Creating A Profitable Side Hustle

Less Than Half Of Adults Have More Than $1,000 In Their Bank Account Right Now

But With The Prosperity Formula, You Can Join The Wealthy Minority.

Over the next few minutes, I’m going to explain how you can:

  • Launch a side hustle that could generate up to $500 to $2,000+ per month (in just a few hours each week)

  • ​Enjoy life’s luxuries without worrying if you can “afford” it

  • Have a lifestyle of choice, freedom, and abundance

  • ​And pay off student loan, credit card, and mortgage debt.

So, if you’re ready to finally take control of your finances, retirement, and wealth…

I invite you to finish this short letter now. Why?

Because over the next few minutes, I’m going to explain how you can put an end to your money anxieties once and for all. Read Until Finish. and make side hustle for yourself.

More important, I’m going to show you how to do so without using:

  • Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency

  • Trading or investing

  • Taking surveys (LOL)

  • ​Amazon / drop-shipping

  • ​SEO / Blackhat link building

  • ​Or any of that stuff.

How I Discovered The Prosperity Formula

In my first year of college, my dorm assignment landed me with a bunch of young guys who wanted to party and do drugs all day.

Desperate to get some peace and quiet, I spent most of my time at the library.

After studying, I’d research ways to make money online (so I could move out and get my own place).

Unfortunately, this got me nowhere fast. In fact, I fell for every gimmick out there:

Paid surveys. Blackhat SEO. You name it, I tried it.

But no matter how much effort I put in, none of it worked.

My Early Attempts To Make Money Online Failed Massively

As you can imagine, the constant disappointment of always failing was starting to take its toll.

Unfortunately, the job market wasn’t much better. Fresh off the back of the 2008 recession, the headlines were terrifying.

Millions of jobs had been lost. Recent graduates couldn’t find work. Studies showed college degrees were becoming less and less valuable.

The Prosperity Formula

Here’s what you need to know about The Prosperity Formula.

Fact #1 - This works in ANY niche imaginable.

When I was first getting started, I use The Prosperity Formula to earn over $1,000 selling products about how to build chicken coops.

Fact #2 - The Sales Come In Within Days of Launching

Since the Prosperity Formula uses templated mini-sites to drive sales, there’s no tech or coding to get bogged down with.

Instead, we launch our mini-site and start sending visitors to it the same day.

Fact #3 - You Only Need A Few Hours Per Week

Let’s face it: Most everyone is busy these days.

Because of that, I built The Prosperity Formula so you could use it to get results in just 3-5 hours per week.

In fact…

You Can Do This Even If You Commute Back And Forth To A Full-Time Job

Most trainings on the market assume you’ve already left your job and are building a full-time business.

But with The Prosperity Formula, you can start driving sales in just a couple hours per week.

And the best part?

Once you start making money, you’ll have the FREEDOM to decide whether or not you should quit your job.

More important...

The Prosperity Formula Is Based On A Proven, Repeatable System

Doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman, 20 or 60, tech wiz or computer dunce.

Because we start at the beginning - and show you how to do everything step-by-step - anyone can make this work.

In fact, I’ve seen people from most every walk of life - from teachers to accountants - generate extra cash using The Prosperity Formula.

You Can Increase Your Income Whenever You Want!

If you’re sick of your income depending on your boss, your company, and all those annoying taxes...

... it’s time to put The Prosperity Formula to work in YOUR life.

Here’s A Small Sample Of What You’ll Find Inside The Prosperity Formula

  • How to tap into a big money niche, even if you’re a total beginner

  • ​How to avoid wasting time on niches that will never make any money

  • ​My simple system for creating 3-page mini-sites that help you make multiple sales at the same time

  • ​Where to find niches where people will spend thousands of dollars on a solution (allowing you to earn hundreds of dollars for making just one sale)

  • ​How to create highly valuable content that motivates total strangers to pull out their wallets and buy

  • Why you do NOT need to create your own products (and why it’s easier and faster to get paid for other people’s expertise)

  • ​My plug-n-play email marketing templates for driving sales around the clock

  • ​The key to creating a base of loyal fans who know, like and trust you (and will buy most anything you recommend)

  • ​How to get tons of free blog traffic without having to spend all day writing

  • ​Not one, not two, but three strategies for driving free traffic to your mini-sites

  • ​How to tweak and test your mini-sites so you can maximize your daily earnings

  • ​How to create highly valuable content that results in total strangers pulling out their wallets

  • ​How to create highly valuable content that results in total strangers pulling out their wallets

  • ​And more!

Why Should You Believe Any Of This Is True?

#1 - The Prosperity Formula is designed so you can start making sales within 1-3 days of launching your mini-site.

#2 - Over the last 12 months, I've earned an average of $1,412 per day using this exact method.

#3 - My students have used the Prosperity Formula to generate extra cash in more than two dozen different industries.

#4 - Over the past few years I’ve taught over 5,000 people how to create profitable side hustles using the Prosperity Formula.

#5 - Because I’ve done it myself so many times, I can show you how to go from zero to making sales with as little effort as possible.

Sound good?

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Inside...

  • Over eight hours of video content spread over 18 modules

  • ​Quizzes at every step to ensure you understand what you’re learning

  • ​Homework tasks for each module to ensure you’re not just learning, but taking action and driving results

  • ​Free resources galore (from worksheets to templates to free website plugins)

  • ​Simple spreadsheets that allow you to track the only three numbers that matter

  • ​An “Over My Shoulder” walkthrough of everything you need to do to earn side-hustle income (from setting up mini-sites to driving visitors and collecting payments)

Imagine The Possibilities...

So imagine.

Imagine finally being able to visit the pyramids of Egypt, beaches of Tahiti, or Northern Lights of Norway.

Last, you can login straight into the training and begin planning your digital empire.

A Measly $27 (One Time)