 32 Gakugei A 42 Toyama Kokusai A Miyu Narita

4 29 Kokusai A 9 Sagamihara B Keiko Saito

5 20 Shorin A 4 Mito First B Eri Ochiai

6 37 Tsukukoma A 25 Shibuya B Ishii Ozan

7 6 Municipal Urawa B 44 Fujishima A Hayashi Koichi

8 33 Gakugei B 10 SEIKO Evan Peters

9 23 UWC ISAK Japan 8 Sagamihara A Ishikawa Tomoya

10 2 Midorioka 21 Shorin B Guballa Alfred

11 45 Fujishima B 46 KUSS Masaru Urano

12 24 Shibuya A 35 Hiroo Gakuen B Tomoyuki Suda

13 30 Kokusai B 7 Kawajo Masataka Ashikawa

14 13 Zushi Kaisei 34 Hiroo Gakuen A Ryan Fowler

15 26 Shirayuri 3 Mito First A Kazuko Takahashi

16 18 Shibumaku A 12 Senzoku Parker Temple

17 19 Shibumaku B 17 Inage B Shinya Sanzen

18 5 Municipal Urawa A 28 Ryogoku Vishnu Balaram

19 40 Toshimagaoka B 41 Johnouchi Simon Park

20 31 KUDAN 39 Toshimagaoka A Lawrence Wan

21 1 Hitachi First 36 Seikei Casey Gallagher

22 11 Asano 38 Tsukukoma B Erin Suzuki

23 22 Kansai Soka 14 Matsukoku A Saori Yamamoto

Round 4 Motion:

This house believes that if technology permitted us to identify people who are genetically predisposed to commit crimes, it would be appropriate for the state to monitor them and limit their activities.

Round 4

Game No Gov Opp Judges

1 28 Ryogoku 12 Senzoku Iri Yuichi

2 31 KUDAN 38 Tsukukoma B Masato Ise

3 46 KUSS 24 Shibuya A Seijun Stokes

4 36 Seikei 26 Shirayuri Masanori Onodera

5 23 UWC ISAK Japan 19 Shibumaku B Michael Stewart

6 29 Kokusai A 21 Shorin B Daisuke Izumi

7 39 Toshimagaoka A 11 Asano Yui Toshima

8 17 Inage B 27 Waseda Vishnu Balaram

9 32 Gakugei A 20 Shorin A Casey Gallagher

10 5 Municipal Urawa A 1 Hitachi First Doris Weigaertner

11 8 Sagamihara A 3 Mito First A Masaru Urano

12 33 Gakugei B 30 Kokusai B Jenna Elzein

13 4 Mito First B 42 Toyama Kokusai A Yuko Shiratori

14 7 Kawajo 15 Matsukoku B Yosuke Amagai

15 18 Shibumaku A 37 Tsukukoma A Mitsushi Ono

16 34 Hiroo Gakuen A 6 Municipal Urawa B Evan Peters

17 16 Inage A 41 Johnouchi Ryan Fowler

18 10 SEIKO 2 Midorioka Ishikawa Tomoya

19 14 Matsukoku A 9 Sagamihara B Joseph Mullan

20 43 Toyama Kokusai B 40 Toshimagaoka B Saori Yamamoto

21 25 Shibuya B 45 Fujishima B Erin Suzuki

22 22 Kansai Soka 13 Zushi Kaisei Koichi Sudo

23 44 Fujishima A 35 Hiroo Gakuen B Mazel Vincent





主催:一般社団法人 日本高校生パーラメンタリーディベート連盟(HPDU of Japan)

後援:公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会(Eiken Foundation of Japan)

一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟(ESUJ: The English-Speaking Union of Japan)

協賛:有限責任 あずさ監査法人 (KPMG AZSA LLC)

協力:iaeグローバルジャパン株式会社(iae GLOBAL JAPAN, Inc)

  < Sunday 13 June 2021 - Schedule >


 8:30~ Roll Call

 8:45~ 9:15 Opening ceremony, Announcements

 9:25~10:45  Round 1 

11:10~12:40  Round 2

12:40~13:15 Lunch

13:15~14:45 Round 3

15:10~16:40 Round 4

17:00~ Closing ceremony


< 試合の流れ - Match Procedure >

(1) 試合後にメインルームに集合し、ロールコールを行います。





   ジャッジ も3分前に、各ルームに移動します。







  1. After each match, debaters and judges should return to the appropriate main room (student or judge). There will be a 'role-call'.

