Belly fat can be tough to lose, but doctors say cutting out sugar may be one giant step in the right direction. There are massive health benefits from cutting back on your sugar intake, one of which is losing stubborn belly fat, says Brenda Rea, MD, DrPH, PT, RD, a family and preventive medicine physician at Loma Linda University Health.

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Intermittent fasting is gaining traction in the health and wellness world as a safe, scientifically-backed method of losing stubborn belly fat. There is compelling evidence that it helps regulate hormones and metabolism rates, significantly improving the likelihood of weight loss, particularly in problem areas like the stomach.

Are your mornings chaotic? Do you tend to feel more energized in the evenings than mornings? Does the mere idea of being unable to eat popcorn at night fill you with dread? Only you know the answers to questions like these. The key is to consider what your ideal day, week, or month would look like. What areas of your routine are you willing to compromise on? What lifestyle choices are non-negotiable? That will inform you which intermittent fasting to lose belly fat schedule is best suited for you.

The most recent research on intermittent fasting shows people typically lose 3-8% of their body weight. The total amount varies, however, based on how long the person maintains their fasting schedule, whether or not they break the cycle by indulging in food during fasting hours, and their overall physical condition.

It's impossible to target belly fat when you start a program to slim down. But a reduction in weight will shrink your waistline and, most importantly, help reduce visceral fat, which lies underneath the abdominal wall in organs and in the lining around the intestines.

Visceral fat, on the other hand, is very harmful. It accumulates deep within the abdominal cavity, where it can't be pinched, but pushes the belly out. It's called visceral fat because of the padding around the viscera (internal organs like your stomach and intestines).

There are different types of abdominal fat. The type you find just below the skin, which is called subcutaneous fat; the one within the skeletal muscles; and the visceral fat, which is packed between your abdominal organs. We refer to visceral fat as belly fat, beer belly or more scientifically, intra-abdominal fat.

Belly fat is among the most dangerous types of fat. It increases the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and premature death. The drop in estrogen levels at menopause can increase your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that results in buildup of belly fat. Moreover, stress caused by dieting can also increase cortisol levels, resulting in no change in belly fat even with calorie restriction!

The simple answer is yes. It is possible to reduce visceral (belly) fat through healthy diet, exercise, stress reduction and good sleep. It may not be easy, but with some effort you can prevent or reduce this fat in your body.

Although diet can have a significant impact, it may not be enough to reduce visceral fat by itself. Research has shown that exercise reduces visceral fat even if you do not lose weight. It is more about losing fat and adjusting your body composition, than just losing weight. If fat is replaced with muscle it will weigh more. Having more muscles, and moving them, will reduce the amount of insulin that is circulating in your body. Excess insulin around your body makes it hang onto the fat. Exercise can signal the liver to burn the nearby visceral fat. Combining moderate aerobic exercise, such as brisk walks, and strength training works the best.

The best types of belly fat exercise combines resistance exercise (such as strength training) and cardiovascular exercise. Resistance exercise can help maintain your muscle mass and your glucose metabolism (the way your body processes sugar and uses it for fuel). This is important for managing your weight. Resistance training has also been shown to reduce fat around your tummy area.

The easiest way to gauge your belly fat levels and risk of abdominal-obesity-related conditions is to measure the circumference of your waist at the top of your hipbones. According to a statement by the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, measurements greater than 35 inches in women and 40 in men denote abdominal obesity and chronic health risk.

For instance, according to one study, when researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health followed 10,500 men for 12 years, they found that, minute per minute, strength training targeted belly fat better than cardio did. And in another study, high-intensity resistance training was found to be significantly better at reducing visceral fat levels and preventing symptoms in people with metabolic syndrome compared with more endurance-based workouts. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions, including hypertension, hyperglycemia, excess belly fat, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

Here are five high-intensity (but low-impact) resistance exercises that will help you reduce your belly fat for better diabetes management and health. As always, make sure to check your blood sugar levels before, during, and after your workouts. Sprinkle these exercises into your regular workouts or perform them all together, making sure to rest for two to three minutes between each exercise for a real challenge.

Have two glasses of water before every meal. As per nutrition experts, this habit will make you feel full, keep you from overeating, and help you make better eating decisions during the day. Not to mention that sufficient daily water intake also aids in boosting metabolism and flushing out toxins from the body. Drinking a lot of water is essential in any weight loss plan and it is extremely important if you are trying to lose belly fat.

Visceral fat is associated with highly refined and processed carbs, as these foods are related to insulin production and blood sugar levels and are more prone to be stored as fat in the midsection, resulting in increased belly fat.

Following these eating habits will help speed up your belly fat-shrinking efforts. Also, not missing out on exercise is vital as it can be very effective in fighting off abdominal fat and providing other health benefits.

If you are struggling with losing belly fat despite dietary changes and exercise, you may want to consider one of the minimally invasive non-surgical weight loss procedures. These safe and effective procedures can be a great option to induce rapid weight loss without undergoing high-risk surgery or having to be admitted to the hospital or taking a lot of time off.

The transformation that takes place with this procedure can be quite remarkable. Most people lose around 18 to 20 percent of their total body weight 1 year after the procedure. Most of the weight loss occurs early on. Usually, patients can expect to lose around 10% of their total body weight within 6 weeks. Five years after the procedure, people have maintained a 15% total body weight loss. The key is to adopt a healthier lifestyle in the long run.

In addition to helping those who have struggled to achieve sustainable weight loss with diet and exercise alone, the Orbera balloon is one of the best non-surgical weight loss procedures for those looking for an effective way to lose belly fat quickly.

An easy, at-home way to find out if you may have too much visceral fat is to measure your waist. Pull a tape measure above your hip bones, level with your belly button. Breathe normally, making sure not to hold your breath. A good rule of thumb is that men should aim to have a waist circumference of less than 40 inches while women should measure less than 35 inches. (For Asian Americans, men should aim for less than 35.5 inches, and women should aim for less than 31.5 inches.)

Getting enough quality sleep is paramount when it comes to health, including maintaining a healthy weight. Studies connect poor sleep to weight gain, so zeroing in on good shut-eye can help when it comes to losing weight, including belly fat.

A 2016 review in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine found that without changes to the amount of calories consumed per day, low-intensity exercise for 60 minutes most days of the week resulted in weight loss of .5 pounds per week. The same review found exercising at a higher intensity or for a longer duration could result in losing up to 3 pounds per week[4]Higgins J, Higgins L. Prescribing exercise to help your patients lose weight. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016;83(2).. .

As with diet, consistency is key when it comes to exercise when your goal is to lose weight, including belly fat. Committing to low- to moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week could help you see results when it comes to losing excess weight in your midsection.

If reducing overall body fat, including belly fat, is your ultimate goal, aerobic exercises that increase your heart rate, such as walking, running or swimming, and aerobic exercise combined with strength training are the gold standards when it comes to exercise that supports weight loss. Luckily, there are lots of options when it comes to incorporating cardio into your workout regimen, including:

The best way to lose belly fat is through a combination of lifestyle changes, including a balanced diet, regular aerobic exercise and high-quality sleep. Keep in mind that gradual weight loss is the most healthy and sustainable way to lose weight and keep it off.

Although some research suggests that apple cider vinegar may positively contribute to weight loss, in addition to its other health benefits, more research is needed to confirm this connection. Consuming apple cider vinegar without making other lifestyle modifications is unlikely to contribute significantly to a reduction in belly fat. 2351a5e196

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