Health Policy & Advocacy 101

Health Policy & Advocacy 101 is a Fall 2020 one unit P/NP decal designed to teach students about different health policy topics and equip students with the tools for health advocacy. This decal has been taught for three semesters so far, and with new developments regarding coronavirus, the election, and vaccines, we have updated our curriculum to provide the most up to date information on current events sweeping the country.

first class on september 9

Why take hpa 101?

  • Explore the broad and diverse applications of public health

  • Identify and improve health policy advocacy strategies and skills

  • Develop an understanding of your role in the spectrum of health policy influence

  • Gain the ability to articulate opinions on major American healthcare policies and current health issues

Time: Wednesdays 6-7pm

Course Enrollment #: #29627

Course Catalog Link: