So, to save file on Downloads folder, I need MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (via Permissions. manageExternalStorage). But when I add this permission and submit my app, the update is rejected via google saying that this is not a core functionality of my add and I should use less risky APIs to access data.

I faced the same situation and found a solution that might be helpful. Instead of relying on the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, I chose to directly assign the path '/storage/emulated/0/Download' to save the files.

How To Save File In Download Folder In Flutter

Download File 🔥 🔥

Android 11 changed a lot of things with its emphasis on scoped storage. Although /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ is one of the directory paths given by the path_provider pkg, you won't be able to see files saved in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ just using any run-of-the-mill file application (Google Files, Samsung My Files, etc.).

if you write whatever file you are trying to save to that directory, it will show up in the Downloads folder in any standard file manager application, rather than just the application-specific directory that the path_provider pkg provides.

I'm developing a mobile app using flutter. For that I used downloads-path-provider to get the download directory of the mobile phone. The emulator returns /storage/emulated/0/Download. Also when I save a file in this directory the file can be visible in the Download folder.

But on a real devices it also returns the same directory path. /storage/emulated/0/Download Is this correct for the actual devices? Because on actual devices I cannot see the saved file in the Download folder.

You can use "flutter_file_dialog" to handle the issue. After succesfully saving file into app you can provide the path of file to this package and save it in another folder of phone. You can use the function below; ** fromDest ** is the path of the saved file.

Is it possible to save files in the downloads folder? Can't find answer anywhere. I can save files on the Applications file directory, but i want to save the files in my Downloads folder. I have tried d/t packages( downloads_path_provider, ext_storage) but they dont support null safety or are not supported? Thanks in advance.

Hi I am quite new to Flutter.While running the app I take a screenshot of a widget, which I then would like look into. Therefore, I need to save this screenshot somewhere. Either on my local PC, e.g. in the project's assets or on the emulator. I tried following to save the image in the assets folder, without luck:

If thats what you meant then the answer to that is very easy, first you will have to create a new folder(in the project level) named "assets" and inside it a new folder called "images" after that you have to go to the pubspec.yamal file and enable the assets: like below

It seems like you're wanting to generate screenshots and save them somewhere on your local machine, e.g. in a folder in your project directory. You can do this using flutter's integration test framework. Here are some helpful references:

You can also directly take more complete display screenshots via the terminal command flutter screenshot, which captures the entire display, not just your app's UI. You can execute this via Dart code in the context of an integration test's driver with:

On Android I was able to download a pdf file inside the Downloads folder using the package downloads_path_provider, but on IOS I got an error using this package.If I use getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() I get the path: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/EBB52CAB-7783-489A-B9C4-4BB7A093B8C3/DocumentsI want to put the download file inside the Files of an iphone

Added these keys and tried a bunch of things, at the time of this post. The solution for me was of course to add both these two keys and use iOS 14 (14.1 to be exact) rather than iOS 15. this is because iOS 15 did not support downloading and storing in the downloads folder on emulator for some reason.

You should also note that you can get the path of the image file from ImagePicker using image.path, which will also contain the file ending that you might want to extract and you can save your image path by using newImage.path.

In my app I need to download some bills.On IOS my users can easily find them when app is closed because it is stored in a dedicated folder easily findable. I achieve that with getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() from path_provider and the following option in plist :

In android, downloaded files aren't put inside the download folder but inside the app data folder which is hard for a simple user to understand how to go in. What can I do to put bills (pdf) inside the Android Download folder ?I use for the moment the method getExternalStorageDirectory() from path_provider for Android.

In a Flutter project I create a pdf document. I can save the document in the path of the app.But the user has no access to it. Alternatively, how can I save the file to another folder where the user sees it?

Hi forgive my English and also a newbie on flutter iOS, I have an app on flutter on iOS that users can take pictures and videos from their camera and gallery I'm using the image_picker package this has no problem, then I save it on the on its Application Documents Directory I tried following this guide

from the iOS-simulator I save it and put in the database, and after re-compiling the app or doing a build update the previewing the image/video path is not found anymore. I tried to save another image on this build it and gave this path

I noticed earlier path this part "/BE7728A6-FF15-498E-91A0-A96A3DDE5B31/" is changed every time I re-compile the app or make an update from the iOS device the image is not found. What is the most practice for this users able to save image am I doing it wrong?

Update: I tried changing my logic to change the saved path to only the base name (D_IMAGE_0005.JPG) then when previewing the image will call the current application documents directory but this does not work also.

I'm trying to save a ByteData image generated from canvas into the device download folder. However, I was only able to save it into my apps android/data/ directory using the code below...

but, it's not convenient for the user to go into this deep directory just to get the image, so I want to save it into the Download directory but I don't know how. I have tried several approaches but I keep on receiving permission errors. Like for example using this code below (downloads_path_provider)...

The issue is that when I try to share my image, I get an error that the image doesn't exist, making me think that the temporary directory it stores it in no longer exists once the next screen comes. My question is, can I save it to some other location on the phone so it still exists? I am using android. Here is the error I am getting:

The complicated answer is that you could manually cache images by using a NetworkImage, resolving it, and getting the image stream. Once you have the image stream, you could save it to the filesystem using flutter's file reading & writing capabilities (this is a good resource to learn more about that) - you also need to use a plugin called PathProvider which gets the right path for both iOS and Android which is described in that link. You'd also want to keep track of all the images you'd downloaded and probably delete them after certain amount of time. You'd also have to read the files back before using them to create Image widgets.

That gives you lots of control, but is a bit of work (although not a crazy amount, but if you're new to flutter maybe not something you want to do just now depending on why you want to save the images).

To save the network image in local system you need to use ImagePickerSave dart plugin. Add the dart plugin in pub.yaml file: image_picker_saver: ^0.1.0 and call below code to save the image. URL is the image URL of network image

I had a lot of trouble doing this, so I wanted to expound a little on the above answers with a simple example that downloads a file on startup, saves it to a local directory. I marked a couple of lines with the comment //%%% to show lines that can be commented out the second time that the app runs. (because it doesn't need to be downloaded to be displayed... it's already on the device itself:

If you want to save network image to a gallery of the device(IOS or Anroid) you can use image_gallery_saver package that specifically created for this. You just need url of the network image. Here's example:

I have encountered a problem that the app needs to save pdf files downloaded from the internet in the downloads folder in both ios and android, but after searching for solutions on the internet I have not found anything that would help in this implementation. I would appreciate if someone could share their experience in implementing such functionality.

I tried /storage/0/emulated/Android/data/ from path_provider plugin as well as /storage/0/emulated/Android/data/ but app data gets cleared after uninstall and i think android:hasFragileData is useless because it'd only prompt if the app was uinstalled the normal way and it also keeps flutter's own extra data.

echo $PATH showed that /Users/MyUserId/flutter/bin was now one of the configured PATHs.However, I couldn't get "flutter doctor" to work but came across a post on which suggested copying

I am trying to save a file to a path in windows using path_provider: 2.0.14. and everything works fine in debug, even when I use the app that is running by the command"flutter run --release -d windows"

What I already tried:I already tried to see if there are any exceptions. There are none catched.I already applied an implementation without path_provider. I hardocoded the path just so I see if it saves anything. It does in debug or release when started by the command above but not when started manually from build/windows/Runner/Release directory or from build/windows/Runner/debug ff782bc1db

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