Import DNS zone file records from a file saved locally to apply multiple records to a domain. Importing can be handy if you plan to use the same settings for multiple domains or are moving settings from another DNS provider. We support zone files using the BIND format and RFC 1035, so you may need to edit your file before importing to meet these requirements.

The "Total DNS Control" service has an option to actually import or export your entire zone into a plain text file. Actually, this is something you should do every time you make a change in your zone. As well, if you have multiple changes to do, or changes that will be the same across multiple zones, this is perhaps the easiest way to do it, if you're familiar with such text files.

How To Download Zone Files From Godaddy

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Personally, I always thought the GDCP UI was terrible. I use the freemium ZoneEdit service, which is gratis if you only have one zone. You can just delegate your DNS to ZE from the GDCP, and you don't have to go back to GD ever.

Anybody can see new domain registrations, at least in mainstream extensions like .com/.net/.org. This is public information and you could even compile this data for yourself using zone files.You can even apply for zone access straight from the registries. Example: Verisign TLD Zone File Access Program. Note that the rules vary from one extension to another. For instance most country code extensions (eg. .ca .fr etc) will not release their zone files or severely restrict access, but some however do publish lists of new or deleted domains on their websites.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons why people (including myself) use zone files, for example for research purposes, trademark enforcement or if you are running a search engine and need to discover new contents etc.Of course the downside is that registrants are left open to spamming and unwanted exposure of their acquisitions (many people probably do not realize data mining is going on and the data is going to be archived somewhere). You can now expect to receive dozens of spam in the next few days for SEO services or web development services from India or USA (allegedly).

'the nameserver list doesn't match the give one: The give nameserver list (,,, is not consistent with the one retrieved from the zone (,,,,'.

Interesting, I don't have that issue with godaddy and I only list 4 with them but my zone files show the 5th. 

 When did you register your domain with GoDaddy, then? Or rather, when did you last change your nameservers with them? (Moving your DNS to Linode.)

We received an alert from our internal monitoring system that a domain that we oversee for one of our clients had a configuration error causing the www subdomain to not resolve properly. We immediately ran a DNS report to see what was amiss and noticed that, not only was the www hostname missing from the zone file, but that all the email was no longer being routed to Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) but was now being routed through two mail servers that were new to us: [] and []

It is a good idea to have a third-party service monitor your DNS zone files for ALL changes and make sure you get alerts in real time for any and all changes as the smallest changes that seem insignificant may become very important in the run. It is very easy to misconfigure DNS.

In my own case, my dns provider is, my mail provider is gmail, and my hosting company is All i do is editing my domaine zone file at management interface to point out the dns entry to the right IP.

An SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record is a type of TXT record in your DNS zone file. SPF records help identify which mail servers are permitted to send email on behalf of your domain. Adding an SPF record can help detect and prevent spammers from sending email messages with forged From addresses on your domain. ff782bc1db

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