  2. We shall post the round's match-ups and sides (government or opposition) on this portal site.

  3. We shall then post the motion and the preparation time will begin. The motion will be given on this portal site.

  4. Each team should then move to their respective preparation rooms. Teams will have 20 minutes to prepare.

  5. 3 minutes before the match start-time, the opposition side teams should move to the government side's room.

  6. Debaters should change their name in accordance with the 'naming convention' below to show their roles. Judges should confirm the presence of each side's debate-team members.

  7. Judges can then begin the match.

  8. At the end of the match, after judges have given the oral adjudication and feedback or comments, all members should leave the Zoom meeting room.

  9. Debaters should return to main room and judges should return to the judge's room.

  • Please ensure that you read the 'Zoom Manual' and 'Troubleshooting' materials before the tournament. (Currently Japanese only.)

  • Please ensure that you follow the tournament rules. There will be penalties if the rules are found to have been broken.

< 試合上の注意 - Naming Convention >

  1. オンラインでの試合を安定して実施するために、試合観戦については原則遠慮して頂いております。試合会場に入れるのは、試合をする選手、ジャッジ、試合をする学校の顧問、役員(生徒・教員)、試合がないジャッジ以外は入ることができません。試合がないジャッジの方が見学する場合は、オブザーバーと名前を変更してください。

  2. ディベーターは試合会場に入ったら、以下のように名前の変更をして下さい。

 ディベーター → チーム名(ポジション-名前) 例 Urawa A (PM-Hamano)

  PM  = Prime Minister (肯定側1番目のスピーカー)

  MG  = Member of Government (肯定側2番目のスピーカー) 

  PMR  = Prime Minister Reply (肯定側3番目のスピーカー)

  LO  = Leader of the Opposition (否定側1番目のスピーカー)

  MO  = Member of the Opposition (否定側2番目のスピーカー)

  LOR  = Leader of the Opposition Reply (否定側3番目のスピーカー) 

  1. ジャッジ、顧問の先生の方は表示名を以下のようにお願いします。

  ジャッジ       J (名前) 例  J (Sato)

  顧 問        T (名前)  例 T (Hayashi)

  役員生徒などスタッフ S (名前)  例 S (Sato) 

  試合がないジャッジ  O (名前)  例 O (Tanaka)(オブザーバーとして)

  1. Please use the below naming convention throughout the tournament. We will use it to identify debaters, judges, teachers, and staff during the event.

  2. Debaters: TeamName (Position-YourFamilyName) Ex. Urawa A (PM-Hamano)

 PM  =  Prime Minister (Government First Speaker)

 MG  =  Member of Government (Government Second Speaker)

 PMR =  Prime Minister Reply (Government Third Speaker)

 LO  =  Leader of the Opposition (Opposition First Speaker)

 MO  =  Member of the Opposition (Opposition Second Speaker)

 LOR  =  Leader of the Opposition Reply (Opposition Third Speaker)

  1. Judges, teachers, observers:

 Judges J (YourFamilyName) Ex. J (Sato)

 Teachers   T (YourFamilyName) Ex. T (Hayashi)

 Staff and student helpers S (YourFamilyName) Ex. S (Sato)

 Observers (incl. judges when not judging) O (YourFamilyName)   Ex. O (Tanaka)

< 新緑杯の試合 - Debate Style >

  1. 試合:ノースアメリカンスタイル 7分、7分、7分、7分、4分、4分、準備時間は 2 0分。

  2. 第2試合からパワーペアリングで試合を組みます。パワーペアリングを優先するため、肯定側と否定側のバランスが取れない場合があります。

  3. 新人ディベーター育成の目的とした ポイント制スコアシートを使用します。

  4. チームの登録人数は3人。チーム内には必ず新人ディベーターが1人は含まれていること。新人ディベーターとは、1年生、またはパーラメンタリーディベートの公式大会に参加したことがない2、3年生を指します。

  1. Style: North American Style – Speeches 7m, 7m, 7m, 7m, 4m, 4m. Preparation time is 20 minutes.

  2. Power-pairing shall be used from round 2 onwards. Please note that due to power-pairing, we will not always be able to provide an equal number of government and opposition rounds for each team.

