How to Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses – 5 Home Remedies

How to Improve Your Eyesight?

Welcome to this blog post How to Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses. Five home remedies to say goodbye to glasses and improve your eyesight. Have you ever wondered exactly how many people on the planet have to wear glasses or contact lenses? Because their eyesight is far from ideal.

The answer is approximately 75% of adults according to the Vision Council of America. Here is a list of home remedies. That will help you improve your vision. Read this article till the end your tired eyes deserve it.

How to Improve Your Eyesight?

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a miracle plant. No wonder people have been using it as a natural medicine and beauty product for centuries. It turns out that it’s a quick and effective tool for improving eyesight as well.

It’s a great source of important vitamins and antioxidants. That help with white blood cell production and tissue recovery. More than that it protects the delicate membranes covering your eyes. So it’s no surprise that aloe vera gel is the main ingredient in remedies to treat cataracts and strength in the eye cornea.

What is especially important is that aloe vera helps keep down blood sugar levels. Which can spike in people with diabetes. That’s why you’ll notice that many eye diseases are directly linked to diabetes.

Let’s delve into the ingredients and how-to of things. For those of you who want to get 100% fresh high-quality aloe vera gel? You can follow the age-old saying. If you want something done right you’ve got to do it yourself. Yep, that means you can keep aloe vera as a potted plant and make use of its magical leaves whenever you want.

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Not to mention it’ll make a beautiful decoration for your home. It’s a good idea to cut and wash the leaves ten days before you want to cook up some remedies using them. Always pick the large or medium-sized leaves and let those cute little baby leaves keep growing.

Want your freshly picked aloe leaves to last longer? Put them in the fridge and mark your calendar for 10 days. So you’ve got your plan you’ve cut off some mature leaves. You need to know how to cut them open to get the thick fleshy gel inside.

Firstly depending on how big your leaves are you might want to cut them into 8 inch long strips. If they’re already about this size don’t worry about this stop. No matter what the size, cut off the pointy tip of the leaf. It’s almost impossible to get the gel out of this part.

Anyway next remove the jagged spines along the edges with your knife and then cut the leaf into two or three inch long segments. Turn the blade on its side and slowly slice the skin away from the fleshy aloe inside. Stay close to the skin.

So that you’ll end up with the maximum amount of gel. Flip the leaf over and do the same for the other side. Skin the remaining segments and gather all the gel into a bowl. Use a blender to make a smooth mix. It’ll get frothy but that’ll eventually disappear.

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For this recipe, you’ll need a hundred milliliters of aloe vera gel. If you came out with a little extra it’ll be safe and sound in a glass container for up to a week in the fridge. Freeze it or add some natural preservatives if you want to keep and use it for longer than that.

Aloe vera is affected enough when used alone. But will spice it up with the following ingredients. One pound of ground walnuts, 300 milliliters of pure honey and freshly squeezed juice from four lemons.

Use a blender to mix all the ingredients smoothly together. Take 1 spoon of this magical concoction three times a day 30 minutes before each meal. If you eat more often than three times a day just remember that we’re talking about breakfast lunch and dinner.

One course of this eye sight treatment lasts a month. Always take a two-week break between monthly treatments. Preparing this remedy especially extracting the aloe vera gel. Might sound like a lot of work. But the results will be so amazing!

It’s totally worth the effort and the results are indisputable. In the first month you’ll feel the rejuvenating the fact it has on your eyes.

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Ginkgo Biloba – How to Improve Your Eyesight

No, this is not a character from Star Wars. It’s a very special plant that’ll make your life a lot easier. It’s been on this planet for quite a long time 270 million years to be exact. Hmm do you think that dinosaurs used its healing powers? Well! We definitely do today.

Gingko biloba can help relieve anxiety and boost your memory and thinking process. Which is especially good for people with dementia and alzheimer’s. As for our vision it’s great at increasing blood flow to the eyes. By doing this it improves our eyesight and prevents us from developing glaucoma and macular degeneration. Both very widespread diseases of the eye.

In China and Japan gingko seeds and nuts are served on special occasions like weddings and the Chinese New Year. You don’t have to go to Asia to get some gingko biloba for yourself. It comes in 120 milligram capsules at your local drugstore. Divide one capsule into two or three portions and take one dose every day to see with clear vision the amazing results.

Green Tea – How to Improve Your Eyesight

It’s rich in antioxidants called flavonoids. Which fight off free radicals that can cause a number of eye diseases. Like glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts. More than that green tea is a kind of natural sunscreen for your eyes.

Its polyphenols protect your eyes from UV rays. Which can cause cataracts and other eye diseases. You might love basking in sunshine but your eyes certainly do not. Get your hands on some dried green tea leaves one

teaspoon makes about one cup.

So if you want to make enough tea to fill five cups take five teaspoons of leaves. Green tea pearls will also do the trick. When boiling water to make green tea it’s important to keep it warm enough but not too hot. So the ideal temperature is a hundred and eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit. As Goldilocks would say it’s just right.

Once the water has reached the perfect temperature pour it into a cup with some green tea leaves on the bottom. And let it sit for three minutes. Remember you can always use a tea ball if you don’t like tea leaves floating in your cup drink it warm or keep it cold in the fridge the choice is all yours.


These photogenic little berries are known as great natural eyesight boosters. They improve nighttime vision and help regenerate important parts of the retina. Which can be damaged because of high blood pressure and diabetes. And again they are great when it comes to preventing common eye diseases like glaucoma and cataracts.

You can eat bill berries straight up as part of your daily fruit serving. Try putting them in your yogurt. Half a cup a day will be enough or you can choose to take them in supplement form. The recommended amount is 80 milligrams twice a day a few times a week.


We all love the tantalizing smell of freshly roasted almonds and almond-scented lotions. Turns out almonds have more than just a heart-melting aroma. While almonds are a natural source of omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E and antioxidants. All of which are great at improving vision. If you use almonds to benefit your eyesight your memory and concentration will also reap the rewards.

What you have to do is soak five to ten nuts overnight. When you wake up in the morning peel and grind them. Enjoy them with a cup of warm milk for the good of your eyes and for your own bliss. They’re safe to take every day for several months in a row.

Get some shut-eye works for us so stay healthy and take care of your peepers. If you found it useful share it with your friends.

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