During the tests I made the experience that without control surfaces only with thrust vector often flight attitudes are generated without airflow, which unfortunately can only be controlled with enough yaw effect. Youre right, a delta or flying wing with elevons is perfectly manoeuvrable without yaw control. Textron can swivel all engines separately so it is possible to create extreme yaw control in FW with differential thrust. Differential panning creates Aileron in FW and yaw in hover. As a tiltrotor I have also done it with PX4 but only with individual swivel of the front 2 drives (Convergence Vtol). At the moment there is still a small problem in PX4 V1.11 which prevents the rear drive from being switched off in FW mode. Full E-flite Convergence support

With a mixer in this style it should already work with PX4 cause no engine needs to be switched off and PX4 perfectly supports differential thrust in FW. So the mentioned Textron would need 4 esc and 4 individual swivelling servos that would cover all control axes without any moving surfaces.

I previously thought of a Vtol conversion without any servos or moving parts at all.

Fixed-wing vehicles use airspeed sensors to determine the speed at which the airplane is moving through the air.Depending on wind this could vary from groundspeed.Every airplane has a minimum airspeed below which the airplane will stall.In mild weather conditions and with settings significantly above stall speed a VTOL can operate without the use of an airspeed sensor.The settings should also be applicable to non-VTOL fixed-wings but this is currently untested.

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VTOL without airspeed sensor is possible, but I have little and no good experience with it: I had flown the small Z84 quad in the picture first without airspeed sensor a few times, but then installed one, because with a little more wind the first transition after the VTOL start by still very inaccurate airspeedestimation (which at the beginning rather corresponds to the groundspeed) goes easily wrong. My not very fast Z84 did not complete the transition against heavy wind, in wind direction I have not tried of course. Even if it is more effort, I recommend the airspeed sensor on the VTOL. After takeoff you can fly off in all directions, even in wind direction. Q_ASSIST works more accurately in any case. Correctly set, in- and outboundtransitions work without loss of altitude, so that you can switch between airplane and hover at lowest altitude.

A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft is one that can take off and land vertically without relying on a runway. This classification can include a variety of types of aircraft including helicopters as well as thrust-vectoring fixed-wing aircraft and other hybrid aircraft with powered rotors such as cyclogyros/cyclocopters and gyrodynes.[1]

I've used less number of wings before of greater chord length (less aspect ratio) to maximize wing area. But the only way I could reduce landing speeds (with or without engine power) with the 8.5 ft wingspan limit (to be road legal) is to use more wings.

Total propwash at that point at 115 kts. Category 4 Hurricane strength! The powerful propwash, large flaps, and sufficiently large total lifting area within the propwash (4 tandem wings in total + airfoil shaped fuselage) shows clearly how great amounts lift can enable VTOL without using specialized VTOL equipment.

Until such systems have a proven track record in ordinary airplanes, I wouldn't want to risk one in the more failure-critical VTOL mode. That said, no single-engine VTOL without the ability to autorotate is going to be very failure-tolerant, but a ballistic parachute provides some comfort at altitude and crashworthy design should make a low-alitude engine failure survivable. Some Mars lander-style external airbags wouldn't hurt, either. Seriously.

Advantages of tilting method I see:

-Base of controller remains in one place, giving a valuable reference point

-Closer to the real life hand action

-Can inherently feel how much control input you are giving to the joystick without looking, rather than constantly having to visually check the virtual sidestick to see how far it has moved compared to the arbitrary position where it started.

-Much more comfortable - allow users lock onto the joystick, whatever that is located in the plane, then move the controller to wherever is more convenient or comfortable in real life (chair arm rest) and this movement will not affect the joystick as you are not tilting it. Whereas currently you have to keep your hand in the exact position of the joystick in the virtual cockpit, usually in midair.

-Edit - As described in posts below, it also significantly reduces controller tracking loss which is quite a problem at the moment when turning the head.

I have a problem to control VTOL vehicle in VTOL showcase mission. I can take off and speed it up. I can land VTOL and control it in the air when speed is below 200. After this speed I cannot control the vehicle very well. I cannot turn left and right. I try to turn by rolling left and right and pull joystick - almost no effect. Pedals do not work on high speed. It is extremely difficult to gather altitude - I pull joystick maximum on speed 500 but there is almost no effect. I cannot drop speed for VTOL airplane. After setting throttle to 0 I can fly few minutes without loosing the speed what makes it difficult to land. Are there any special tricks to control VTOL aircraft? I have no problem to control the planes and helicopters. I use CH Fightstick, CH Pedals, CH Throttle controllers.

Operation without a compass has been possible for Plane for a long time. However, recent additions of alternative yaw sources has opened the possibility of compass-less operation of multicopters, quadplanes and rovers. The available mechanism are:

Not to cast doubt on the project, but these nine teams appear to be constrained in their ability to fulfil the project at initial operating capability by the end of 2026. Especially in light of the fact that the X-plane development is still running into problems, even without the ANCILLARY enhancement.

DARPA's ANCILLARY program aims to develop and flight demonstrate an X-plane with the critical technologies required for a leap-ahead in long endurance, VTOL unmanned air system (UAS) performance. The UAS would be able to launch and recover from ship flight decks and small austere land locations in adverse weather without additional infrastructure equipment, thus enabling expeditionary deployments. Unlike large VTOL systems, the small UAS size would allow many aircraft to be stored and operated from one ship creating a tactical beyond-line-of-site, multi-intelligence sensor network capability.

JOUAV drones autonomously take off, follow the flight plan to take images, and land without any human pilot. Their onboard obstacle avoidance sensors and ADS-B system make sure these drones detect and avoid obstacles in the flight path to prevent crashes. The VTOL drones also have Return-to-Home features that ensure the drones land safely when losing the signal.

Although VTOL drones have strong elements, they do not come without disadvantages. VTOL drones are typically very expensive because of their often complex production and maintenance costs, allowing them to transition smoothly and safely between vertical and horizontal flight.

At rest, Pogo sat atop the trailing edges of its two wings and dorsal and ventral fins. Convair fitted a small, castering wheel onto the end of a strut several feet long and mounted four of these to form an improvised landing gear at the tips of the wings and fins. At touchdown, the struts compressed several feet, like a child's pogostick, to dampen impact forces. There were no brakes and the wheels rolled freely so flying under no-wind conditions was important. This was tolerable on a prototype but the Fleet could not have accepted a production VTOL fighter without brakes on the landing gear.

By February 1954, Convair had tested the engine in a vertical stand at Lindbergh Field, San Diego. It performed without problems and the company joined the engine to the airframe a month later. In April, Convair moved the project to Naval Air Station Moffett Field near Sunnyvale, California, for a series of tethered flight tests. It ran these experiments in the old Airship Hangar Number One built in the early 1930s to house the dirigible USS Macon.

No other pilot flew the airplane until May 19, 1955. John Knebel attempted to fly without tethered rig experience and the flight nearly ended in disaster. The Navy moved the tether rig from Moffett Field to Brown, and two other pilots began training in May 1956 but the end was already near. The giant gearbox had begun to wear and bits of metal were appearing in the lubricating oil. It was time for a major overhaul but the Navy was becoming enthusiastic about flying fixed-wing jets from aircraft carriers. Coleman had made his last flight on June 16, 1955. Interest in the program, and the funding, was disappearing and on August 1, 1956, the Navy closed the books on the XFY-1. ff782bc1db

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