  3. The scoring system has been designed to help the development of new debaters.

  4. Of the three members registered per team, at least one member must be a new debater. A new debater is defined as either: a first-year student (first grader); or a second-year or third-year student who has never participated in a parliamentary debate competition.

<Team ZOOM ID List>  Passcode - online21 

Main メインルーム Main Room https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9350653906 

Judge ジャッジルーム Judge Room https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5580388242 

1 日立第一高校 Hitachi First https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4844604042 

2 緑岡高校 Midorioka https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3760116139 

3 水戸第一高校A Mito First A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7957196730 

4 水戸第一高校B Mito First B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5065875768 

5 市立浦和高校A  Municipal Urawa A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2844202023 

6 市立浦和高校B  Municipal Urawa B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2100540936 

7 川越女子高校  Kawajo https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9069874895 

8 相模原高校A  Sagamihara A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6981900673 

9 相模原高校B  Sagamihara B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4178722558 

10 聖光学院  SEIKO https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2936288961 

11 浅野高校  Asano https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6223113347 

12 洗足学園高校  Senzoku https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6790338791 

13 逗子開成高校  Zushi Kaisei https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2339723116 

14 松戸国際高校A Matsukoku A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9941540338 

15 松戸国際高校B Matsukoku B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4295993726 

16 市立稲毛高校A Inage A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3254591991 

17 稲毛高校B   Inage B  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7928196981 

18 渋谷幕張高校A Shibumaku A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3861867534 

19 渋谷幕張高校B Shibumaku B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6734463552 

20 翔凜高校A   Shorin A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2245738686 

21 翔凜高校B   Shorin B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7678763363 

22 関西創価高校  Kansai Soka https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3431240451 

23 UWC ISAK Japan UWC ISAK Japan https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6210168529 

24 渋谷渋谷高校A  Shibuya A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5278430593 

25 渋谷渋谷学校B  Shibuya B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7978471461 

26 白百合学園高校  Shirayuri  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3743336636 

27 早稲田大学高院  Waseda  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2328246630 

28 両国高校  Ryogoku https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8284143373 

29 都立国際高校A Kokusai A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3359023696 

30 都立国際高校B Kokusai B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7944158348 

31 九段中等教育学校 KUDAN https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3390711684 

32 学芸大学附属A  Gakugei A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3055045159 

33 学芸大学附属B  Gakugei B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3820885579 

34 広尾学園高校A  Hiroo Gakuen A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9442625486 

35 広尾学園高校B  Hiroo Gakuen B  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6905613013 

36 成蹊高校  Seikei https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7321290794 

37 筑波附属駒場A  Tsukukoma A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9160605418 

38 筑波附属駒場B  Tsukukoma B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4061886571 

39 豊島岡女子学園A Toshimagaoka A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7919049905 

40 豊島岡女子高校B Toshimagaoka B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9350664513 

41 城ノ内中等学校 Johnouchi https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3090487382 

42 富山国際付属A Toyama Kokusai A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4312657890 

43 富山国際付属B Toyama Kokusai B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7133680030 

44 藤島高等学校A Fujishima A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5991196543 

45 藤島高等学校B Fujishima B https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9377590719 

46 神戸大学附属  KUSS https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4079953041 

47 Shadow https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2270208903

Judges please use the Google form link below

ZOOM トラブル



Chairperson Script


Greenery Cup Event Info


Tournament Booklet


Debaters List

Adjudication Gideline

Greenery Cup 大会当日の情報共有のためにオープンチャットへの参加をお願いしています。

Please join the LINE OpenChat for Teachers and Judges, or for Students. The OpenChat will be used to share the information and the announcements for the matches.


