How to Use an Auto Clicker


An Auto Clicker is a type of software which is used to automate the clicking of a mouse in a repeated manner. Clicking on any kind of text or image is automatically done by activation from the user on pressing any particular key.

Any problems that may have been faced earlier due to incessant tapping of the keyboard or mouse over and over can immediately be solved with the help of this software

What are some notable Features of Auto Clickers?

  • It is safe and free from harmful viruses or malware. There are no advertisements as well.

  • The software is portable.

  • You can click in one spot or choose to follow the cursor.

  • The number of times to be clicked can be selected.

  • It is free for all to use and is an open source software.

  • The user interface is clean and quite helpful for users to be able to navigate easily.

  • The usage of CPU is low.

How do we change the settings of the Hotkey that is being used?

To change the settings of the Hotkey,

  1. Firstly, you will have to open the application of the auto clicker that is being used.

  1. Choose the Hotkey Setting button that has been given there.

  1. Click on the Start or Stop button that is available.

  1. Select the hotkey that you want to choose by pressing any key that is present on the keyboard.

  1. Once this is done, the key that you have selected will become the hotkey.

How can we Use an Auto Clicker?

Auto Clickers are safe and secure for all sorts of users to use. It helps with simplifying many tasks which may be involved with playing games or clicking the mouse.

In order to use the auto clicker,

  1. The first step is to press the add robot option given in the macro of the auto clicker.

  1. The point that needs to be clicked has to be mentioned. This can be done by moving the mouse to the right location and using any keyboard key. In the add robot window, this point will be updated.

  1. The click interval button needs to be pressed on to set a specific interval of time between two clicks and for faster clicks, the lesser value of the click interval denotes this.

  1. Whether you want to click on the left side, right side, double click or hold the mouse, this information has to be mentioned properly.

  1. The add click option will allow you to add this to the macro.

  1. Once all the clicks are entered into the macro, the name of the robot, the hotkey needs to be initiated and the macro should be repeated. This can go on for as many times until the user decides to use the shortcut key on the keyboard.

  1. Finally, the macro can be saved to the list and the enable box should be chosen so that the auto clicking process immediately starts once the given hotkey is pressed. Whenever the end hotkey is used, the auto clicking will stop.

FAQs on Auto Clickers

  1. Is it safe to use an auto clicker?

It is quite safe and secure as clicks are simulated and no malware is contained.

2.Does it cost money to use an auto clicker?

No. Most of these software are fully free of cost for anyone to download and use.

3.What are some of the best Auto Clickers that can be used?

OP Auto Clicker, Speed Auto Clicker and many others are known to be good Auto Clickers that users can easily use.

4. Can Auto Clickers be detected?

As all auto clickers utilise accessibility services to automate and emulate clicks, there are APIs in place which detect these accessibility services. However, they also involve screen readers and other tools, so no API is present to check whether an auto clicker is being used.