How to Manifest Someone to be Obsessed With You (10 Easy Steps That Works)

Manifestation is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and desires, including attracting the love and attention of someone you desire. Whether it's a crush or a partner, manifesting someone to be obsessed with you can be a tricky and delicate process that requires patience, positivity, and intention. In this article, we will explore the steps to manifest someone to be obsessed with you and discuss some tips to help you maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship. 

Step 1.

 Adopt a positive attitude.

 It's not easy to adopt a positive outlook. We know. You can rewire your brain to become more positive. This is possible by finding the positive in every situation, doing random acts of kindness, and laughing and smiling more.

Step 2.

 Clarify your vision.

You are more likely to manifest your desires if you have a clear idea of what it is that you want. Who would you like to manifest as someone who is obsessed with you? Are you referring to someone you already know or someone you have yet to meet? You should be specific and deliberate in your approach. Don't just think about the person you desire, but also why. How will you interact with them? What are your goals in the relationship?

Step 3

Create a vision board.

A vision board is a great way to (literally!) Visualize what you wish to manifest. Take a poster and attach journal entries and photos that show what you envision your future together with this person looking like. The board should be displayed somewhere that you will see it daily, such as beside the mirror or above your coffee maker. 

Step 4.

Overcome your limiting beliefs.

Step 5.

Recite affirmations.

Positive affirmations attract positive energy. A positive affirmation can be a statement in the present tense about something you wish to manifest. For example, "Casey thinks about me now". Positive affirmations will speak your wishes into existence and eventually bring them to fruition. Create three or four positive affirmations that are related to what you want and repeat them in front of yourself every day. 

Step 6.

 You can also put yourself on the path that the person you are after is taking.

Your dreams will not come true unless you take action. It's important to remember that manifesting is a spiritual as well as physical process. This means, while affirmations and vision boards are vital to achieving your goals, you're unlikely to get them if you do not take action. What steps can you make today to improve your chances of getting what you desire? 

Step 7.

 Positive and friendly towards your special someone.

Your friendliness and confidence are sure to attract them. You can increase your chances of being obsessed by someone you know or meet if you are confident, kind and approachable. Researchers have found that not only does believing in your ability to achieve something increase your chances of success, but a positive outlook makes you approachable and your special someone is more likely to be attracted to you. 

Step 8.

 Go with the flow.

It's not about controlling. Trusting that the Universe will work with you in order to bring your dreams to life is all about having faith. While it's tempting to try and control every aspect, you should remember that controlling brings anxiety, which is not conducive to a positive outcome.

Step 9

Love what you do.

You shouldn't let manifestation stop you from living the life that you want. It is not about waiting for someone else to complete you or give your life meaning. This is a process of bringing someone into your already amazing life. Continue to do the things you love, that give you pleasure and meaning. The Universe will bring your partner your way. 

Step 10

Keep your hope.

While you wait for your dreams to come true, try not to be discouraged. Many people think they will get their desired outcome immediately. But manifestation is not always that quick. Don't give up hope. It's disheartening to not get the results you want right away, but it's also possible. Keep working towards your goals and believing that you'll achieve them. 

how to manifest someone to be obsessed with you 

how to manifest someone to be obsessed with you overnight