LINE OpenChat for Judges and Teachers



LINE OpenChat for Students


< 試合上の注意事項 - Precautions >

  1. ディベーターは試合中に時間を計る際はストップウォッチかタイマーを使用してください。

  2. ディベーターは準備時間内にチーム内の者以外と相談することはできません。

  3. ディベーターは準備時間内そして試合中に、電子辞書を除いた電子機器(例 インターネット接続機能を持ったタブレット・コンピューター等)を資料の検索を目的に使用することはできません。

  4. ディベーターは準備時間内そして試合中に、書籍など、辞書以外の紙媒体の資料を閲覧することはできませんが、自作の資料ノートやコピーをファイルしたもの、フォーマットが書かれたプリントの使用は許されています。

  5. Point of Order(試合中に対戦相手のルール違反を指摘する行為)は禁止します。ルール違反があった場合、ジャッジが判断をするものとします。試合進行上支障をきたすルール違反があった場合、ジャッジが適切な処置をします。

  6. Constructive Speech に対して Point of Information (POI) を行う場合「Point」「Point of Information」といった表現で POI による発言の許可をスピーカーに求めてください。7分間の最初と最後の1分間は POI 不可。 POI により発言を許可された者は、15 秒間だけ発言を許されます。Reply Speech に対しては POI 不可。1回程度のPOIを受け入れることを推奨します。

  7. 相手チームの顧問の承諾なしに、試合を録音、撮影、録画することは禁止です。

  8. HPDUの記録担当が撮影したものに関しては、後日、HPDUのホームページ、後援・共催・協力・団体への報告書、HPDUについての説明会や講演等で使用することがあります。ご了承ください。

  9. 急な発熱などにより選手を変更せざるをえない場合は、大会前日の19時までに連絡してください。代わりの選手が見つからず、2名以下での参加となってしまった場合は、シャドウチームとなり、チーム賞の対象にはなりませんが、個人総合点が上位であれば、個人賞を授与いたします。

  1. Debaters should use a stopwatch or kitchen timer to keep time.

  2. Debaters are not permitted to speak to anyone other than their team members using the preparation time.

  3. Debaters are not permitted to use electronic equipment to find materials during the preparation time or the match itself, which the exception of an electronic dictionary (denshi jisho). Electronic equipment includes tablets, computers and smartphones with internet connections.

  4. Debaters are not permitted to use printed material other than books and dictionaries, however previously prepared original notes and photocopies of materials made in advance of the tournament are permitted. 

  5. Points of Order are not allowed at this tournament. A Point of Order is an announcement by a debater that the rules are not being followed. If there has been a breach of the rules, or something or someone is hindering the normal progression of the debate match, the judge will make that decision and act appropriately. Please note that a Point of Order is not the same as a Point of Information.

  6. Points of Information are allowed. If a debater wishes to offer a Point of Information (POI) during a constructive speech of the opposing team, the debater should say either ‘point’ or ‘point of information’ and seek permission from the opposing team’s speaker. Points of information cannot be offered during the first and final one minute of the 7-minute speech. (POIs can only be offered between minute 2 and 6.) Debaters who are granted permission to speak have 15 seconds to give their POI. POIs are not allowed during reply speeches. Points of information do not have to be accepted by speakers, though we encourage speakers to try to accept at least one POI in their 7-minute speech.

  7. Teams are forbidden from recording any part of the debate without permission of the opposing team.

  8. Footage of the debate tournament recorded by HPDU staff may be used by HPDU on their website; in reports to supporters, co-sponsors, collaborators, and other organizations; and in promotional presentations given by HPDU about its activities. We ask for your understanding.

  9. In the case that participating debate-team members must be changed as a result of unforeseen circumstances, please contact the organizers by 7pm on the day before the debate competition. If a substitute member cannot be found, the team will instead have to participate as a two-member team, but will considered a ‘shadow team’ and will not be able to have a position in the final table or win a team award. However, individual members will be eligible for individual speaker awards.

