You’re still crushing on your ex, and you want them back fast. Fortunately, texting them is a great way to reconnect and get them to miss you. Crafting the perfect opening text is fairly easy, and we’ll even help you out with what to say. Once you break the ice, focus on reconnecting with your ex so you can rebuild attraction and trust. Keep reading to find out what to text to get your ex back fast.

This article is based on an interview with our professional dating coach, Connell Barrett, founder of Dating Transformation

  1. “Can you help me with something?”

  2. “You won't believe what I'm doing right now.”

  3. “This made me think of you.”

  4. “My family asked about you today.”

  5. “Do you remember this?”

  6. “This picture has me remembering good times.”

  7. “Do you still like this?”

How do you flirt with an ex over text?

How to Win a Girl Back over Text (the Right Texts to Get Your Ex...

  1. Text her when you feel calm and confident.

  2. Give her a casual “hello.”

  3. Ask her what she's been up to.

  4. Offer to stay friends.

  5. Flirt with her.

  6. Bring up a fun memory.

  7. Mention you miss her.

  8. Tell her no one else is like her.

How do you make your ex crave you?

If you want your ex to miss you, there are a few things you can do to make them crave you even more and try to reconnect. Give them their space and let them realize the repercussions of your absence from their life. Step out of your comfort zone and try out new things like poetry sessions, theater plays, and so on.

How do I hook up with my ex?

Make your intentions clear.

Tell her you want to hook up without any strings attached, that you're not looking to get back into the relationship, and that you just want to have a little fun. Let her know that you only want to see her to hook up, not to do all the date-y stuff that leads to hooking up. Don't be a jerk.