Depending what notifications you want, you can change settings for certain apps or for your whole phone. Notifications show when you swipe down from the top of your screen. Some notifications can also show on your lock screen and home screen.

Tip: If you don't see "Recently sent," you're using an older Android version. Instead, tap App notifications and tap an app. You can turn notifications, notification dots, and notification categories on or off. If an app has categories, you can tap a category for more options.

How To Turn On Download Notification On Android


You can control many app notifications from a settings menu in the app. For example, an app could have a setting to choose the sound that app's notifications make. To make these changes, open the app and search for the settings menu.

I'm fairly new to the Android platform so hopefully this is a silly question, but since I've had my Pixel (Pixel 1, Android 8.0.0), it's been giving me notifications for alarms I set in the Clock app two hours prior to their occurrence (disregard actual time in the screenshot). Note that I do not want to delete the alarm, just this notification about it.

I know this isn't a huge issue, but it's just more annoying notification clutter that I don't want. What's weird is, I've apparently found the settings to change this behavior - but the toggle is disabled and I can't modify it.

Well, this is a late response but I just ran across this as I am having the same problem. Thank to jszpila here for posting Google's response so I didn't have to waste any more time trying to get rid of the "upcoming alarm" notification.

This is from a Mate 20 Pro with Android 9, and Google Clock app version 6.2.It is now possible to disable the annoying notification.For me, it was SO annoying, because I use a Garmin smartwatch that vibrates when a notification arrives, and it ended up waking me up 2 hours earlier!

I managed to do it by setting an alarm and waiting for the notification to come up. Long press and go to more settings. Weirdly, as you said, it's already disabled, but if you tap on the bottom line with the disabled setting, you get a new menu and then select notification priority (the top option) and select "low priority".

There is a function called "alarm skip" that lets you dismiss/turn off an alarm two hours before it rings. I hadn't realized that I had turned it on, but I was missing alarms because of that notification (and dismissing it turns the alarm off). I turned off Alarm Skip in settings, and things should work better now. Sharing in case someone else needs this.

Also, in MM / N there's a menu somewhere in the notifications settings that let's you block notifications from an app, I know that for sure. As I said before, I don't use Oreo, though if I found a ROM for my device that did, I would.

He instructed me to go to Settings > Accessibility. At the top of the list was something that said "Using 2 functions". I was able to turn off the upcoming notification of notifications in Timely there.

The Timely timer still doesn't have any sound. (I've added "The Clock" to my list of apps to have a timer that rings.) Nudnik works, but it still doesn't unlock my screen. And I still haven't figured out how to turn off the damned bubbles that are cluttering up my screen.

Evidently this is possible now with newer version of Android. I just wish they made the distinction between having the notification be available to see, but not "wake" the screen at 120 minutes and 30 minutes before the alarm.

Go to the account manager at the top left of the app and select Notifications. To select all notifications for Teams activity, tap on All activity. This enables you to receive notifications for chats, calls, @mentions, channels, meetings, and more.

Under Block notifications, select When active on other devices and turn on the toggle to block notifications when active on desktop or other device. You can also allow or block notifications when you're in a meeting by selecting When in meetings and turning on/off the toggle. Additionally, if you do not want notifications while you are using the Teams app, select the toggle for In-app notifications.

Under Block notifications, select When active on other devices and turn on the toggle to block notifications when active on desktop. You can also allow or block notifications when you're in a meeting by selecting When in meetings and turning on/off the toggle. Additionally, if you do not want notifications while you are using the Teams app, select the toggle for In-app notifications.

I've had a similar problem a few weeks ago (Pandora unpausing when I didn't ask it to), but it didn't happen as often as others commented above. However, I think it stopped on its own but with with a new problem in its place. When I have Pandora closed, a notification saying, "Unknown by Unknown" pops up on my notification screen and I cannot get rid of it. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and it still persists. How may I solve both of these problems should the both continue?

