Rust is unique in forcing you to only having one mutable reference at a time, but I doubt this alone makes you build great code. Languages which which avoid this by lacking references, don't make me write great code.

It has now gotten me to a point where, when I get an assignment at work, I've been able to first write it up in Rust, and make sure the compiler is happy - I don't even need to run the code.. just compiling should enough - then translate the code into my target language. This way I avoid the whole "hack it till it works" part, because it just works..

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When reviewing for MathSciNet, I routinely find myself just paraphrasing and abbreviating the introduction provided by the author, and occasionally adding a few words about the quality of the research or the cleverness of the argument (which the authors themselves would not be able to write for obvious reasons). There seems to be very little added value in doing this, since the paper already has the introduction (which has the added benefit of being written by someone who has intimate knowledge of the paper) as well as abstract (which will in most cases be sufficient to decide if the paper is worth reading). Of course, I can imagine edge cases when someone can't quite decide if the paper is worth delving into based on the abstract alone, while the introduction is for some reason difficult to read or the paper is difficult to access. But I can't help feeling that there should be more to it.

I'll take a stab at this because in the past I have gotten some feedback from Mathematical Reviews saying that they like my reviews, and they did ask me to write a Featured Review once (back when there were such things as Featured Reviews).

The answer to the question depends to some extent on how long a review you want to write. My default length is probably around two to three times the length of the abstract. I typically try to at least give a precise statement of the main result(s). Often the abstract does not do this because stating the main result requires quite a bit of notation and preliminary definitions, which are too long to put in the abstract, but which usually can fit into a review. I do this because I imagine that some people might have access to MathSciNet but for some reason don't have access to the paper, and a precise theorem statement might help them decide whether to put in the extra effort to obtain the paper itself.

If you're willing to put in the effort, MR will happily accept longer reviews. As I understand it, the Featured Reviews that MR used to have were discontinued for various reasons (e.g., I heard that, contrary to MR's intent, Featured Reviews were being used by the community for hiring and promotion decisions, and MR did not feel qualified to decide which papers were the "best"), but there is nothing to stop you from writing something similar for any paper you feel like. You can search for "featured review" in the review text of reviews from June 2005 or earlier to get a feeling for what these were. Well-written Featured Reviews were not only longer and more detailed than the typical review, they were written with a wide audience in mind. The idea was that a Featured Review would convey some idea of the context and significance of the paper to non-specialists. I will freely admit that I rarely have the energy to write such reviews, but they are certainly of value. Imagine someone stumbling upon your review in their search results and finding your review more accessible than the paper itself; they could very well make a conceptual connection that they wouldn't have otherwise, or be drawn into an area that is close to their own interests but that they didn't know existed.

To write a review is, to some extent, a journalistic endeavour- you are reporting on the result, presenting it to an audience that is wider than the researcher for which the paper was perhaps initially intended. As such, I think that what I can add in a review is a wider perspective than authors may present in either in the abstract or in the introduction.

Of course I have been asked several times to write a Featured review. But on one occasion, I realized that the papers made an unmotivated assumption, and that the resulting analysis missed the key point. I told MSN that a featured review was not appropriate. I wrote a neutral review and then did the analysis that the topic deserved (I confess that this was borderline, on the professional level, and I should like to have the opinion of other participants).

The first reason seems obvious - to write well, one must think clearly and express multi-faceted ideas and arguments in a way that is easily digestible. To be a good manager, you must be able to do the same.

Bad managers are fickle and cowardly - they shirk from responsibility, blame others, criticize without contributing. However, the worst sin of bad managers is that they distort reality. They spin tales, make wild claims on what happened, and constantly rewrite history. To do this, they need to avoid clear statements of their beliefs, diagnoses, recommendations, and plans.

Happily, prompt-writing does not require arcane secrets. It's possible to understand somewhat systematically what makes a given prompt effective or ineffective. From that basis, you can understand how to write good prompts. Now, there are many ways to use spaced repetition systems, and so there are many ways to write good prompts. This guide aims to help you create understanding in the context of an informational resource like an article or talk. By that I mean writing prompts not only to durably internalize the overt knowledge presented by the author, but also to produce and reinforce understandings of your own, understandings which you can carry into your life and creative work.

Spaced repetition systems are designed to facilitate this effect. If you want prompts to reinforce your understanding of some topic, you must learn to write prompts which collectively invoke retrieval practice of all the key details.

For more background on the mnemonic medium, see Matuschak and Nielsen, How can we develop transformative tools for thought? (2019).This guide is an example of what Michael Nielsen and I have called a mnemonic medium. It exemplifies its own advice through spaced repetition prompts interleaved directly into the text. If you're reading this, you've probably already used a spaced repetition system. This guide's system, Orbit, works similarly.If you have an existing spaced repetition practice, you may find it annoying to review prompts in two places. As Orbit matures, we'll release import / export tools to solve this problem. But it has a deeper aspiration: by integrating expert-authored prompts into the reading experience, authors can write texts which readers can deeply internalize with relatively little effort. If you're an author, then, this guide may help you learn how to write good prompts both for your personal practice and also for publications you write using Orbit. You can of course read this guide without answering the embedded prompts, but I hope you'll give it a try.

One important limitation is worth noting. This guide describes how to write prompts which produce and reinforce understandings of your own, going beyond what the author explicitly provides. Orbit doesn't yet offer readers the ability to remix author-provided prompts or add their own. Future work will expand the system in that direction.

These properties aren't laws of nature. They're more like rules you might learn in an English class. Good writers can (and should!) strategically break the rules of grammar to produce interesting effects. But you need to have enough experience to understand why doing something different makes sense in a given context.

I started writing prompts about core cooking knowledge three years ago, and it's qualitatively changed my life in the kitchen. These prompts have accelerated my development of a deeply satisfying ability: to show up at the market, choose what looks great in that moment, and improvise a complex meal with confidence. If the sunchokes look good, I know they'd pair beautifully with the mustard greens I see nearby, and I know what else I need to buy to prepare those vegetables as I imagine. When I get home, I already know how to execute the meal; I can move easily about the kitchen, not hesitating to look something up every few minutes. Despite what this guide's lengthy discussion might suggest, these prompts don't take me much time to write. Every week or two I'll trip on something interesting and spend a few minutes writing prompts about it. That's been enough to produce a huge impact.

Writing a simple factual prompt like that naturally tickles a neighbor you might consider adding: the explanation prompt. I write prompts like this when a detail seems likely to be challenging or when the explanation itself is interesting. A more experienced cook likely wouldn't bother with the first question, but they might still find this one useful.

Another way to help yourself understand lists like this is to write explanation prompts for each of the components: A quick answer: carrot provides vegetal sweetness; like salt, this sugar brightens other flavors.why is carrot a good aromatic for chicken stock? If you know the answer to this question for each ingredient, you'll have an easier time generating the list on demand, perhaps without any of the cloze deletions. And as with simple facts, explanations make knowledge more meaningful. In this case, the recipe doesn't say, so you'd need to do some research to write questions of this kind.

As you build fluency in increasingly complex concepts, you can write increasingly complex prompts while keeping each focused on what feels like a single detail. In fact, the ability to think in terms of increasingly complex "chunks" appears to be a significant part of what expertise actually is.For a compelling demonstration, see Chase and Simon, Perception in chess (1973), which experimentally demonstrates how chess masters operate in terms of larger chunks. Viewed through this lens, one role for memory systems is to accelerate the process of increasing your effective chunk size in a topic. ff782bc1db

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