Me and my friend plays a lot of 2v2, and we've always talked about how cool it would be if we could just both play the same civ/player. So that one of us could do all the economy, and the other would do army. So in a sense either shared resources, or just controlling the same units. Is there any mod that allows this?

I am starting a new roll20 campaign and one of my players is new to D&D. Since they don't yet own any of the books, I want to be able to use my Player's Handbook on roll20 to help them make their character. How do I do this?

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Hi folks, I created an account here as a thanks of sorts for previous advices shared by the community. I was using my WD TV Live to play Local Storage files for the longest time until I tried to access shared drives on my home network recently. No problems with Mac file sharing from my home NAS, but the WD TV Live refused to display the PC shared folders on my Window 10 PC (initially). This is despite other PCs on the same network being able to view/access the shared folders.

This post addresses one of the most-asked questions in the forum regarding how to login to Network shares without problems, error messages and hassles. Two ways of accessing Network shares are described here, either by using, or not using, user names and passwords.

Now, (back at the WDTV menu when you access Network shares) you will be prompted to provide your Account name (your name on the shared PC you are accessing; if you login to the PC as Bob, put in Bob).

WDTV Live and WDTV Hub need SMBv1 enabled to be working. Microsoft is recommeding to disable SMBv1 due to the recent Wannacry ransomware. When SMBv1 is disabled on any Windows/NAS devices WDTV stops accessing Windows shares.

Hello everyone. I am trying to use a WDTV Live that I have not used for a few years and getting nowhere with it. I have tried all of the methods above and no joy. I am using the latest windows 10 insider preview. As it stands right now the computer shows up and shows all the files I have shared on my PC but it does not matter what I try to play it tells me to check the extension in the manual and I know they should work. Then I go to System/Media Library/Clear Media Library/Media Library Manager For Network Share/Add Network Share To Media Library/Windows Share/Click OK and the circular arrow just sits there and spins and nothing happens. Then if I go to one of the categories like videos and at the top right of the window click select content source/click network share and it does the same thing just sits there and spins. Then from the same menu I choose my computer that is also in the list and it populates as before but none of the files will open. I looks like for some reason it is not seeing the extensions on the files. I know this because when I look at the files the extensions do not show up and also looking at the file info box at the bottom right it shows the extension as the last word in the title of whatever piece I am trying to play. I am about ready to stomp on this thing so any help would be very greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance KerryP

This problem caused me many hours of frustration. After trying endless ways around the windows 10 update problem when trying to see network shares on my WD Live, I just reverted back to an earlier windows 10 build. The WD now works as it should. I also stopped Windows 10 from updating itself until I hear and see on an update that repairs the WD issue.

HI Mr Peter, tried your solution on my WIN10 1709 no change for me still have the dreaded orange circle and no windows shares on my WDTV Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond. To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

SlidePlayer turns this process into a piece of cake. Now you make your presentation available worlwide in 3 simple steps: social network login, uploading and sharing! SlidePlayer features a unique built-in presentation player with no specific software requirements. Thanks to that, your presentation will be successfully running on Mac, Windows, Android etc. so that you no longer need to go nuts trying to adapt your presentation to various platform and software requirements.

If you are a visitor seeking for a good presentation or just a nice idea, SlidePlayer will serve you well. You can download the presentations you like in .ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint) format after you preview them with the built-in presentation player. Therefore you can avoid downloading the trash you don't need as one should usually do when searching for a presentation online.

Don't forget to share the presentations you have liked in various social networks. That's how you can present a useful service to your friends and colleagues and help SlidePlayer grow and increase the number of good presentations available.

Both players just show a black screen.

It seems there are a number of bugs in KDE (4.4) related to this, already reported.

I think dolphin/kde/kio/whatever is trying to copy the video in local /tmp (which in my case fails, not enough space on my netbook).

Only your game screen and audio are shared. Other screens and non-game app screens won't be visible to the visitor. Depending on the game, Share Play may not be available, or some scenes may not appear to the visitor.

If the player is embedded within an iframe, the social sharing URL links to the top level domain. Iframe limitations prevent the player from accessing the full URL to the page where the video is embedded.

I cannot find any info on this online but can someone please tell me how I can share inventory items like food with another player offline in local co-op on the ps4. Say if I have 20 berries and want to share 10 with someone how can i do that? Please help me lol. Thanks in advance

If the player is offline he's inventory is inaccessible for other players so it is not possible. Why would you like to do that anyway? While offline your hunger or sanity does not drain, it stays "hibernated". Unless you want your berries to also be hibernated (not spoil) with him if that's what you mean, in that case get yourself the bundling wrap.

Unlike Starbases, these Mobile Structures belong to individual pilots, not to corporations. This means that players need not belong to a player corporation to deploy them, and that their services generally apply either to the single character that deployed the structure or to everyone equally.

This overlooks a key aspect of the game: This game is an MMO, so game mechanics should be designed such that they encourage teamwork. The absence of an MTU that you can share leaves a need that can only be addressed by handling MTU/looting yourself or enlisting friends to help handle looting, the latter of which is in the spirit of an MMO.

Thanks. Actually that's what I did at the beginning (having a separate keyword spot_mini to update the library.json file), but then I figured out that most of people will call the mini player by using an hotkey so they will be unaware of this way to update.

It's been going for a couple of hours now and while the play/pause/skip etc commands are working fine when I go to the actual mini player (spot_mini) to search etc I just get a "please wait..." message pop up in this just due to the library size and it not being able to cope? "Starred playlist search scope only" is active.

Is there a way, given multiple titles within playfab, to configure them to all share a common set of player accounts?

By that I mean that the base accounts all exist across all the titles(with email, device associations, social media account associations, etc), but with per game event/purchase/inventory/etc data sets?

Perhaps one could make a cloud script or something that triggers when a player account is updated and mirror certain data to another title?

Not only yes, but that's actually how the service is designed. All the login credentials live in the "core" of the PlayFab account, which is shared across all titles that have the same Publisher ID - that's effectively the namespace for your player accounts. All studios get a unique Publisher ID which is applied to all titles created in the studio.

Hmm. If I make a second title it shows up as having 0 players. That sort of implies that if they launched the second title, they would need to bind social media or email or whatever independently. Am I missing something?

That reflects the number of players who have signed into the title. If you sign into the first title, then sign into the second with the same credentials (any login that works in the first title), you'll see that the player account has the same PlayFab ID.

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