Contacting ESET Support

Phone Support

One of the most direct ways to get assistance from ESET is by contacting their phone support at 1866-791-9439. ESET provides dedicated phone numbers for different regions, ensuring that you can communicate with their support team conveniently. To find the appropriate phone number for your location, visit the official ESET website and navigate to their support section. From there, you can select your country and view the available contact options.

Live Chat Support

If you prefer real-time communication, ESET offers live chat support on their website. This feature allows you to interact with a support representative through text messages. It is a quick and efficient way to get immediate assistance for your queries or issues. Visit the ESET support page and look for the live chat option to initiate a conversation.

Email Support

For non-urgent matters or detailed inquiries, you can reach out to ESET's support team via email. Compose a comprehensive email describing your problem or question and send it to the designated support email address. Make sure to provide all relevant details to facilitate a prompt and accurate response. The support email address can typically be found on the official ESET website.

Social Media Channels

ESET maintains an active presence on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These channels serve as additional avenues for reaching out to ESET support. You can send a direct message or leave a comment on their official social media pages, describing your issue or seeking assistance. The support team will respond to your message as soon as possible.


In this article, we have explored the various methods available to contact ESET support when you require assistance with their cybersecurity products. Whether you prefer phone support, live chat, email communication, or reaching out through social media, ESET has provided multiple channels to ensure you can obtain the help you need promptly. Remember to provide relevant details about your issue to enable the support team to assist you effectively. For more information on ESET and their products, visit their official website or consult the documentation provided with your software. Don't hesitate to reach out to ESET support whenever you encounter difficulties or have questions.Â