Me also. Super frustrating that I haven't seen a solution online or that the latest updates still advent addressed this. Voice Memos work fine on my iPhone and I can see that my MacBook Pro's internal microphone level is picking up m voice and my iCloud settings allow Voice Memos, but the app refuses to start recording. Grrrrr

To boxfordapple: can you confirm your configuration? Voice Memos on Catalina works for me on my MacBook Air, using either the internal microphone or an external USB microphone. But it DOES NOT work with the same external microphone on my Mac Mini. But that external microphone works correctly for voice dictation and for Zoom on the Mini.

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This lets you delete memos whenever you want (once you delete them they are truly gone forever), retitle memos, and go back to memos that you may have lost the links to. New free features are also being built in every day.

I don't have the purchased iCloud storage scheme. I only have 5 GB of space given for free by Apple. So I've to keep in view the storage algorithm I follow to keep the relevant things like my contacts and voice memos on the iCloud. As I've switched off the photos for iCloud because I have a ton of them, and 5 GB will overflow apparantly and not let my contacts go up to iCloud as well.

Out of the blue I went through my settings today and I noticed that the voice memos have also been turned off from being copied on my iCloud. I switched the toggle on because I think that switching off the iCloud storage for photos is worth toggling it on for such small things like voice memos.

All I'm worried about is the lost of these voice memos. I want them back after I change this iPhone. How am I supposed to make sure that I get them back on the other iPhone I may acquire in the future.

Voice memos is an in-built application available on Apple devices. The benefit of using the voice memo app on Apple devices is that it automatically syncs between my computer (MacBook) and the phone (iPhone). So, I can access the recording from anywhere. Also, the voice memo app helps me edit the same voice note over and over. So, instead of creating multiple recordings across several plot points in the movie, I could record all my thoughts onto a single recording.

To record my thoughts, all I did was speak into a voice memo. I recorded my thoughts and takeaways from this particular movie without typing or writing them down. Recording on the voice memo app also helped me watch the movie seamlessly without pausing it for prolonged periods.

I played my recording on the MacBook and fired up the application on my phone at the same time to convert all my voice notes into text notes. It took me all of 5 minutes (the entire length of the voice recording) to have the draft of my article ready for editing!

Started using Joplin two weeks ago and am genuinely impressed, mostly with its customizability. Installed only one plugin because most of the needed functionality is covered by the customizable base.

As part of my workflow I use voice memos and being able to send those to Joplin as text is very appealing to me. So I put together a command line Linux (usable from the Gnome desktop too) utility to record voice memos, transcribe them into text and create new Joplin notes (using the data API).

It uses offline speech recognition based on whisper.cpp and surprisingly, is quite usable and practical.

Please, take a look: GitHub - QuantiusBenignus/NoteWhispers: Voice memos recorded from the microphone, transcribed offline to text and converted to Joplin notes

While using this little tool, if Joplin was not running, I would save the speech notes transcribed to text into JSON files stored temporarily in the user's config/resources folder. The idea was to pick them up later and insert into Joplin. This has now been implemented.

On new voice memo to Joplin note creation, if succesful (i.e. the Clipper service is up) the tool will also pick up the temporarily stored notes and insert them into Joplin.

Hi, is there any plans to use Whisper for Voice Typing? It is quite good, has punctuation, some settings and even translation, all offline.

I am using voice typing more and more in Android and it will be a game changer for long notes.

The first one is an Android keyboard, but it is English only, not multilingual and not option to select the model, you can select the number of threads.

It has a simple interface with 3 buttons to record audio, remove a line and add a line. These buttons are useful to separate paragraphs and quickly edit while dictating. It process the voice every 10 seconds. I would use this one if it was multilingual and can select a bigger model (even that it makes it slower)

The third one is also a keyboard that allows some settings like multilingual and model size. Published at GitHub - alex-vt/WhisperInput: Offline voice input panel & keyboard with punctuation for Android.