< オンライン利用の大会実施に関する注意事項 - Precautions for Online Tournaments >

  1. PC の他に、スマートフォンを各自一台用意してください。また、Zoom と LINE を使用しますので、参加選手と顧問は予め Zoom のインストールと LINE のオープンチャットへの登録をお願いします。

  2. 今大会はオンラインで行うため、通常の運営と異なることが多々あります。たとえばスケジュールや進行にスムーズに行かない可能性があることもご了承ください。

  3. オンラインによる大会なのでネット回線がある環境が用意できることが参加条件になります。

  4. 各参加者は必ず適切な環境で試合ができるように事前に準備をしてください。

  5. 自宅で参加できるということにより気が緩むことがあるかもしれませんが、「注意事項」を守り、不正は絶対に行わないようにお願い致します。万が一、不正が発覚した場合は、その選手が所属している学校は HPDU が開催する大会に一年間参加できなくなります。

  6. 準備時間中にチーム内でメッセージ等をすることは可能ですが、対面での試合と同様に、スピーチ中のチームメイトにチャット等を通してアドバイスをしたり文面を送ったりすることは禁止です。万が一、不正が発覚した場合は、その試合は失格となります。

  7. ラウンド中は、スピーチと Point of Information を行う時以外は、ミュートにしてください。

  8. オンラインでの試合を安定して実施するために、外部からの試合観戦については原則遠慮して頂いております。試合会場に入れるのは、試合をする選手ジャッジ(試合をしない場合も)試合をする学校の方1名(顧問やコーチなど)本大会の運営(HPDU 関係者)のみです。

  9. 試合中の Zoom での回線トラブルに関するルールは、以下になります。

    • 各試合において、各チームは、合計10分間以上、回線トラブルのために試合を中断させた場合、失格となる。

    • 回線が落ちたスピーカーが5分経って戻って来ない場合は他の人が代わりにスピーチを行うこと。そのスピーチについての個人スコアは無効となる。

    • Zoom での回線が落ちた場合に各人が行うべきこと:





  1. In addition to a computer, please prepare another device with the ability to access the internet. This is to prevent any problems arising from a device disconnecting or suffering an error. As we will use Zoom and LINE for all contact and participation during this debate competition, we ask all participating debate-team members and teachers to install Zoom, and to join the LINE OpenChat at the earliest possible opportunity.

  2. As this year’s event shall be held online, there will be many differences in how the competition is usually run. Further, ss there are more variables than usual, it is possible that the day does not run smoothly, as per the schedule. We ask for your understanding and cooperation on this matter.

  3. As this is an online competition, participants are required to have access to the internet. Please ensure that members can access the internet, Zoom and LINE in advance of participating in the event.

  4. Many debaters participating from home may feel more relaxed than usual, though as ask that students read the ‘Precautions’ carefully and follow the rules.

  5. In the unlikely event that a student acts inappropriately, the student’s school will be banned from other HPDU events for a period of one year.

  6. During the preparation time, members are allowed to send each other messages, however, as in face-to-face debates, students are not permitted to send messages or give advice to teammates who are in the middle of giving a speech. Breach of this rule will result in the team forfeiting the match.

  7. During the round, other than when giving a speech or Point of Information, please mute your microphone.

  8. To ensure the smooth running of the competition and the debate rounds, we are not permitting people from outside the debate teams from observing matches. Those permitted to join the debate rooms are limited to: debate-team members participating in the round, the judge, one other member from the teams participating in the match (this could be a teacher or coach), and event organisers (including HPDU members).

  9. If you experience connection issues with Zoom during a match:

  • In a match, if either team disconnects from a match for more than ten minutes, they will have no choice but to forfeit the match.

  • If a speaker disconnects and cannot reconnect within a period of 5 minutes, another debate-team member must speak in their place. The disconnected speaker will not receive an individual speaker score.

  • What to do if you are disconnected from Zoom:

If you are disconnected, first stop your stopwatch, please follow the ‘Troubleshooting Guide’ that was sent out in advance, and attempt to reconnect.

If a teammate is disconnected and does not reconnect within 5 minutes, please step-in and continue the speech in their place.

If an opposing speaker disconnects during a speech, please wait 5 minutes for them to return. If they do not return, another speaker will continue in their place.

If a judge is disconnected: if it is during a speech, ① stop the stopwatch; ② wait for the judge to return ③ when the judge returns, please show them the time on the stopwatch and continue the speech.