You can download files like music, movies, or books in various apps. To find that content, go to the app where you downloaded it. For example, learn how to find videos downloaded in the Google Play Movies & TV app.

When you connect your device to a computer by USB cable, open the computer's "Downloads" folder to find the files that are on your device. Learn how to move files between your computer and your phone.

How To Download Zip Files On My Android Phone

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You can download files like music, movies or books in various apps. To find that content, go to the app where you downloaded it. For example, learn how to find videos downloaded in the Google Play Movies & TV app.

When you connect your device to a computer by USB cable, open the computer's 'Downloads' folder to find the files that are on your device. Learn how to move files between your computer and your phone.

Here's what gets transferred: contacts, message history, camera photos and videos, photo albums, files and folders, accessibility settings, display settings, web bookmarks, mail accounts, WhatsApp messages and media, and calendars. If they're available on both Google Play and the App Store, some of your free apps will also transfer. After the transfer completes, you can download any free apps that were matched from the App Store.

I'd like to send some music over to my Android phone from my PopOS machine, but when I plug it via USB, it only charges the phone. I can see my Pixel 4a on the file explorer but cannot interact with it.

Just an update. So if others having the same problem this may help to resolve the issue.

I've reached out to the Support Team and after some time we able to find the cause of the problem. 

The problem has got to do with the DEFAULT BROWSER APP used in Android. Im using Opera browser as the default browser app for my Android Phone.

The support team able to recreate the problem with their demo app and it seems that if we do not use Chrome Browser as a default, the problem will persist.

Its not the definite solution, but to solve this issue either we need to delete other browser app or set Chrome as the default browser app in Android phone, otherwise the problem will persist with files extension using DOCX, DOC, XLSX, XLS, PPT, PPTX.

Thanks again for the help from the community & support team.

Yes, ive search up in my phone file manager and theres no file downloaded onto my phone.

Im not sure what cause this problem. It only fails to download docx, doc, xls, xlsx files.

Ive also changed the respected google drive folder permission to ""public/anyone with the link"

I'd suggest you to check Opera's settings about downloading files or also try to force open the link from files so that it opens the link instead of a webview.

Also check which Webview is being used in your device.

With all of the amazing features available on Android, like a high definition camera, apps for everything, lighting fast processing power, and so on, there is one thing that can be less than convenient: the difficulty of finding downloaded files.

I got a new Android phone about three weeks ago. When I accessed my Dropbox files, I was able to open some and not others. Now I am unable to open any files on the phone. Instead, I receive this message: "This file can't be previewed. To open this file, try a computer or another app." They will not download, export, or be made available offline. However, I can open all the same files on my desktop computer with no problems. I also tried connecting to my Android Dropbox to my desktop Dropbox and starred the item to see if that would help. Still no success. Why can't I open the files on my phone? Thank you for your help.

It seems like the device itself isn't allowing the Dropbox app to access the internet to download files. 

There is a possibility that a proxy, VPN, firewall, security software, or even ISP/router issues could be restricting traffic to the following Dropbox domains.

I'd recommend checking all of these possibilities, and try connecting to a different WiFi network, or use cellular data, to see if there is any difference.

It is filled screen recording videos, and they collectively take 148GiB of space, and I am going to move the files to my 4TB HDD (3725.29 GiB capacity), so that I can free up the space, and I can edit and compress the videos before I post them to my Youtube channel.

Of course I have a USB data cable, so I inserted one end of the cable to the phone and the other to a USB 3.0 port on the computer, to connect the phone to the computer, and selected "Transfer Files" in the prompt, and started copying the files using Windows Explorer:

In case the contents of the files are important, about half of them are JPEG screenshots, all of these screenshots are less than 1MiB in size. The other files are MPEG-4 screen recordings that comes in all sizes, but most of them are between 0.5 - 5 GiB. And there are 95 pictures and 100 videos, for a total of 159636475587 bytes (148.67 GiB).

Just checked, the USB interface of the phone is Type-C source, I don't know if it supports USB 3.0 or not though, it is not stated. As for the cable, I don't know, maybe I will buy a USB 3.0 cable for the phone.

The practically achievable USB Mass Storage data transfer speed in this mode is around 42 "MB"/s. Your phone is an MTP device, not a mass storage device, but the calculations would be similar. Waiting is still probably your best option (802.11ac Wi-Fi could in theory exceed that speed, but in practice not by much).

Your phone also supports USB On-The-Go, which allows you to directly connect a USB disk to the phone and move files to it. (It might not be able to provide enough power for a 2.5" HDD, but you should be able to use a portable SSD or a high-capacity USB stick.) Later you can move the files from the USB SSD to your computer in a few minutes.

I found that using a FTP server on my phone and transfer the files via FTP worked much faster than USB (because it's USB 2.0 with horrible MTP). And all new files also showed up instantly which they often enough don't via USB. Not sure if this is all related to my P30 Pro, but my Axon 7 had similar issues.

Don't do it all at once. Do it in tranches of 8GB.Then plan to have a window. By all means stage it to a card first.4.5 hours is not a long time. 2 games on Steam.Windows feature updates take that long.Some compression approaches take that long for 4GB files.Within living memory compilation of programs took 4.5 hours.

Your technical difficulty suggests you don't have full ownership of the end to end chain, maybe that just means it is a work (school) computer you should not be using. So assuming it is your phone, card is the way to go.

I would find an app that can compress all your files into one(linux tar for example) then you're moving one contiguous file rather than many smaller ones. However this obviously doesn't work if you're out of space.

There is overhead with each individual file that you write to a disk involving looking for space on the disk, updating the file tables, etc. (I'm sure someone will chime in with more details.) The more small files you transfer the more time it will take because the more general file system overhead you will incur.

For example, create 150GB of small 1MB files in TestDir1, then compress them (and added some more) to create 150GB .zip file in TestDir2. You would find that copying TestDir1 to TestDestination would take more time than copying TestDir2 to TestDestination simply because you're incurring the file system overhead ~150,000 more times for TestDir1 than for TestDir2 even though the amount of bytes being copied is essentially the same.

What I do when faced with this situation is to transfer the files overnight over WiFi. There are some apps that specialise in this, but most are proprietary and kinda complicated. So I just have an app that speaks SMB (file protocol used for network folders) and move files to a network location on my home WiFi - you can make it as simple as share a folder on the network from your Windows PC or have a dedicated NAS set up. The app I am currently using is called Cx File Explorer and I can just select the files/folders I want to move, select "move", then navigate to the network location (needs to be added first in the app) and select "paste". It does things in the background and you can just have the phone next to your bed overnight instead of having to babysit it.

I use a network Western Digital MyCloud NAS drive to store files, .doc, Excel, text, image, etc. I have installed on my Android Smart Phone the MyCloud App and it finds the drive and files, no issues. However, when I try to open any of the My Cloud files Android says no player app installed on the device to open or play file. It points me to Goggle Play , File Viewer for Android. Does not open files.

Single file - (3 dots) > Export > Save to Device > Downloads folder

Multiple files - select photos > (3 dots on the right top) > Save to Device > Downloads folder

It's been 2 years for me and I'm also having this issue. I thought it would be fixed by now. it's when you download dropbox images onto your local phone image folder and it doesnt show up, but it will after you do a phone restart, it's very annoying. Please dropbox support, don't ask specific questions about it, take and andriod phone and try it for yourself, that's all you would need to do. Mine is one a samsung galaxy phone, but it seems like it's just an andriod thing if it's happening on the Pixel phone too. 2351a5e196

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