4 Secret Herbs with Easy Workouts To Double Your Metabolism

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Right from the beginning, the Morning Fat Melter Manual explains in detail how to maximize the number of hours your body burns fat.

  • You will learn how to structure your diet and the 4 herbs & nutrients that double your metabolism and energy level.
  • Then, you will learn why your hormones have been stopping you from losing weight and a simple diet trick that keeps them in balance.
  • Then, you will learn what carbohydrates to eat to avoid gaining weight and the 3 macronutrients that reduce late night cravings for bad foods.
  • Then you will learn what so-called “healthy” foods and veggies you must avoid as the latest scientific research has proven that they affect your thyroid and make your body store belly fat.
  • Then, you will learn why fat is not bad for you and 1 fatty food that instantly increases your metabolism with 5 to 10% and gives you more energy, while at the same time helps you reduce belly fat and your blood sugar.
  • Then you’ll learn why you must cheat once a week and double your carbs in order to keep your metabolism high, and why sleeping is the best time to burn fat and how to maximize your fat burning potential during the night.
  • Then you will learn how to prepare your after-workout shakes so that you won’t be sore the next day and over 10 metabolism-boosting activities that are fun and take less than 5 minutes per day to do.
  • Towards the end, you’ll learn about a small tool that increases blood flow, breaks down fat deposits from thighs, butt, and belly, and reduces your cellulite.

The Morning Fat Melter Manual is brief, to the point, and only gives you the important weight loss info you need to achieve the body of your dreams.

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