How to easily refill any ink cartridges?

Whether it's an HP printer cartridge or any other brand, follow these steps to refill ink without any hassle easily.

Table of Contents:

Easy Tips to Filling Ink Cartridges

Steps to Refilling Ink Cartridges

· Step 1: Remove the cartridge

· Step 2: Finding the right spot

· Step 3: Refilling the cartridge


Easy Tips to Filling Ink Cartridges

Printer cartridges are expensive. Thus while opting for new cartridges every single time may not be possible, going for refilling might be the most viable option. Probably the cheaper and more effective option, it also contributes to reducing plastic pollution. As a more economical alternative, you can either refill the cartridge at a nearby store or do it at home. Several videos, tutorials, and blogs can be found on the Internet that comes with a step-by-step guide to this process. So, finally, it all comes down to a bottle of printer ink, a syringe, a pair of gloves, and a waste cloth.

Steps to Refilling Ink Cartridges

Step 1: Remove the cartridge

While this step may seem too common to be mentioned here, this is also where most printer owners end up making silly mistakes. Cartridges are one of the most critical components of the printer. Hence, it needs careful removal and handling every time it is removed. They consist of many fragile components that can break or leave you with an inky mess when handled roughly.

To be on the safe side, always go through the exact extraction process mentioned in the manual. Every cartridge type differs from the other, like that of HP printer cartridges and Brother cartridges, needing you to be extremely careful.

Step 2: Finding the right spot

Once the cartridge is removed, the next step involves finding the correct spot for ink refilling. Almost all cartridges, such as the HP printer cartridges, come with a black spot that generally remains concealed under the white-sticker or covering of the product. You can simply peel off the sticker or check for its positioning with the instructor manual. Upon finding the spot, you can then proceed to fill the cartridge with ink.

However, as this step can be really messy, you would want to keep a waste cloth nearby. Using gloves is also highly recommended if you don't want to end up with stubborn ink stains.

Step 3: Refilling the cartridge

Now the most critical part of the process, refilling of the cartridge, should be done with extra care and precaution. Always go for smaller needles, as they are more efficient and reduce the risks of air gaps when drawing ink into the syringe. Once done, make sure to check for any possible air bubbles, as they can end up creating a blockage in the cartridge.

Similarly, you might also want to refill the cartridge a little less than its full capacity. This helps in avoiding ink smudging or leakage. It is also preferable to let the ink settle down for a few hours.


It's not a hassle. You can easily fill any ink cartridge provided you correctly follow the steps shared above. However, it's imperative to buy a good quality cartridge to ensure it performs extraordinarily for a long time. In this regard, Cartridges Direct would be your ideal bet. You will get the best discounts on a range of branded cartridges to your surprise.