The built in wifi is Broacom's BCM4312, which uses the proprietary STA driver. So, no need to blacklist anything in your particular case, just deactivate the driver, using the Additional Drivers utility.

The network manager nm-connection-editor dialog (run that from aterminal to see which one I mean) has a "Device" combo box, where youcan set a MAC address in order to limit one wifi connection to aspecific adapter, or you can leave it empty if you want it to work withany adapter.

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I usually physically remove the internal card. this is usually a mini PCI-e card with 1 or 2 antenna connections. the antenna connections can be carefully lifted up and they disconnect without any fuss. there will usually be 1 Phillips screw holding the card in place. once the screw is removed, lift the back of the card and slide it out of it's edge connector. i usually fold electrical (vinyl) tape over the antenna wire connectors and push the screw through the electrical tape. then re-install the screw (thus holding the antenna wires in their former place). this solves the problem of an undesired internal wireless quite nicely.

I know the answer was strictly "How to disable" but for most users like me who have searched this and haven't taken a networking course before ( or in my case 10 years ), the easiest way to "Get this thing working on my Ubuntu" is to just click the wifi icon at the top right of the screen and look for your usb wifi-receiver and connect it to a network. Make sure it connects so you know the drivers are working, and then disconnect the old one ( probably connected through pci ).

If you bought your usb wireless card through a third party vendor, there's a 99% chance that the card will not show up under the name of that vendor, ie "Joes Hardware on Amazon" or "Brostrend" or whatever. It will most likely be the name of the actual hardware inside the casing of the thing you bought, and that will probably be Realtek or Intel or something. So look for one of those names in the dropdown wifi menu.

I tried all of this on Ubuntu 20.04 and none of it worked. When I tried the modprobe solution network manager simply created a new device! So finally I simply unplugged the tiny little wifi card from the motherboard and that worked. If you can't solve it in software try this hardware solution.

I recently updated Google Photos (Build version on my Android phone and noticed that my photos are no longer set to automatically sync to the cloud. I went into the app's settings and I cannot find the option that formerly existed: "Backup while on WiFi only."

If "Back up & sync" is enabled, "Cellular data back up Photos" is disabled, and "Only while charging" is enabled, it will prevent backup of the photos if you have no wifi but you are charging the battery (a good thing...).After charging, you just get a notification like "n photos were not backed up; check your settings".

I bought Eero 6 (triple pack router) few weeks ago. Initially, setup was easy, after installing the gateway, i set up the other 2 routers using the ethernet cables in each room not to lose speed. It was working perfectly until yesterday. Few days ago, the routers updated the latest software. After that, it changed the gateway from one room to another (for no reason). That was still ok and manageable for me, however, somehow i lost the wired connection on the other 2 routers (AP). It is now only connecting through wifi, these 2 routers are just not accepting the ethernet cable at all and i am losing more than 90% of my internet speed because of the forced wi-fi. I tried a looooot of things. I hard reset all the routers, i reset the network, i tried to switch all the cables and the routers and tried to install from scratch. When I re-do the installation of the network, i first connect the first router as gateway, the wired connection is OK in this. When i try to connect the second router, (if i have cable plugged in), the router doesnt get detected so i cannot connect, and i cannot even complete the setup. The moment i remove the ethernet cable from the second router, the installation goes smoothly via wi-fi. That is the same case for my third router too. Because of this, i used to get 750mbps/800mbps internet speeds in all the rooms, now i barely get 30-40mbps. Will you please help to get the issue fixed? I need to use the ethernet cable function for all the 3 routers and that is the reason i bought the eero or else i could have just got few basic repeater. Will you please help me with a solution? Software version is : V6.12.1.-54. Model number is N010011.

Nothing. One of my eeros started going offline, I removed it then the network stabilized again. Factory reset the removed eero and tried to add it again and got the same results. Even running it just wireless it seems that this one device is distrupting the whole network. I've a call into eero but bithing useful back as yet.

It's OpenWrt 18.06.4 installed on Asus RT-N56U, which has both 2.4GHz interface and 5GHz interface. I have another wireless router working at 5GHz, so I want to configure OpenWrt to work at 2.4GHz only.

Data plans are not "changed to wi-fi only". You need to ensure that the line for the iPad was canceled. The SIM card is what connects the iPad to the VzW service; removing the SIM card ensures that there's no connection.

When the SIM card is removed, the device has no way of connecting with the cellular network. With the SIM card in, the device has the capability to connect to the network. If for some reason, the device started connecting to the network and you were charged, I am sure you would not be happy. Removing the SIM card removes this possibility from the equation.

Hello, docotto. That's a great question. I want to make sure that we provide you with the information you need. Could you please tell us a bit more about why you'd like to transition to Wi-Fi only? Cellular data is especially beneficial when you're on the go. What has changed recently about your usage?

It's interesting that you mention this. MOST people who have a tablet would also have cell phone, too. It seems that the cell phone would be able to provide wifi data to the tablet just as good as the tablet would be able to connect to cellular network, at LESS of a cost to the consumer AND with less profit for Verizon.

I would like to disable wifi and just use ethernet. There are 4 ethernet ports on the router/gateway which would connect everything I use including TV. What is the process to make this conversion? TIA for your help! ?

Monitor-only: User only able to view a subset of the Monitor section in the dashboard and no changes can be made.

Note: monitor-only admins can view summary reports but not schedule reports via email in the dashboard.

All permissions for a dashboard organization can be managed under Organization > Administrators, however, this page is only visible to users with full or read-only organization access. Changes on this page can only be made by users with full organization access.

Privileges granted at the organization level will apply to all networks in an organization, and can only be managed from the Organization > Administrators page. Permissions for specific networks can be managed in two locations. Under Organization > Administrators or under Network-wide > Configure > Administration.

To simplify the assignment of network-level permissions in an organization with many networks, permissions can be granted to users for a given network tag. Those permissions will then be applied to all networks in an organization with that tag. These changes can only be made by users with full organization access.

In the event an administrator's account has been locked as a result of too many failed authentication attempts, it can be unlocked by another user with full network permissions (for network admins) or full organization permissions. The user unlocking the account must have equivalent or greater permissions (i.e. a network-only admin cannot unlock the account for an organization-only admin).

Privileges in the dashboard are additive, and a user will be granted rights on a page based on their highest level of applicable assigned permissions. Thus, an admin with read-only rights at the organization level, but full permissions for a particular network will effectively have full permissions to that network.

If you see No Service or Searching in the status bar on your iPhone or iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular), your device isn't connected to a cellular network. If you see SOS or "SOS only" in the status bar, your device can still make emergency calls. 2351a5e196

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