If you're at a friend's house or have guests over, you can all add music to the queue on an Apple TV or HomePod. Everyone that wants to add music needs a subscription to Apple Music and an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

I am teaching students about CoreBluetooth and I came accross one of the methods to start up the central manager -> initWithDelagate:queue. I am trying to explain to them what queue is and what is the main queue and why we would set this parameter to nil, however, I cannot find a good explanation online. Could some please explain the following:

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A computer has one central processsing unit that processes one command at a time in the order that they are requested - just like a ticket booth handles the people asking to buy tickets - one at a time, one after the other. The people line up in a "queue" - the program's request to the central processor also line up in a queue. But there can be many different kinds of requests to the central processor - for example 'the program code' and 'the stuff related to a bluetooth connection' and 'a text message just came in'. Each of these different types of commands is assigned a particular queue and they line up in that queue. The central processor handles the requests in a particular queue at one time and, upon certain directions from the operating system, can switch and handle the requests in a different queue. If the central processor finishes all yhe requests in a particular queue it can switch to another queue. There is one queue called the main queue - it gets most of the computer code and also the commands that are associated with the program's display like the UIAlerts and the touch commands - but those display requests are executed only when the other commands in the queue are completed. The central processor handles the display requests only after it has finished its other tasks, like "for(int iCount=0; iCound

It also confuses several different kinds of queues. There are instruction queues, event queues, dispatch queues, operation queues, and others, alongside all the kinds of programmer-defined queues that are frequently used in code. All of these queues operate at different levels, and to pretend that "the central processor" deals with them all in the same way is just plain wrong.

Your question was specifically about the queues referred to in the CBPeripheralManager "init(delegate:queue:)" method. That queue is a dispatch queue, which means that the answer is in the documentation for Grand Central Dispatch, which is the system framework that deals with dispatch queues.

FWIW, I understood this as "I am trying to explain to them what 'queue' is" (referring to the parameter keyword in "initWithDelegate:queue:"), not "I am trying to explain to them what a queue is".

This is why I asked for a simplified explanaion. However, I acknowledge the concerns QuinceyMorris has brought forward. I will put the disclaimer in my slide saying that this is an over simplified explanation of queues given the nature of CPUs and the differen queues in iOS.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I am using the Premium version. I've attached two screen recordings. The difference between them is where I was looking before I clicked on the song. In the recordings, I clicked Queue above the song, which in the past has taken me to my queue but now takes me to the last playlist that was playing or was created. I haven't tried your last suggestion but I will when I have a chance to do so.

I don't think the overhead of a heavyweight tool like MSMQ is needed for a simple action. You can use Core Data, persist managed objects with the data needed to call the web service, and only delete each managed object after a successful post. There might or might not be a way to capture an event when connectivity starts, but you can certainly create a repeating NSTimer when the first message is queued and stop it when there are no messages in the queue.

Use the queuing feature to set up videos to watch next without interrupting your current watch session. Learn how to queue videos on desktop/web, or join YouTube Premium to use this feature on your mobile and tablet devices.

To view your Spotify queue on your mobile device, open the app, tap the Now Playing bar at the bottom of your screen, and tap on the Queue icon that looks like three horizontal bars. On desktop, click on the Queue icon on the bottom bar

So to kinda summarize my thoughts in the comments on the native music app... If you clear the queue by closing the app, it's probably not a feature, but rather default software behavior and therefore probably just something they neglected until now. If a dev doesn't write a feature where the application remembers where you left off, why would it. So they didn't exactly remove a feature, they added a feature, that removed what I would call an exploit for the lack of a better word. Not saying OP claimed it was a feature, just saying they probably never thought anyone would use the music app that way and they didn't see it as replacing one feature with another one, so I wouldn't expect them adding a "clear queue" button anytime soon.

I've always been a big fan of 3rd party apps in general, but talking about music apps specifically, I also had never even considered that the native app could be used that way because 3rd party apps had faaaaar superior queue systems long before Apple added it to the native music player. Pretty much from the beginning 3rd party apps have been innovating and Apple has been slowly implementing the good features, like music queue for instance. And my understanding is that Apple has made some things regarding music apps more strict over the years and that's why many players nowadays have various compromises and in some cases have died away.

First of all the way you clear the queue is by clicking a song and then it asks if you want to clear the queue, in which case it does clear the queue but it also adds all the songs in the context of that song to the queue. If the song you clicked was in the album view, it would add all of the songs in the album to the queue and place the clicked song first. So you can't clear the queue just to make it empty. Perhaps if the app crashes, it might clear it.

So, the only way to get around it, that I see, is by making a playlist with just one song and then clicking the song in that playlist to clear the queue. Don't click the play or the shuffle buttons at the top, just click the song. The only kinda big downside is that you can't remove this song from the queue, which isn't much of an issue as long as that song is something you always feel like listening. Of course you can always skip it too.

I'm not sure if this was available before iOS 14, but now at least Apple Music provides a Shortcuts action that clears the up next queue. So you can easily create a shortcut to make clearing more convenient.

Apple's announcement of the [[artnid:526095|iPhone 5s]] and [[artnid:526101|iPhone 5c]] may have created less hype than past Apple launches, but the company's products are still insanely popular among tech faithful. We're at the Apple Store in George St, Sydney and the queue for the new iPhones is as long as ever.

This was the iPhone queue at 7am on the corner of George and King Streets, Sydney.

The first person in line had been there since Tuesday. He told Business Insider he had originally turned up on Sunday night, but saw there was no queue yet, before going home, doing the same on Monday, and finally deciding to wait there properly from Tuesday. Like others in the queue, he was equipped for the long haul, with a camping chair, sleeping bag, clothes, and more.

A third man had no interest in buying an iPhone X, but had been asked to queue so his boss could get one. He was going home at 6pm on Thursday night, when another colleague would take his spot for the overnight shift.

The queues have been encouraged by Apple, which has told customers to "arrive early" if they want a chance to nab themselves an iPhone X on launch day on November 3. It goes on sale at 8am local time at stores around the world.

Printer installed. When I try to print (Word, Powerpoint, etc.) the print window shows the printer connected and available. When I click on print document it does not print. It does show the document in queue and says that it is printing. However, it will not print.

If you shut down the computer and then turn it back on the document in queue will then print. I can do this but really don't want to have to shut down and restart every time I want to print a document.

Apple, just days after unveiling its latest iPhone line-up, officially initiated the sale of the Series 15 on Friday. On this inaugural day, iPhone stores witnessed substantial queues as eager customers awaited their opportunity to acquire the iPhone 15, aiming to be among the first to experience its features. e24fc04721

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