I can't seem to find a specific answer to this question. How do I click coordinates on the screen without moving the cursor? I am working on a project that will automate installations of programs, but would still like control of the mouse to do other tasks while installations are being processed. Any ideas? Some examples would be awesome as well.

Thank you to those who have tried to help me out. After further research I have found a solution. I have found a way to import AutoIt into Python by using PyAutoIt. There is a ControlClick function that I have been looking for that clicks a control without moving the mouse cursor. Here is an example:

How To Get A Auto Clicker Without Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://tiurll.com/2yGbo9 🔥

The window does not need to be in the foreground, but it cannot be minimized, the handle and coordinates must be from the control, example: in a notepad, the handle and coordinates are for the 'Edit1' control, not for the window, if the application has no controls visible through a spytool, you can use the handle and the window coordinates, example: the pycharm itself.

I have been experimenting with ways to make something click for a very long period of time so I can let a game run without me having to do anything and I so far have not found something so I would like to ask for some help from the community.

Thank you for using Apple Support Communities. It sounds like you'd like to know if it's possible to create an auto clicker or have something click for a specific period of time without you touching your device. Allow us to assist in any way we can. We also notice that you're already coming from a helpful resource below:

Depending on your iPadOS version, you can create specific gestures that allow you to auto click. However, it won't be for a very long period of time. You apply a loop to your gesture, and it will loop up to 10 times. If you're on iPadOS 14, you can go to Settings > Accessibility > Switch Control. Select Switches > Add New Switch > Screen > Full Screen > Select Item. Once you've done this, go back to Accessibility > Recipes > Create New Recipe > Name your recipe then select the Switch you had created, followed by custom gesture. This option will allow you to tap on your display "click" the number of clicks you want.

Just be sure that "Launch Recipe" is showing the auto-clicker gesture you had created. While in your game, you should be able to triple-click your Home button to launch the gesture you created. Just remember, it's not for a very long period of time, just loops up to 10 times. Just in case, here is another resource below:

Just for using an auto clicker.... damn they really got good on their detection system , I remember 10 years ago I bottted 24/7 for a year never got anything , literally suicide botted like a maniac , now I get banned for auto clicker in less than a week of cautious play

I'd guess either some pattern you did was not okay, or you got flagged much earlier (from your 2day) and so the minute you had any suspicious activity (eg: alching for 4 hours) you were flagged again and perm banned without a second glance.

Now you can Auto Click on an Application Window without Automating Mouse Click which is dependent on Screen Location. The Direct Click Macro Action sends Mouse Click directly to the Application Window without Moving Mouse Cursor or simulating Physical Mouse Click. You can use Direct Click Macro Action as displayed in the Screenshot below to send Left Mouse Click directly to an Online Game, Desktop Game or any other Application Window and still use your Mouse Cursor to do any Windows Task. Yes your Mouse Cursor is not moved and is not even used to Simulate or Automate Mouse Click when using Direct Click Macro Action.

Using Direct Click Macro Action in Script is as easy and simple is to use any other Macro Action in the Script. To Add Direct Click Macro Action to your Script you can use a Keyboard Shortcut or use the Pick Button as described in the post Add Macro Actions to the Script. All the tedious work of finding appropriate application window, sending Mouse Click to the Application Window at the Screen Location specified in terms of X and Y Screen Co-Ordinates is done by the Auto Mouse Click Software automatically. Yes even if the Application Window is Moved around the Screen, the Direct Click Macro Action ensures to send Automated Left Clicks at the correct location to the Application Window.

Given below procedure outlines the steps required to use the Direct Click Macro Action. Yes the procedure to use this unique Mouse Automation Macro Action is no different than other Mouse Actions, however a deeper understanding of the functionality will give you greater power and will ensure you can do work on two or more than two application windows simultaneously.

Note : While the Direct Click Macro Action might be able to Click on Application Windows, Browsers, Games, etc, it might not be able to Click on all types of Application Windows due to technical limitations. When Direct Click Macro Action does not Clicks in your Game or Application Window, you can use the Left Click Macro Action which simulates Mouse Click at specific Screen Co-Ordinates. Direct Click Macro Action has been successfully tested on Buttons, Native Windows Controls, Web Pages in Chrome Browser and Games like Cookie Clicker, etc.

I think you should clarify. Personally, I think you are talking about a bot you program for farming, and @Aquaginera_7DD thinks its the auto play feature.

No need to say that the auto play feature is 100% legal, but the bot Im pretty sure its not. And in other games I played that kind of things could get you banned.

Honestly i dont see much of an issue with it. I still set my phone down and only click every few minutes while autofarming. It wouldnt give players more flags, or shorten a players time between flags. Sure it would allow some to farm more than others, but that case already exists due to spenders buyin world energy, plus some people having more free time than others.

While it may not be game breaking, the point is that you have a program doing something you should do for yourself. Buying tickets means an economical effort (wich profits Small Giant) and sleeping less than 6 hous not to loose world energy flags means a personal effort (not too healthy). A bot is none of this.

So you have an external program playing for you and giving you an advantage (small, large, whatever). In any other game I played this was not legal so I just assumed it was illegal here too.

There are already apps that keep programs runnin while phone screen dims or goes off, without being clickers or even being noticed by the game. My phone actually goes black while autofarm is running without any kind of apps or modifications. Actually annoys me at times.

Honestly, I am not sure how it works since I have never used one but I assumed that you program the bot and it logs and performs an action at a certain time or condition met. So, you could program it and have it farm and click open to your monster chest and never take more than 12 hours for it to open, or program it to farm 8-7 whenever you reach your max flags stored and allways use your 144 daily flags. On my alliance every member has a job, many of us have kids, and we all have to sleep meaning that at some point you miss some of those 144 flags thus giving an unfair advantage to bot users.

So yes, they are banned, I can see a reason, and I agree with it

Where do i get one of these programs you talk about? Lol jk reallly dont need it, i sleep very little, skip chest timers, and already have the routine of doing other things while autofarming plus program wouldnt know when i want to spend gems for world energy to farm more

I did know a few people who used one and you still have to replenish WE so basically its auto battle without the need to keeping hitting replay. If you farm something like 8-7 it saves you maybe 10 minutes of not sitting staring at your phone before your WE is empty.

Not all clickers work like that, I for one have seen people use Auto Clicking IG (I obviously will not say their name for public shaming reasons). The ones I have seen do 1 block a second, or two, to make it less obvious. Also, I wouldn't put it past some players about sitting and crafting. I spent an hour before clicking away crafting Regs to get more.... beyond boring...

There's always ways to "Auto Click" without using programs xD! Let's become inventors and make a stick poke our mouse button twice a second :o 152ee80cbc

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