How to stay safe on the internet 101 for kids

How to stay safe on games online

If you play games online for too long it can be bad for your eyes

How to stay safe when shopping online !

Amazon and many other shops deliver to your door so you don't need to go out. That is wonderful don't you think? But be careful some things are scams so you must check other websites to check that they are https:// secure website. look the for the padlock symbol.

Loads of shops online are scams ! Have you bought a scam?

How to keep safe on chat rooms !

Your personal information is yours and not anyone else's to have . You must keep your password safe from others do not tell anyone else they may change everything on it . And we don't want that do we ?

What to do if you get a nasty text

Have you ever got a text that you don't like ? The first thing you should do is tell someone you know and trust, then you should block them so they can't contact you again. But you must also only talk to people you know .

Thank you for reading

This website was made by Lily - Rose, Oliver and Jack.