Following a thorough review by our engineering team, we've determined this behavior is not exclusive to the Pandora app and is instead dictated by the Android operating system as of Android 13, part of an effort by Google to allow users to resume playback more easily from their most-used media services.

(Please note you won't be able to attach images via email - you will need to open this Community link in a web browser in order to provide attachments)Additionally, can you send over a bit more info about your device?

It looks like you've already been in touch with a member of our support team via email. They've gone ahead and reported this on your behalf to our tech team. We appreciate your patience while this is being looked into.

I looked in both my phone and computer for the community tab, and it looks like I cannot find a place to attach an image to show a screenshot. Are you sure I could not email the screenshot and phone info? I feel more comfortable sending the phone info there, not in the public place.

I'd like to chime in to say I'm experiencing the same problem. Android phone, launch from car already disabled, persistent notification from Pandora saying Unknown song by unknown artist over a black background. If I open Pandora to play music, the notification displays the correct information, and then it goes away once I close Pandora. Two or three seconds later, the notification comes back, with the Unknown message.

I usually am using cellular data. I can try using just Wifi to see if it fixes itself. The only pattern I am seeing is when the app is closed, the notification pops up and I'm unable to remove it without using Pandora again.

The app isn't running as it is. It's part of the background running apps. Unless you have developer settings enabled you can't stop pandora from using background resources. It does so when Bluetooth or wifi is enabled. This is done in order to quickly communicate with known wifi and Bluetooth accessories. That notification is part of background services to allow you to quickly open the app and immediately connect to accessories. Removing the notification does nothing to background services. As of yet, I've noticed no change in battery, with or without the notification.

I've been having the same problem for weeks now and it is incredibly annoying. However, I have managed to find a temporary fix. Whenever you exit the Pandora app and the notification pops up, go into the app's settings and press the "force stop" button. It gets rid of the notification for me, but I have to do it every time I exit Pandora, hence it being only a temporary fix. At the very least it stops me from going crazy because of the constant notification. Hope this helps a little bit!

My screenshot looks exactly like Lost-In-Sedona's on the bottom. To cope until it gets fixed, I have the notification minimized. It's not big anymore and not a pop up on the top part of my screen where notification icons would be but it's still there in the notification screen. Has someone been able to recieve my android info from the email? As I had mentioned previously, they directed me back to here.

With the last update came a hugely annoying feature. For Every calendar appointment that I have, I get a suggestion/notification from Evernote to "Create Note" for such and such an event. I have a lot of calendar events, and this isn't what I use Evernote for!!! I tried turning off all notifications on my moble phone, and still - I'm getting these notficiations. How do I turn them off? Please help - and thanks.

On my Android phone the Calendar widget is not installed, but the alerts still appear. I turned them off by going to More (hamburger icon lower left) > Settings (Gear upper right) > Calendar.

I don't have the calendar widget and I'm still getting these. I've been using EN for over 10 years and I'm so frustrated with all the new stuff that isn't inline with how I've always used it. I don't need tasks or calendar but I can't seem to disable them.

Evernote product team, please take note. You should ask users to opt-in to all notifications, even new ones, and especially ones as repetitive as this one. Turning it on without opt-in is intrusive. Furthermore, placing the setting to turn it off under a 'Calendar' option in settings instead of a more common Notifications management page is confusing.

Also, @agsteele, users that are not on the appropriate paid tier are unable to add/access the Calender homescreen widget, meaning they can't edit this setting from there. They have to go into their general settings and select Calendar.

agsteele had the right idea. On the desktop, go to Home and then click on the three dots in the top right corner of the Calendar widget. You can turn off the notifications there. Finally. I agree with comments made above; this really should not be added without giving us more info on an easy way to opt out. 

If you mean go to the Calendar widget and click on the three dots, I can't, because my subscription level won't allow me to add the Calendar widget. I suspect this is/was a hangover from the Calendar trial period, when I played with a few tasks. 152ee80cbc

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