This is somehow similar to the 1st one (but without the buttons), and they didn't release an app, only the code and I don't know how to test it.

Anyways, I guess that we will see several Android keyboards offering this feature soon with all the bells and whistles and then Whisper could be used in any app, not only in Joplin. Swiftkey already has Bing with chatgpt integrated, but uses the google voice.

Please mind: I do not want to save every voice memo / pdf, piece by piece, in a cloud or app nor send each of them, piece by piece, by mail. This costs too much time and nerves and is not a bulk move.

It simply reads out the data from the iPhone backup that you can create with iTunes. The program offers extracting all voice memos, as well as extracting all PDFs in "All PDFs in Backup". In the full version, you can then save them in one go to your pc. Thanks go to the pragmatic e-mail help including the screenshot.

2. This will create a new email on your device, with the voice memo already attached. Fill in the email address you would like to send the memo to in the "To:" line. One easy way to make the memo available on multiple devices is to simply email it to yourself.

4. Under that dropdown, a folder labeled "GarageBand File Transfer" will appear. Tap that to save the voice memo. Then tap "Add" on the upper right hand corner of your screen. The voice memo will now appear in the folder of the same name in the GarageBand app when you open it.

I'm trying to record voice memos. I've changed the RATE button to "protect" and then pressing the button a few seconds when reviewing an image, but nothing happens. According to Canon, voice memo was enabled on firmware 1.5.0 and I'm on 1.5.2. Any ideas on how to record a memo?


The R5 has always had the "memo" feature. I believe what they updated with fir 1.5.0 was its ability to record a memo while "protect" is assigned to the rate button. The R5 uses a different mic for memos, which isn't on the R6 (we have both the R5 and R6). The memo mic on the R5 is between the play button and the lower right of the LCD. I guess they could use the video mic on the R6, but I don't see that happening.

Once you have held the [RATE] button for two seconds you may start talking and the voice memo should record. I don't see it updated on the EOS R6 manual but pages 571 and 572 of the EOS R5 manual should apply exactly the same to your EOS R6. I'll link it below for you.

I am not getting any voice memos in either direction syncing. Both the new VM on the phone and the two in iTunes dont sync to the other device. I also check in Windows Explorer VM folder to see if the new item was there.

Ok, after spending literally hours on this, I found the answer that worked for me. iTunes did not like the voice memos I had because they were older (by a few months), so someone said to go back to the voice memo in your phone and trim it by any little bit(maybe half a second) second then save it as a new voice recording. It will say "copy". then go back to iTunes, click your device at the top right on the menu bar, click music to do sync. The only thing that should be checked off is "Sync Music" and "selected playlists,artists,albums amd genres". Do NOT check "include voice memos". Hit apply or sync at the bottom. When done, click on Music (music note) at the top left corner, then go to Albums and type voice memo in the search and it should come up.THEN,there is a process to turn it into an m4r(ringtone).First go to Edit(top left)>preferences>general>import settings>import using>AAC encoder, click ok.Go back to your file and play it.Then right click and there should "Create AAC Version".Click it. Then play the new file.Now you want to make sure that you are dragging the right file to your desktop so right click>get info>file>date modifed and look at the time. Which ever file has the latest time is the one you use.First go to control panel in START menu>folder option>View>Hide extensions for known file types(UNCHECK THIS BOX).Click and drag that file to your desk top. Right click on file and click "Rename". Change the "mra" to "m4r and when it asks you if want to change it even though it might be unusable, click yes.Then go back into iTunes and DElETE the AAC version that you made.This was where I got stuck a second time till I found the answer.It's like the other files block the new one.Then go to your desk top and double click on the file and it should come up in tones.You can rename it what you like(right click>get info>details>title-change to what you want>ok)).When you sync it, you have to check it off AND all of the other ringtones that you have on your phone(from iiTunes). If don't have them checked everytime you sync it will remove them from your phone.But once you've checked them they should stay.It seems like alot,but once you do it it's pretty quick.Good Luck 17dc91bb1f

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